Küttepuude toormaterjali etteande estakaadi projekt
Kättesaadav alates
Kaaver, Siim
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Eesti Maaülikool
Lõputöö eesmärgiks on projekteerida küttepuude toormaterjali etteande estakaad, mis tagab
efektiivse toormaterjali etteande halumasinale ning hoiab kokku tööjõu kulusid. Hetkel töös
oleval estakaadil puuduvad etteanded. See tähendab tööjõukulu lisa ning ei ole efektiivne.
Etteande estakaadile esitati nõuded ning määrati tehnilised tingimused. Nende täitmiseks
teostatid ülesanded. Ülesannete lahendamisega täideti nõuded ning tehnilised tingimused.
Küttepuude toormaterjalie etteande estakaadi valmistamiseks teostati tehnilised joonised, mille
järgi saab seadme valmis ehitada.
The purpose of this Master`s Thesis is to engineer firewood raw material log deck what infeeds raw firewood material to the firewood processor. Previous log deck does not have hydraulic infeed, which means less productivity and more labor costs. Log deck with hydraulic infeed provides better productivity. Requirements wew presented for engineering firewood raw material log deck and fufilling the requirement there were tasks. By solving the tasks the log deck requirements were fulfilled and specific techincal data was made for firewood raw material log deck. Technical drawings were made by which the log deck can be built.
The purpose of this Master`s Thesis is to engineer firewood raw material log deck what infeeds raw firewood material to the firewood processor. Previous log deck does not have hydraulic infeed, which means less productivity and more labor costs. Log deck with hydraulic infeed provides better productivity. Requirements wew presented for engineering firewood raw material log deck and fufilling the requirement there were tasks. By solving the tasks the log deck requirements were fulfilled and specific techincal data was made for firewood raw material log deck. Technical drawings were made by which the log deck can be built.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
magistritööd, estakaadid, toormaterjal, hüdraulika, konveierid