Juhtumianalüüs: päikeseelektrienergia perspektiiv Eestis eratarbijale
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Alliksoo, Andri
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Eesti Maaülikool
Maailmas üldiselt, aga veelgi enam Euroopa Liidu riikides pööratakse aina enam tähelepanu
inimtegevuse jätkusuutlikkuse suurendamisele. Üks aktuaalsetest teemadest on
inimtekkeliste kliimamuutuste aeglustamine. Seoses süsihappegaasi ja teiste
kasvuhoonegaaside kontsentratsiooni suurenemisega atmosfääris võimendub
kasvuhooneefekt, mis toob kaasa temperatuuri kasvu. Taastuvelektrienergia tootmise
suurendamine vähendab kasvuhoonegaaside õhku paiskamist elektrienergia tootmisel, Eesti
näitel peamiselt põlevkivisoojuselektrijaamades. Konkreetselt päikeseelektrijaamade
rajamine on võimalik peaaegu kõikjale. Hindade odavnemise, riikliku toetuse, võimalike
väga erinevate ja mitmekülgsete lahenduste, laia teavitustöö ning jätkusuutliku mõtteviisi
leviku tõttu ühiskonnas on päikeseelektrijaamade rajamine Eestis mitmeid aastaid järjest
aina kasvanud.
Käesoleva töö eesmärk on teada saada, kuidas on eraisikul kasumlik osaleda
keskkonnakaitses panustades riiklike kliimaeesmärkide saavutamisse arvestades
päikeseelektrienergia tootmise tehnilistest aspektidest lähtuvat kõrget perspektiivi. Eesmärgi
saavutamiseks püstitati kolm uurimisküsimust:
1) Kas päikeseelektrijaama rajamine on eraisiku seisukohast majanduslikult mõistlik?
(konkreetse objekti näitel, arvestades selle iseärasusi, sobivat lahendust ning 2020.
aasta elektritarbimist)
2) Kas tarbija makstav kohustuslik taastuvenergia tasu on kooskõlas toetuse eesmärkide
täitmisega? 3) Kuidas suurendada taastuvelektrienergia tootmise toetamise tõhusust? (riiklike
eesmärkide saavutamise ning tarbija maksukoormuse tasakaal)
Taastuvenergia toetuse maksmine on 2010. aastast kuni 2020. aastani kasvanud üle kahe
korra 45 463 465 eurolt kuni 100 133 910 euroni aastas (Elering AS 2020c). Samas 2020.
aastaks seatud eesmärk 25% taastuvelektrienergia osakaal siseriiklikust tarbimisest saavutati
juba 2011. aastal. 2030. aastaks seatud eesmärk 30% taastuvelektrienergia osakaal
siseriiklikust tarbimisest saavutati juba 2020. aastal. Olenemata eesmärkide saavutamisest on
võetud vastu uusi toetusotsuseid taastuvelektrienergia tootmise arendamise täiendavaks
kiirendamiseks ning saavutatud tulemus ehk riiklikku eesmärki ületav taastuvenergia
statistiline kogus ehk nö statistika on müüdud edasi teistele riikidele. Statistika kantakse
müümise järel üle ostjariigile kajastudes ostjariigi toodetud taastuvenergia bilansis ning
eesmärkide saavutamises. Hetkel on taastuvenergia statistikat müüdud soodsama hinnaga kui
on olnud kulu toetuste välja maksmisel. Seega Eesti tarbija on olnud ning on jätkuvalt
majanduslikult koormatud teiste riikide taastuvenergia eesmärkide saavutamisest. Autor
pakub välja võimalusi Eesti elektritarbija omandipõhiõiguse riive vähendamiseks arvestades
taastuvelektrienergia tootmise suurendamise pikaajalist vajadust ning õiglase toetuse
maksmist piisavalt kiire arengu jätkumise tagamiseks.
In the world, but even more so in the countries of the European Union more attention is being paid to increasing the sustainability of human activities. One of the current issues is slowing down anthropogenic climate change. As the concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, the greenhouse effect is amplified and causes an increase in temperature. Increasing the production of renewable electricity reduces greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production, on the example of Estonia, mainly in oil shale-fired thermal power plants. Construction of solar power plants is possible almost everywhere. Due to decrease in prices, state support, great possible variability of different solutions, extensive publicity, and due to the spread of sustainable way of thinking in society, the construction of solar power plants in Estonia has been ever growing for many years.The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to find out how it is profitable for an individual to participate in environmental protection by contributing to the achievement of national climate goals, taking into account the high perspective from the technical aspects of solar electricity generation. In order to achieve this, three research questions were erected: 1) Is the construction of solar power plant economically reasonable for an individual? (on the example of a specific object, taking account its specifics, suitable solution and electricity consumtion in 2020) 2) Is the mandatory renewable energy charge in line with the targets of the support? 3) How to increase the effectiveness of support for renewable electricity generation? (balance between the achievement of national targets and tax burden on consumers) The payment of support for renewable energy has more than doubled from 2010 to 2020 from 45,463,465 euros to 100,133,910 euros per year. At the same time, the target set for 2020 of 25% share of renewable electricity in domestic consumtion was already achieved in 2011. The 2030 target of 30% share of renewable electricity in domestic consumtion was already reached in 2020. Regardless of the achievement of the targets, new support decisions have been adopted to further accelerate the development of renewable electricity generation, and the achieved result, statistical amount of renewable energy, has been sold to other countries. After the sale of statistics it is transferred to the buyer country and therefore is then reflected in the balance and achievement of the renewable energy targets of the buyer country. At the nmoment, renewable energy statistics have been sold at lower price than the cost of paying subsidies. Thus, the Estonian consumer has been and continues to be economically burdened from achieving the renewable energy targets of other countries. The author offers opportunities to reduce the infringement of the fundamental right of ownership of Estonian electricity consumers, taking into account the long-term need to increase the production of renewable electricity and the payment of fair support to ensure the continuation of sufficiently rapid development.
In the world, but even more so in the countries of the European Union more attention is being paid to increasing the sustainability of human activities. One of the current issues is slowing down anthropogenic climate change. As the concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases, the greenhouse effect is amplified and causes an increase in temperature. Increasing the production of renewable electricity reduces greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production, on the example of Estonia, mainly in oil shale-fired thermal power plants. Construction of solar power plants is possible almost everywhere. Due to decrease in prices, state support, great possible variability of different solutions, extensive publicity, and due to the spread of sustainable way of thinking in society, the construction of solar power plants in Estonia has been ever growing for many years.The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to find out how it is profitable for an individual to participate in environmental protection by contributing to the achievement of national climate goals, taking into account the high perspective from the technical aspects of solar electricity generation. In order to achieve this, three research questions were erected: 1) Is the construction of solar power plant economically reasonable for an individual? (on the example of a specific object, taking account its specifics, suitable solution and electricity consumtion in 2020) 2) Is the mandatory renewable energy charge in line with the targets of the support? 3) How to increase the effectiveness of support for renewable electricity generation? (balance between the achievement of national targets and tax burden on consumers) The payment of support for renewable energy has more than doubled from 2010 to 2020 from 45,463,465 euros to 100,133,910 euros per year. At the same time, the target set for 2020 of 25% share of renewable electricity in domestic consumtion was already achieved in 2011. The 2030 target of 30% share of renewable electricity in domestic consumtion was already reached in 2020. Regardless of the achievement of the targets, new support decisions have been adopted to further accelerate the development of renewable electricity generation, and the achieved result, statistical amount of renewable energy, has been sold to other countries. After the sale of statistics it is transferred to the buyer country and therefore is then reflected in the balance and achievement of the renewable energy targets of the buyer country. At the nmoment, renewable energy statistics have been sold at lower price than the cost of paying subsidies. Thus, the Estonian consumer has been and continues to be economically burdened from achieving the renewable energy targets of other countries. The author offers opportunities to reduce the infringement of the fundamental right of ownership of Estonian electricity consumers, taking into account the long-term need to increase the production of renewable electricity and the payment of fair support to ensure the continuation of sufficiently rapid development.
Keskkonnakaitse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, tasakaalukas areng, päikeseelektrienergia, taastuvenergia toetused, tasu ja statistikakaubandus, strateegilised keskkonnaeesmärgid