Autonoomse toitega nutivalgusti
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Ležnev, Ilja
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgid on projekteerida valgusti, mis töötab autonoomsel toitel
ning mida on võimalik häälestada juhtmevabalt. Sellise eesmärgi täitmiseks on vaja
konstrueerida juhitav seade, mis antud töö raames nimetatakse keskseadmeks, ning
valgusti autonoomse toidega, mis antud töö raames nimetatakse nutivalgustiks.
Nutivalgustit kasutatakse maastiku dekoratiivvalgustuse jaoks ning seda reguleeritakse
keskseadme abil. Samuti antud töö raames on vaja tuua kommunikatsioonilahendus
suhtlemaks keskseadme ja nutivalgusti vahel.
Töö käigus olid toodut kommunikatsioonilahendused nagu raadiotransiiver nRF24L01+
ja vabavaraline teek MySensor.h. Seejärel oli projekteeritud keskseade mikroarvuti
Raspberry Pi Model B baasil kasutades tehnoloogiat VNC ja tarkvara Domoticz. Lõpuks
oli projekteeritud nutivalgusti koos autonoomse toitesüsteemiga. Seadmes oli kasutatud
mikrokontrollerit ATmega328P, valgusdioodi WS2812B, liitiumioonakut 14500,
akukaitselülitust BQ29700, päikesepaneeli, laadimisekontrollerit MCP73871, madala
pingelanguga pingeregulaatorit LP2980 ja pinget tõstmise lülitust LM2621. Antud töös
oli koostatud nutivalgusti elektroonikaskeem ja disainitud trükkplaat. Trükkplaat oli
tellitud ja koostatud. Samuti oli projekteeritud seadme korpus ja tehtud kasutatud
komponentide hinnakalkulatsioon.
The aim of this thesis is to develop a light with autonomous power supply and with wireless control. For the aim achievement need to construct the central control unit and smart light with autonomous power supply. The smart light uses for decorative lighting and the central control unit uses for regulating this smart light. Also, need the bring a solution of communication between these devices. The thesis starts was developed communication solution with transceiver nRF24L01+ and library MySensor.h. Then was assembled control unit with Raspberry Pi Model B, VNC and Domoticz. Finally, was engineered smart light with autonomous power supply. In device using microcontroller ATmega328P, intelligent LED WS2812B, Li-Ion battery 14500, protection integrated circuit BQ29700 for battery, solar panel, battery charge management controller MCP73871, ultra-low dropout regulator LP2980 and step-up DCDC converter LM2621. In this thesis was designed smart light electronics scheme and designed a PCB. PCB was ordered and assembled. Also, was drawn a case for smart light device and calculated components costs.
The aim of this thesis is to develop a light with autonomous power supply and with wireless control. For the aim achievement need to construct the central control unit and smart light with autonomous power supply. The smart light uses for decorative lighting and the central control unit uses for regulating this smart light. Also, need the bring a solution of communication between these devices. The thesis starts was developed communication solution with transceiver nRF24L01+ and library MySensor.h. Then was assembled control unit with Raspberry Pi Model B, VNC and Domoticz. Finally, was engineered smart light with autonomous power supply. In device using microcontroller ATmega328P, intelligent LED WS2812B, Li-Ion battery 14500, protection integrated circuit BQ29700 for battery, solar panel, battery charge management controller MCP73871, ultra-low dropout regulator LP2980 and step-up DCDC converter LM2621. In this thesis was designed smart light electronics scheme and designed a PCB. PCB was ordered and assembled. Also, was drawn a case for smart light device and calculated components costs.
Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe lõputöö
Tehnotroonika õppekaval
lõputööd, asjade internet, elektroonika, valgustid