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Биология и агротехника лечебных и лечебнокормовых культур в частности родиола розовая Rhodiola rosea L., рапонтика сафлоровидного Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd) Iljin, анзура Allium suvorovii Regl. x Allium giganteum Regl. на минеральных почвах Эстоний [i.e. Эстонии]




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Antud töö on dissertatsioon teaduste doktori (doctor emeritus) kraadi taotlemiseks ja kajastab kokkuvõtlikult katsete tulemusi, mis on tehtud ajavahemikul aastatel 1969(74)-1993. Katsed kestavad edasi. Katsed ja uuringud läbisid: Roosilõhnaline radioola / (Rhodiola rosea L.); Muguljumikas (Altaist) / (Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd) Iljin); Lauk Ansuur Kesk-Aasiast / (Allium suvorovii Regl. x Allium giganteum Regl.); (lisaks Zen-Zen katsetes 1971-78). Katsete ülesandeks oli introdutseerida ja kultuuristada Eesti tingimustes kasvatatavaid haruldasi ja harvaesinevaid ravimtaimi, mis nende looduslikus areaalis on tänapäevaks praktiIiselt hävitatud. Selleks on töötatud välja optimaalne agrotehnika Põhja-Euroopa, eelkõige Eesti mullastiku tingimustes, millest võivad kasu saada ka teiste maade rahvad, kelledel on samaväärsed mullad. Kuni 1994 aastani polnud neid taimi peale muguljumika maailmas kultuuridena kasvatatud. Tööde-katsete käigus on uuritud antud taimede bioloogiat, väljatöötatud agrotehnika ning loodud nende taimede genofond edaspidiseks kiireks paljundamiseks ning kasvatamiseks. Kusjuures on selektsiooni ja ristamiste kaudu aretatud nende taimede uued kloonid ja paljundatud kloonimisega, mille seemned annavad juba 96-98% identseid, uusi kultuuristatud taimi. Kõik taimed läbisid: 1. Biomorfoloogilised uuringud 20-25 aastat. 2. Paljundatud taimematerjalile töötati välja agrotehnika, nii seemnetega kui ka vegetatiivselt. 3. Töötati välja rodioola, ansuuri ja teiste kultuuride (kummel, maasikas jm) kasvatus biotsönoosis, sest monokultuurina läheks nende kasvatamine väga kalliks. Taime preparaate katsetati ka loomade, lindude ja kalade peal: näiteks loomade vastupanu leukoosi haigestumisel suurenes 30-40% (nad ei haigestunud). Lindudel suurenes adaptsioon radioola kasutamisel 5-7% ja ansuuri kasutamisel 8-11%. Vikerforelli kasvatamisel suurenes kaladel eluskaal esimesel eluaastal 1,7 korda võrreldes kontroll grupiga. Inimestega tehtud katsetel täheldati, et rodioola preparaadi tarbimisel kannatavad nad rohkem radiatsiooni ilma letaalse lõputa, seejuures väheneb järsult metastaaside kasvukiirus pahaloomuliste kasvajate juures, (sellest ka antud katsete salastatus endises NSVL-is, neil oli strateegiline tähtsus). Kuna need taimed on tugevad immuunsuse tõstjad, saab neid kasutada ka immuunsusdefitsiitsete haiguste korral. Muguljumikat kasutatakse põrsaste, pullide (sugupullide), lindude, karusloomade, sugutäkkude jne. sugulise võimekuse tõstmisel. Katsed näitavad, et ka inimeste frigiidsuse ja impotentsuse puhul, mis on seotud sperma ja munarakkude elulisuse vähenemisega omab ta tervendavat mõju - suurendab järsult spermatosoidide arvu ja teeb elujõulisteks põletikulistest munasarjadest tulevad munarakud. Antud taimed vähendavad loomadel ahtrust esimesel laktatsiooniperioodil 15…17 pluss/miinus 0,83 % ja teisel ning kolmandal - 4-7 %. Selle töö (raamatu) abil on võimalik antud kultuuride igakülgne kasvatamine Eesti erinevais mullastikes ning mujal sarnastes tingimustes. Töö on kokkupandud mitte kultuuride lõikes, vaid agrotehnika järgi, et hoida ära iga kultuuri juures eraldi agrotehniliste katsete üksikasjalikku kordamist. A. Heintalu
The given work is a thesis for doctorate (doctor emeritus) degree and it concisely expresses the results of experiments Carried out in 1969(1974)-1993. These experiments are still being continuously carried out. The following plants underwent experiments and scientific research: Rose-fragrant rodiola / (Rhodiola rosea L.); Tuberous knapweed (from Altai) / (Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd) Iljin); Leek ansure from Middle-Asia / (Allium suvorovii Regl. x Allium giganteum Regl.); (plus ginseng in the experiments of 1971-78). The aim of these experiments was to introduce and cultivate the rare and less frequent drug-yielding plants which are being grown in Estonia but which have become practically extinct in their own natural zone of occurrence by now. For this purpose, the optimum agrotechnics for North European, first of all for Estonian soils has been worked out; the people of other countries with similar soil conditions may well benefit from this technique, too. Until 1994, these medicinal plants (except tuberous knapweed) had not been cultivated anywhere in the whole world. In the course of research and experiments, the biology of those plants has been studied, the agrotechnics has been elaborated and the genetic fund of the above-mentioned plants has been created, in order to increase them in numbers and to grow them. In addition to this, by selection and crossbreeding new clones of these plants have been created and multiplied by cloning; their seeds give 96-98 per cent identical, new cultivated plants. All the plants have undergone: (1) Biomorphological research in the course of 20-25 years. (2) The special agrotechnics for the multiplied plant material was created - on the basis of seeds as well as vegetatively. (3) The methods for cultivating rodiola, ansure and other cultures (camomile, strawberry) in biological association have been worked out, for it would be much too expensive to grow them monoculturally. Experiments with the preparations of these plants have been carried out on animals, birds and fish: for example, the resistance of animals to leukaemia grew about 30-40 per cent (they did not fall ill). The adaption of birds grew 5-7 per cent when using rodiola and 8-11 per cent when using ansure. When growing rainbow trout, the live weight of the fish in their first year of life grew 1,7 times in comparison with the Fish belonging into the control group. As to the experiments carried out on people, it was observed that the latter became much more resistant to radiation, and without the lethal outcome; at the same time, the growth speed of the metastases of malignant tumours became much slower (that is the reason why these experiments had been kept secret in the former USSR - they were strategically irnportant). As these plants considerably help to raise the immunity level of various organisms, they can be used when treating illnesses connected with immunity deficiency. Tuberous knapweed is used in order to improve the sexual potency of piglets, bulls (breeder bulls), birds, fur-bearing animals, breeder stallions etc. As the experiments show, the above-mentioned plant also has a healthy effecton human frigidity and impotence which are connected with the diminishing vitality of the semen and the ovule - it greatly increases the number of spermatozoa and renders vitality to the ova originating from inflammatory ovaries. The above-mentioned drug-yielding plants reduce the barrenness of animals during the first lactation period by 15...17 plus/minus 0,83 per cent, and in the course of the second and the third period -by 4-7 per cent. With the help of the present work (book) one can grow these plants anywhere in the various soils of Estonia, as well as in ohter countries whose soil conditions are similar to those of Estonia. The present work has been compiled not on the basis of different plants but on the basis of agrotechnics, in order to avoid the detailed and unnecessary repetition of agrotechnical experiments on each of these medicinal plants. A. Heintalu



ravimtaimed, roosilõhnaline kuldjuur, maralijuur, bioloogia, agrotehnika, dissertatsioonid

