Katseseinte soojus- ja niiskuslevi modelleeritud ja reaalsete tulemuste võrdlus katsemajades
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Eesti Maaülikool
Seinte soojus- ja niiskuslevi on võimalik simulatsiooniprogrammidega modelleerida.
Teada saamaks, kui täpsed tulemused suudab tarkvara teostada, tehakse käesolevas töös
analüüs. Autori eesmärk oli võrrelda kahe erineva varasemalt uuritud katsemaja
välisseinte niiskus- ja soojuslevi mõõdetud tulemusi simulatsiooniprogrammide
tulemustega. Töö eesmärgi täitmiseks püstitati uurimisülesanded. Koguti varasemalt
uuritud katsemajade mõõtmistulemused ja nende põhjal koostati graafikud. Seejärel
koostati simulatsiooniprogrammidega graafikud ja siis saadud tulemusi võrreldi.
Analüüsimiseks kasutati programmi Delphin ja mõõtmistulemuste graafikud koostati
Microsoft Exceliga. Tulemuste analüüsist selgus, et simulatsiooniprogramm Delphin
sobib suhtelise õhuniiskuse leviku modelleerimiseks konstruktsioonis. Modelleeritud
soojusleviku ja mõõtmistulemuste kokkulangevus oli väike.
The heat and moisture distribution of the walls can be modeled with simulation programs. The analysis in this work is made in order to find out how accurate the software can perform. The author’s aim was to compare the results of simulations to two different previously studied test houses in-situ results of moisture and heat flow to the external walls. To reach the aim, the author set research tasks. The previously studied test houses in-situ results were collected and graphs were made on the basis of measurements results. Then the graphs were made in the simulation programs and the results were compared. The simulation program Delphin was used for analysis and Microsoft Excel was used to make graphs of measurement results. The analysis of the results showed that the simulation program Delphin is suitable for modeling the distribution of relative humidity in the wall assembly. The accordance between the modeled heat distribution and the results of measurements was small.
The heat and moisture distribution of the walls can be modeled with simulation programs. The analysis in this work is made in order to find out how accurate the software can perform. The author’s aim was to compare the results of simulations to two different previously studied test houses in-situ results of moisture and heat flow to the external walls. To reach the aim, the author set research tasks. The previously studied test houses in-situ results were collected and graphs were made on the basis of measurements results. Then the graphs were made in the simulation programs and the results were compared. The simulation program Delphin was used for analysis and Microsoft Excel was used to make graphs of measurement results. The analysis of the results showed that the simulation program Delphin is suitable for modeling the distribution of relative humidity in the wall assembly. The accordance between the modeled heat distribution and the results of measurements was small.
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, katsemajad, võrdlusanalüüs, suhteline õhuniiskus, temperatuur