Lapsehoidjate tööstressi ja läbipõlemist mõjutavad tegurid Tartu linna näitel
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Kurg, Liana
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Lapsehoidja (child care worker) on erialase väljaõppe saanud lastega vahetult töötav lasteasutuses
või kodukeskkonnas töötav isik. Ootused pädevale lapsehoidjale on kõrged ning töö vastutusrikas.
Eesmärk: analüüsida lapsehoidjate töö eripärast tulenevaid psühhosotsiaalseid tegureid ja
läbipõlemise indikaatoreid, hinnata nende näitajate mõju töötajate tervisele ning koostada
lapsehoidja vaimset tervist toetava ergonoomikalise sekkumiskava näidisprogramm. Metoodika:
uuritavateks olid Tartu linna lastehoidudes min 1-a tööstaažiga lapsehoidja kutsetunnistust omavad
töötajad (n=105), katsegrupis oli 42 lapsehoidjat. Uuringus kasutati rahvusvaheliselt valideeritud
ankeetküsimustikke: psühhosotsiaalsete ohutegurite küsimustik COPSOQ II (Copenhagen
Psychososcial Questionnaire); läbipõlemisküsimustik MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory), kus
mõõdiku skaalad hindasid probleemi esinemissagedust (s) ja häirivustugevust (t) 3 läbipõlemise
indikaatori suhtes: emotsionaalne kurnatus (EKs, EKt), depersonalisatsioon (DPs, DPt) ja
professionaalne efektiivsus (PEs, PEt). Ergonoomikalise sekkumiskava väljatöötamiseks viidi läbi
seminaripäev. Tulemused: küsimustikule vastas 105 lapsehoidjat, kõik olid naissoost, peamiselt 30–
39 a, keskmine tööstaaž 5,1 a (±2,2 aastat). Enamus (95,2%) töötas täistööajaga päevases vahetuses.
Ületunnitööd tegi 10,4% vastanutest. Kõrgemate keskmiste skooridega hinnati töökohal
arenguvõimalusi, võimalust õppida uusi asju (x̄203,0;±49,5), tööle pühendumist (x̄208,0;±56,6),
rahulolu tööga (x̄207,8;±53,3). Madalamad skoorid anti faktorgruppidele kvantitatiivsed nõudmised,
mõju töö üle, unehäired (x̄66,7;±20,7), läbipõlemine (x̄47,1;±20). Konflikte ja ebameeldivat
käitumist töökohal esines vähe (x̄3,7;±9,3). Lapsehoidjate töös esineb keskmisel määral läbipõlemise
ilminguid, enim märgiti ära emotsionaalset kurnatust nii EKs kui EKt nätajates ning seda eeskätt
nooremas vanusegrupis. Oma professionaalse efektiivsuse (PEs, PEt) ja depersonalisatsiooni
ilmingud (DPs, DPt) hinnati valdavalt keskmiseks. Kõrgeim skoor anti EKs 72,8% ja PEt 70,5%.
Kui võrrelda esinemissageduse ja häirivisutugevuse näitajaid, siis EKs hinnatakse kõrgemalt
(x̄=26,5; α=0,78) kui EKt (x̄=22,8; α=0,78) (p=0,0001). Järeldused: Lapsehoidjate töös esineb
psühhosotsiaalseid ohutegureid, mis on seotud liigse töökoormuse, ebavõrdse tööde jaotumise,
rollikonfliktide, kõrgete emotsionaalsete nõudmiste, usaldamatuse ning otsese ülemuse poolse
tunnustuse vähesusega. Oma tööd tähtsustakse, töökeskkonnatingimusi peetakse heaks, kõrgelt
hinnatakse kolleegide vahelist meeskonnatööd, töö- ja pereelu konflikti, kiusamist ja vägivaldset
käitumist esineb vähe. Hinnang enda tervislikule üldseisundile on hea, kuid esineb stressi, ärevust,
unehäireid ja kurnatust. Lapsehoidjad, kes hindavad oma tervislikku seisundit pigem heaks, on
rohkem tööle pühendunud, peavad paremaks oma arenguvõimalusi ja kõrgemaks juhtimise kvaliteeti
ning kolleegide ja ülemuse poolset toetust. Kõrge EK lapsehoidjad on oluliselt rohkem mõjutatud
kiirest töötempost, tähtsustavad suuremal määral oma tööd, hindavad oluliselt madalamaks otsese
ülemuse poolset tunnustust ning neil esineb rohkem pere-ja tööelu konflikti, nad on vähem tööle
pühendunud ja tajuvad tugevamalt rollikonflikti ning madalamat kolleegide poolset toetust.
Sekkumiskava näidisprogramm keskendub töökoormuse võrdsele jaotamisele, suhtlemise ja
meeskonnatöö edendamisele; teadlikkuse ja pädevuse tõstmisele. Eriti pööratakse koolitustel
tähelepanu lapsehoidjate tööstressi ning läbipõlemise ennetamisele ja vaimse tervise toetamisele läbi
ergonoomikalise sekkumisprogrammi, kus olulisel kohal on tervisedenduslikud tegevused.
A child care worker is a professional with special training and knowledge to work with kids in a child care institutions or in home environment. Expectations about child care workers professional qualifications are high and there are great responsibility for a child's welfare. The aim of the research was to analyze the specifics of the work of child care workers as well as work related stress factors and burnout indicators and assess the impact of these indicators on the health of employees and develop a sample of ergonomic intervention program to support the mental health of child care workers. Material and method. The child care workers with professional certificate at least one year's work experience (n=105) in municipal and private child daycare institutions in Tartu constituted the study group. There were 42 child care workers in the seminar group. Internationally validated questionnaires COPSOQ II (Copenhagen Psychososcial Questionnaire) and the MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) burnout questionnaire were used in this research. The frequency (s) and severity (t) scales for burnout indicators were used – emotional exhaustion (EKs, EKt), depersonalization (DPs, DPt) and professional effectiveness (PEs, PEt). A seminar day was held to develop the ergonomic intervention plan. Results. 105 child care workers responded to the questionnaire, all of them female, mainly 30–39 years, with an average length of service 5,1 (± 2,2) years. The majority (95,2%) worked full-time on a daily basis and 10,4% of the respondents worked overtime. Higher average scores were used to assess development opportunities in the workplace, the opportunity to learn new things (x̄=203,0 ±49,5), work commitment (x̄=208,0± 56,6), job satisfaction (x̄=207,8±53,3). Lower scores were given to the factor groups for quantitative demands, effects on work, sleeping problems (x̄=66,7±20,7), burnout (x̄=47,1±20,0). There are few conflicts and unpleasant behavior in the workplace (x̄=3,7± 9,3). There were moderate signs of burnout, emotional exhaustion the most often noted in both EK and EK indicators, especially in the younger age group. Low professional effectiveness (PEs, PEt) and depersonalization (DPs, DPt) were predominantly moderate. The highest proportion of respondents assessed EK as moderate was 72,8% and PE 70,5%. While comparing the frequency (s) and disturbance (t) of the problems, the EK frequency is rated higher (x̄ = 26,5; α = 0,78) than the disturbance (x̄= 22,8; α = 0,78) (p = 0,0001). Conclusion: There are psychosocial risk factors in the work of child care workers which are related to excessive workload, unequal distribution of work, role conflicts, higher emotional demands, mistrust and lack of recognition by the immediate superior. Child care workers considerate their work very important, working conditions were good, teamwork between colleagues was highly valued. There were some conflict between work and family life, and rare bullying and violent behavior cases in their work. The child care workers assessed their general health as good, but also stress, anxiety, sleep problems and exhaustion were mentioned. The babysitters, whose health was better, were more committed to work. They had better opportunities for development and higher quality of management, and greater support from colleagues and superior. Child care workers with high emotional exhaustion were significantly more affected by greater work load, assesssed higher importance to their work, valued recognition from their immediate superior, had more work-family conflicts and work life, were less committed to work and had a stronger perception of role conflict and lower support of coworkers. A sample of ergonomic intervention program to support the mental health of child care workers focuses on equality of workload, communication and teamwork promotion, raising awareness of mental health and professional competence. Particular attention will be paid to the prevention of stress and burnout and promotion of mental health through the ergonomic intervention program through health promotion activities in it
A child care worker is a professional with special training and knowledge to work with kids in a child care institutions or in home environment. Expectations about child care workers professional qualifications are high and there are great responsibility for a child's welfare. The aim of the research was to analyze the specifics of the work of child care workers as well as work related stress factors and burnout indicators and assess the impact of these indicators on the health of employees and develop a sample of ergonomic intervention program to support the mental health of child care workers. Material and method. The child care workers with professional certificate at least one year's work experience (n=105) in municipal and private child daycare institutions in Tartu constituted the study group. There were 42 child care workers in the seminar group. Internationally validated questionnaires COPSOQ II (Copenhagen Psychososcial Questionnaire) and the MBI (Maslach Burnout Inventory) burnout questionnaire were used in this research. The frequency (s) and severity (t) scales for burnout indicators were used – emotional exhaustion (EKs, EKt), depersonalization (DPs, DPt) and professional effectiveness (PEs, PEt). A seminar day was held to develop the ergonomic intervention plan. Results. 105 child care workers responded to the questionnaire, all of them female, mainly 30–39 years, with an average length of service 5,1 (± 2,2) years. The majority (95,2%) worked full-time on a daily basis and 10,4% of the respondents worked overtime. Higher average scores were used to assess development opportunities in the workplace, the opportunity to learn new things (x̄=203,0 ±49,5), work commitment (x̄=208,0± 56,6), job satisfaction (x̄=207,8±53,3). Lower scores were given to the factor groups for quantitative demands, effects on work, sleeping problems (x̄=66,7±20,7), burnout (x̄=47,1±20,0). There are few conflicts and unpleasant behavior in the workplace (x̄=3,7± 9,3). There were moderate signs of burnout, emotional exhaustion the most often noted in both EK and EK indicators, especially in the younger age group. Low professional effectiveness (PEs, PEt) and depersonalization (DPs, DPt) were predominantly moderate. The highest proportion of respondents assessed EK as moderate was 72,8% and PE 70,5%. While comparing the frequency (s) and disturbance (t) of the problems, the EK frequency is rated higher (x̄ = 26,5; α = 0,78) than the disturbance (x̄= 22,8; α = 0,78) (p = 0,0001). Conclusion: There are psychosocial risk factors in the work of child care workers which are related to excessive workload, unequal distribution of work, role conflicts, higher emotional demands, mistrust and lack of recognition by the immediate superior. Child care workers considerate their work very important, working conditions were good, teamwork between colleagues was highly valued. There were some conflict between work and family life, and rare bullying and violent behavior cases in their work. The child care workers assessed their general health as good, but also stress, anxiety, sleep problems and exhaustion were mentioned. The babysitters, whose health was better, were more committed to work. They had better opportunities for development and higher quality of management, and greater support from colleagues and superior. Child care workers with high emotional exhaustion were significantly more affected by greater work load, assesssed higher importance to their work, valued recognition from their immediate superior, had more work-family conflicts and work life, were less committed to work and had a stronger perception of role conflict and lower support of coworkers. A sample of ergonomic intervention program to support the mental health of child care workers focuses on equality of workload, communication and teamwork promotion, raising awareness of mental health and professional competence. Particular attention will be paid to the prevention of stress and burnout and promotion of mental health through the ergonomic intervention program through health promotion activities in it
Ergonoomika õppekaval
magistritööd, emotsionaalne kurnatus, ergonoomiline sekkumine, lapsehoidja, vaimne tervis