Sünteetiliste kütuste jätkusuutlikkus ja rakendusvõimalused Eesti transpordisektoris
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Eesti Maaülikool
Euroopa transpordisektor tugineb suuresti fossiilkütustele, millel on negatiivne mõju
keskkonnale ja mis ei ole jätkusuutlikud pikemas perspektiivis. Varasemad uuringud on
näidanud, et alternatiivsed kütused, sealhulgas sünteetilised kütused, on potentsiaalne
lahendus fossiilsete kütuste pealt edasi liikumiseks. Käesoleva töö eesmärk on hinnata
sünteetiliste kütuste jätkusuutlikkust ja rakendusvõimalusi Eesti transpordisektoris.
Töö põhineb teadusartiklitel, valitsuse aruannetel ja tööstuse raportitel. Töö katselises osas
võrreldi viie erineva proovi vastavust standarditele ning analüüsiti nende ühilduvust
vanemate mootoritega. Katse tulemusena selgus, et kõik proovid vastasid kvaliteedinõuetele
ning sobivad ka vanemate kütusesüsteemidega. Töö analüüsi tulemusena selgus, et kuigi
sünteetiliste kütustega kaasnevad hetkel kõrged tootmiskulud, on nende tootmine
paindlikum ja potentsiaalselt süsinikuneutraalne. Nende omadus ideaalselt ühilduda
olemasolevate sõidukite ja infrastruktuuriga teeb neist väga kõrge potentsiaaliga
alternatiivse kütuse.
The European transport sector relies heavily on fossil fuels, which have a negative impact on the environment and are not sustainable in the long term. Previous research has shown that alternative fuels, including synthetic fuels, are a potential solution to moving on from fossil fuels. The purpose of this work is to assess the sustainability and application possibilities of synthetic fuels in the Estonian transport sector. The work is based on scientific articles, government reports and industry reports. In the experimental part of the work, five different samples were compared with the corresponding standard and the compatibility with older engines was analyzed. As a result of the test, it turned out that all samples met the quality requirements and are also suitable for older fuel systems. As a result of the analysis of the work, it became clear that although synthetic fuels are currently accompanied by high production costs, their production is more flexible and potentially carbon neutral, and the property of being perfectly compatible with existing vehicles and infrastructure makes it an alternative fuel with a very high potential in the long term.
The European transport sector relies heavily on fossil fuels, which have a negative impact on the environment and are not sustainable in the long term. Previous research has shown that alternative fuels, including synthetic fuels, are a potential solution to moving on from fossil fuels. The purpose of this work is to assess the sustainability and application possibilities of synthetic fuels in the Estonian transport sector. The work is based on scientific articles, government reports and industry reports. In the experimental part of the work, five different samples were compared with the corresponding standard and the compatibility with older engines was analyzed. As a result of the test, it turned out that all samples met the quality requirements and are also suitable for older fuel systems. As a result of the analysis of the work, it became clear that although synthetic fuels are currently accompanied by high production costs, their production is more flexible and potentially carbon neutral, and the property of being perfectly compatible with existing vehicles and infrastructure makes it an alternative fuel with a very high potential in the long term.
Tootmistehnika õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, alternatiivsed kütused, sünteetilised kütused, süsinikuneutraalsus