Adaptation of various maize hybrids when grown for biomass
Kättesaadav alates
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Estonian University of Life Sciences
The aim of this research is to optimize growth and development of maize for biomass
by selecting maize hybrids to fulfill their productivity potential. The following maize hybrids
were the subject of research: Forteza, DM Native, DM Skarb. The greatest height of plants was
formed in the interphase period of milk-wax maturity of grain in hybrid Forteza - 286.4 cm. In
hybrid DM Native the height of plants was - 271.2 cm, hybrid DM Skarb - 263.6 cm. Weight of
one plant of hybrids studied during the maize growing season ranged from 442 g to 760 g. Thus,
the largest mass of maize plants was recorded in the milk-wax maturity stage. It was the largest
at the hybrid Forteza and amounted to 760 g, that is more than at the hybrid DM Native for 3.4%
(26 g) and at the hybrid DM Skarb for 6.6% (50 g). The average crop yield of the hybrid Forteza
for the period of research was 55.1 t ha-1
. Hybrids DM Native and DM Skarb provided this
indicator at the level of 50.6 and 45.7 t ha-1
respectively. Hybrid Forteza provided a maximum
crop yield 55.1 t ha-1 with plant height 286.4 cm, assimilation surface of one plant and a crop
0.59 m2
; 42.8 thousand m2 ha-1
and plant weight 760 g.
Received: January 10th, 2022 ; Accepted: May 1st, 2022 ; Published: May 10th, 2022 ; Correspondence:
hybrid, leaf surface, plant, cob, crop yield, articles