Mahe- ja tavaviljeluse mõju kartuli saagistruktuuri elementide kujunemisele
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Eesti Maaülikool
Uurimusöö eesmärgiks oli uurida mahe- ja tavaviljelusviisi mõju kartuli saagistruktuuri
elementide kujunemist vegetatsiooni perioodi vältel ning samuti tärklise- ja
nitraatidesisaldust. Katse toimus Eesti Maaülikooli põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituudi
Eerika katsepõllul 2018. aastal. Kartul oli üks külvikorra kultuuridest. Katse eesmärgil
kasvatati kartulisorti ”Teele”.
Maheviljeluses kasutati 3 varianti. 0 variant ilma vahekultuuri ja sõnnikuta, I variant kus
kasutati talvist vahekultuuri ning II variant kus kasutati nii vahekultuuri kui ka
komposteerunud sõnnikut normiha 20 t ha-1
. Maheviljeluses taimekaitset ei kasutatud.
Tavaviljeluses kasutati taimekaitset kõikides variantides milleks oli 0 variant kus väetist ei
antud, N50 kus anti 50kg lämmastik väetist ning N100 ja N150 kus anti vastavalt 100kg ja
150kg lämmastikväetist.
Uurimustööst selgus, et maheviljelusviisi puhul on kartuli kogusaak kui ka kaubanduslik saak
madalam kui tavaviljeluses alates 70. kasvupäevast. Suuri mugulaid on vegetatiivse perioodi
lõpus tavaviljelusviisi puhul suurem kui maheviljeluses. Tärklise sisaldus on suurem
maheviljelusviisi puhul. Nitraatide sisaldus on suurem tavaviljelusviisi kasutades.
The purpose of the research was to study the effects of organic and conventional farming on the structure of potato harvest and also the nitrate and starch content. The test was carried out in the field of Eerika the Institute of Agriculture and Environment of the Estonian University of Life Sciences in 2018. Potato was one of the crop rotation crops. For the purpose of the experiment, the potato variety ”Teele” was grown. Three different variants were used in organic farming. 0 variant without intermediate culture and no manure, variant I where winter intermediate culture was used and variant II where both intermediate culture and composted manure were used. Plant protection was not used in organic farming. In conventional cultivation, plant protection was used in all variants, which was 0 variant where no fertilizer was given, N50 was given 50kg nitrogen fertilizer and N100 and N150 were given 100kg and 150kg nitrogen fertilizer respectively. The study showed that in the case of organic farming, the total harvest of potatoes as well as the commercial harvest is lower than in conventional crops since the 70 DAP. At the end of the vegetative period, large tubers are more common in conventional farming than in organic farming. Starch content is higher for organic farming. The nitrate content is higher using conventional cultivation.
The purpose of the research was to study the effects of organic and conventional farming on the structure of potato harvest and also the nitrate and starch content. The test was carried out in the field of Eerika the Institute of Agriculture and Environment of the Estonian University of Life Sciences in 2018. Potato was one of the crop rotation crops. For the purpose of the experiment, the potato variety ”Teele” was grown. Three different variants were used in organic farming. 0 variant without intermediate culture and no manure, variant I where winter intermediate culture was used and variant II where both intermediate culture and composted manure were used. Plant protection was not used in organic farming. In conventional cultivation, plant protection was used in all variants, which was 0 variant where no fertilizer was given, N50 was given 50kg nitrogen fertilizer and N100 and N150 were given 100kg and 150kg nitrogen fertilizer respectively. The study showed that in the case of organic farming, the total harvest of potatoes as well as the commercial harvest is lower than in conventional crops since the 70 DAP. At the end of the vegetative period, large tubers are more common in conventional farming than in organic farming. Starch content is higher for organic farming. The nitrate content is higher using conventional cultivation.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, kartul, saagikus, mahepõllumajandus, tavapõllumajandus