Järvede seisundi hindamine zooplanktoni näitajate alusel püsiseirejärvede näitel
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Kraan, Ethel
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on hinnata zooplanktoni näitajate sobivust veekogu seisundi
hindamisel püsiseirejärvede näitel. Lõputöös on kasutatud 2010-2013 aasta seire hüdrokeemilisi,
fütoplanktoni ja zooplanktoni andmeid. Proovid koguti järvede sügavamaist kohast ning zooplanktoni
proovid fikseetiti Lugoli lahusega.
Uuritud aastatel oli Endla, Pühajärve ja Rõuge Suurjärve, Tänavjärve ja Ähijärve seisundid
stabiilselt „heas“ seisundis. Kooru järve korral toimus seisundi paranemine, algselt oli Kooru seisund
„kesine“ ning järgneval aastal (2011) oli seisund „hea“. 2012-2013. aastal oli Kooru seisund isegi
„väga hea“. Nohipalo Mustjärvel toimus samuti seisundi paranemine, kui „hea“ seisnud muutus „väga
heaks“. Nohipalo Valgõjärvel oli vahepeal seisund halvenenud, kui seisundiks oli „kesine“.Viimaste
aastate jooksul on siiski seisund olnud „hea“. Suurlahe seisund on olnud muutlik, uuritud aastate
alguses oli seisund „väga hea“, järgneval kahel aastal „hea“ ning viimasel aastal taas „väga hea“.
Uljaste järvel ja Viitna Pikkjärvel oli seisundid stabiilselt „heas“ seisundis, kuid ühel aastal oli seisund
Uuringus selgus, et zooplanktoni hinnangutel on seosed läbipaistvuse ja üldlämmastiku
hinnangutega. Teiste hinnangutega zooplanktonil seosed puudusid. Samas korrelatsioonimatriks
näitas, et zooplanktoni erinevatel näitajatel on seosed hüdrokeemiliste ja fütoplanktoni näitajatega.
Näiteks koorikloomadel on positiivsed seosed pH, ühetaolisuse indeksi ja FKI näitajatega.
Vesikirbuliste keskmisel kaalul on negatiivne seos pH ja ühetaolisuse indeksiga.
Käesolev uurimus näitas, et zooplanktoni hinnangud ühtisid läbipaistvuse ja üldlämmastiku
aluselt antud hinnangutega. Teiste näitajate alusel antud hinnangute vahel seosed puudusid.
Zooplanktoni alusel hinnangu andmisel peab arvestama mitmete faktoritega. Sellest tulenevalt
paremate seoste uurimiseks peaks tegema põhjalikuma uuringu. Täpsemaks uuringuks võiks kindlasti
kasutada Eesti Maaülikooli Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituudi Limnoloogiakeskuse fütoplanktoni
ja hüdrokeemia andmebaasi andmeid (1998-2013), samuti võiks kasutada zooplanktoni erinevate
indeksite väärtuseid ning viia läbi statistilised analüüsid. Uurida võiks korrelatsioone erinevate
parameetrite vahel ning nende põhjal formuleerida tulemused.
The present undergraduate work consists of 51 pages, 10 drafts and 3 charts. The aim of this undergraduate work is to assess zooplankton’s indicators suitability by the example of the constant monitoring of the lakes condition. The work explores the connection between zooplankton indicators and hydro-chemical and phytoplankton indicators in the following lakes: Endla, Kooru, Nohipalo Mustjärv, Nohipalo Valgõjärv, Pühajärv, Rõuge Suurjärv, Suurlahe, Tänavjärv, Uljaste, Viitna Pikkjärv and Ähijärv. The European Union water policy framework directive (2000/60/EÜ) is a legal act directed to the EU membership countries, its task is to establish a unitary framework of action for the European Community to plan and arrange water protection in the European Union. The framework of action established in the directive includes all other water-related directives and sets water protections main goal the aHiievement of good condition of all waters (surface water including coastal water and groundwater) for the year 2015. Zooplankton is an important intermediate for the organisms existing in water. Its an intermediate in the food chain of microscopic and vertebrate animals. Zooplanktons main food in water is phytoplankton. The numerousness of zooplankton is affected by fish and young fish. In the years of research the condition of Endla, Pühajärv, Rõuge Suurjärv, Tänavjärv and Ähijärv lake were stable and in „good“ condition. Condition improvement was found in Kooru lake, at the beginning, the state of Kooru lake was „moderate“ and in the following year it was „good“. In the year 2012-2013 the state of Kooru lake was „high“. A change was also noticed in Nohipalo Mustjärv, were the condition changed from „good“ to „high“. The condition changed to worse in Nohipalo Valgõjärv, were the status went to „poor“. In the last couple of years the condition had been „good“. Suurlahe condition has been unstable, in the beginning of the research years the condition was „high“, in the following two years it was „good“ and in the last year it was again „high“. Uljaste lake and Viitna Pikkjärv were both stable with the condition „good“, but one year the condition was „moderate“. In the research it appeared, that the assessment of zooplankton was connected to transparency and general nitrogen ratings. With other ratings zooplankton had no connection. While correlation matrix showed, that zooplanktons different indicators had connections. For example shellfish have a positive connection with pH, uniformity index and FKI indicators. Cladoceras average weight had a negative connection with pH and uniformity index. The present study showed that, zooplanktons estimates match with the assessment of transparency and assessment of total nitrogen. Ohter parameter assessments did not show any. But a more comprehensive study can be made to clarify zooplanktons ratings and indicators connections with other condition showing ratings and indicators.
The present undergraduate work consists of 51 pages, 10 drafts and 3 charts. The aim of this undergraduate work is to assess zooplankton’s indicators suitability by the example of the constant monitoring of the lakes condition. The work explores the connection between zooplankton indicators and hydro-chemical and phytoplankton indicators in the following lakes: Endla, Kooru, Nohipalo Mustjärv, Nohipalo Valgõjärv, Pühajärv, Rõuge Suurjärv, Suurlahe, Tänavjärv, Uljaste, Viitna Pikkjärv and Ähijärv. The European Union water policy framework directive (2000/60/EÜ) is a legal act directed to the EU membership countries, its task is to establish a unitary framework of action for the European Community to plan and arrange water protection in the European Union. The framework of action established in the directive includes all other water-related directives and sets water protections main goal the aHiievement of good condition of all waters (surface water including coastal water and groundwater) for the year 2015. Zooplankton is an important intermediate for the organisms existing in water. Its an intermediate in the food chain of microscopic and vertebrate animals. Zooplanktons main food in water is phytoplankton. The numerousness of zooplankton is affected by fish and young fish. In the years of research the condition of Endla, Pühajärv, Rõuge Suurjärv, Tänavjärv and Ähijärv lake were stable and in „good“ condition. Condition improvement was found in Kooru lake, at the beginning, the state of Kooru lake was „moderate“ and in the following year it was „good“. In the year 2012-2013 the state of Kooru lake was „high“. A change was also noticed in Nohipalo Mustjärv, were the condition changed from „good“ to „high“. The condition changed to worse in Nohipalo Valgõjärv, were the status went to „poor“. In the last couple of years the condition had been „good“. Suurlahe condition has been unstable, in the beginning of the research years the condition was „high“, in the following two years it was „good“ and in the last year it was again „high“. Uljaste lake and Viitna Pikkjärv were both stable with the condition „good“, but one year the condition was „moderate“. In the research it appeared, that the assessment of zooplankton was connected to transparency and general nitrogen ratings. With other ratings zooplankton had no connection. While correlation matrix showed, that zooplanktons different indicators had connections. For example shellfish have a positive connection with pH, uniformity index and FKI indicators. Cladoceras average weight had a negative connection with pH and uniformity index. The present study showed that, zooplanktons estimates match with the assessment of transparency and assessment of total nitrogen. Ohter parameter assessments did not show any. But a more comprehensive study can be made to clarify zooplanktons ratings and indicators connections with other condition showing ratings and indicators.