Mullaharimisviiside mõju põldherne saagikusele ja kvaliteedile
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Eesti Maaülikool
Põldherne saagikus ja kvaliteet oleneb paljuski kasvuaasta ilmastikutingimustest. Põllumehena on võimalik rakendada mitmeid erinevaid mullaharimisviise põldhernele soodsa kasvukeskkonna loomiseks. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli uurida künnipõhise, minimeeritud harimise ja otsekülvi tehnoloogia mõju põldherne saagikusele ja kvaliteedile. Põldkatse rajati RANDAGRO OÜ tootmispõllule 2023 aastal, kus on eelnevad neli aastat külvikorra vältel kasutatud otsekülvi tehnoloogiat. Saagikus ja kvaliteet määrati katsevariantidelt kogutud vihuproovide alusel. Kõrgeim saagikus saadi künnipõhisel mullaharimisviisil. Otsekülvi variandis jäi saagikus kõige madalamaks, seda võis põhjustada madalam põldtärkavus kui teistel harimisviisidel. Põldherne kvaliteeti analüüsiti Baltic Agro AS Kaarma laboris. Põldherne seemnekvaliteedis suuri erinevuseid ei esinenud, kõikidel harimisviisidel ületas kvaliteet kollase herne kokkuostutingimustes sätestatud nõuded. Künnipõhisel harimisviisil oli põldherne kasvatamine kõige tulukam. Töö esialgseid tulemusi kasutatakse edaspidi tootmisettevõttes katsete rajamisel ja tööde planeerimisel. Tulemuste kinnitamiseks on vaja läbiviia korduskatsed.
The profitability of field pea cultivation largely depends on the weather conditions during the growing season. As farmers, it is possible to implement various tillage systems to create a favorable growing environment for field peas. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to investigate the impact of conventional tillage, reduced tillage, and no-till technology on the yield and quality of field peas. The field trial was established in 2023 on the production field of RANDAGRO OÜ, where no-till technology had been used for the previous four years in the crop rotation. Yield and quality were determined based on rain samples collected from the trial variants. The highest yield was obtained with conventional tillage. The no-till variant had the lowest yield, which may have been caused by lower field emergence compared to other tillage methods. Field pea quality was analyzed at the Baltic Agro AS Kaarma laboratory. There were no significant differences in field pea seed quality among the tillage systems, as the quality of yellow peas exceeded the purchasing requirements set by the market. Cultivating field peas with conventional tillage proved to be the most profitable. The initial results of the study will be used for future experiments and planning of operations in the production company. Replicated trials are needed to confirm the results.
The profitability of field pea cultivation largely depends on the weather conditions during the growing season. As farmers, it is possible to implement various tillage systems to create a favorable growing environment for field peas. The aim of the bachelor's thesis was to investigate the impact of conventional tillage, reduced tillage, and no-till technology on the yield and quality of field peas. The field trial was established in 2023 on the production field of RANDAGRO OÜ, where no-till technology had been used for the previous four years in the crop rotation. Yield and quality were determined based on rain samples collected from the trial variants. The highest yield was obtained with conventional tillage. The no-till variant had the lowest yield, which may have been caused by lower field emergence compared to other tillage methods. Field pea quality was analyzed at the Baltic Agro AS Kaarma laboratory. There were no significant differences in field pea seed quality among the tillage systems, as the quality of yellow peas exceeded the purchasing requirements set by the market. Cultivating field peas with conventional tillage proved to be the most profitable. The initial results of the study will be used for future experiments and planning of operations in the production company. Replicated trials are needed to confirm the results.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, põldhernes, saagikus, tulukus, mullaharimisviis