Metoodilised võimalused manipulaatori kasutamiseks õppetöös
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Kallissaar, Sander
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Magistritöö raames käsitleti metoodilisi võimalusi manipulaatori kasutamiseks õppetöös.
Robotitehnika arengu tulemusena on toimunud hüppeline areng õppeseadmete valdkonnas.
Järjest rohkem ettevõtteid pöörab ressurssi tööstusprotsesside automatiseerimiseks, mis
tähendab robotite kasutusele võtmist. Tööstusprotsesside automatiseerimiseks kasutavate
seadmete kontrollimiseks vajatakse pädevat tööjõudu.
Töö koosneb kolmest peatükist, kus esimeses peatükis tuuakse välja õppetöös kasutatava
seadme kui ka lõppseadmete tehnilised andmed ning võimalused. Uuritakse analoogseid
seadmeid ning võrreldakse neid õppetöös kasutatava uArm Swift Pro seadmega. Teises
peatükis töötatakse ajurünnaku meetodil välja ideed, millest arendada labortööd robotitehnikat
käsitlevates õppeainetes. Kolmandas peatükis keskendutakse seadme täiendamisele ning
parendamisel erinevate lisadega nagu töölaud ning transpordikest.
Master’s thesis methodical possibilities using manipulator for teaching is brought out. Due to major development in the field of robotics it has caused development in educational devices. Many companies aim their resources to automate their processes which means using robots. For using automated solutions skilled labour is needed. Thesis consists of three chapters. In the first chapter learning device and end effectors technical data and usage possibilities have been brought out. Similar devices are compared with terms given by manipulator uArm Swift Pro which will be used for teaching. The second chapter presents brainstorm method for developing laboratory ideas for courses such as Robotics I, Robotics II and Tehcnology of mechanical engineering. Third chapter has focus on learning device development and supplement with diferent extras like worktop and transportation case.
Master’s thesis methodical possibilities using manipulator for teaching is brought out. Due to major development in the field of robotics it has caused development in educational devices. Many companies aim their resources to automate their processes which means using robots. For using automated solutions skilled labour is needed. Thesis consists of three chapters. In the first chapter learning device and end effectors technical data and usage possibilities have been brought out. Similar devices are compared with terms given by manipulator uArm Swift Pro which will be used for teaching. The second chapter presents brainstorm method for developing laboratory ideas for courses such as Robotics I, Robotics II and Tehcnology of mechanical engineering. Third chapter has focus on learning device development and supplement with diferent extras like worktop and transportation case.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, laboritööd, robootika, kauglaboratooriumid