Study of Optical Absorption Properties of Cu-Based Nanoparticles for Green Photocatalytic and Photovoltaic Applications by UV-Vis Spectroscopy
dc.contributor.advisor | Rauwel, Protima | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Rauwel, Erwan Yann | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Carranza, Edison Patricio Paredes | | | Puusepp, Aimar | | | 2023-06-08T08:35:37Z | | | 2023-06-08T08:35:37Z | | | 2023-06-13 | | | 2023 | |
dc.description | Bachelor’s thesis Engineering Curriculum | eng |
dc.description.abstract | Green or sunlight-driven photocatalysis and photovoltaics are environmental-friendly methods for the productions of fuels and electricity, respectively. The aim of this thesis is to use UV-Vis spectroscopy to analyze the optical properties of copper (Cu)-based nanoparticles in order to study their capability of absorbing light in the visible part of the solar spectrum and evaluate them as candidates for green energy production. Cu-based nanoparticles have good optical, electronic and catalytic properties and small band gaps of 1.4-2.5 eV for Cu2O and 0.8-1.9 eV for Cu3N, making them potentially effective materials for the production of energy. Herein, the absorption properties, band gaps and photocatalytic characteristics of four samples synthesized with different stirring time (20 min, 2 h, 3h and 5 h) using a non-aqueous sol-gel method, were investigated using UVVis spectroscopy. Results were plotted and analyzed using the OriginPro software. The result suggests that all the samples are sensitive to solar radiation. However, the best material for green energy production is the one containing the highest quantities of Cu3N with an absorption range extending up to the near infrared region. | eng |
dc.description.abstract | Päikesevalgusest juhitud fotokatalüüs ja fotogalvaanika on keskkonnasõbralikud meetodid kütuste ja elektri tootmiseks. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on analüüsida vasepõhiste nanoosakeste optilisi omadusi, et uurida nende võimet neelata valgust päikesespektri nähtavas osas ning hinnata neid rohelise energia allika kandidaatidena. Vasepõhistel nanoosakestel on head optilised, elektroonilised ja katalüütilised omadused ning kitsas keelutsoon, mis jääb Cu2O puhul vahemikku 1.4-2.5 eV ja Cu3N puhul vahemikku 0.8-1.9 eV, mistõttu on need potentsiaalselt tõhusad materjalid energia tootmiseks. Mittevesilahusel põhineval sool-geel meetodil sünteesiti nelja erineva segamisajaga (20 m, 2 h, 3 h ja 5 h) vasepõhiste nanoosakeste proove. Saadud proove uuriti seejärel kasutades UV-Vis spektromeetrit. Tulemused kanti graafikule ning analüüsiti kasutades tarkvara OriginPro. Tulemustest saab järeldada, et kõik proovid neelavad valgust silmale nähtavas spektri ulatuses. Siiski, parim materjal rohelise energia tootmiseks sisaldab suures koguses Cu3N nanoosakesi ning neelab valgust ka spektri lähiinfrapuna piirkonnas. | est |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.publisher | Eesti Maaülikool | est |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | eng |
dc.subject | bakalaureusetööd | est |
dc.subject | cu-based nanoparticles | eng |
dc.subject | UV-Vis spectroscopy | eng |
dc.subject | photocatalysis | eng |
dc.subject | photovoltaics | eng |
dc.subject | green energy | eng |
dc.title | Study of Optical Absorption Properties of Cu-Based Nanoparticles for Green Photocatalytic and Photovoltaic Applications by UV-Vis Spectroscopy | eng |
dc.title.alternative | Vasepõhiste nanoosakeste optiliste neeldumisomaduste uurimine roheliste fotokatalüütiliste ja fotogalvaaniliste rakenduste jaoks UV-Vis-spektroskoopia abil | st |
dc.type | info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | eng |
rioxxterms.freetoread.startdate | 13.09.2023 |