Ülevaade hoonete energiatõhususe parandamise korraldusest
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Allikoja, Kaisa
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Eesti Maaülikool
2018. aastal seati Euroopa Liidu energiatõhususe direktiivis eesmärk luua 2050. aastaks väga
energiatõhus hoonefond. Eesti hoonefond on vananev ja moodustab ligi viiskümmend
protsenti Eestis kasutatavast energiast, mistõttu nähakse energiatarbimise vähendamises suurt
potentsiaali hoonete puhul
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on uurida millised dokumendid reguleerivad hoonete
energiatõhusust ja analüüsida olemasoleva hoonefondi energiatõhususe olukorda. Töös on
kasutatud Ehitisregistri, Statistikaameti ja Rahandusministeeriumi andmeid. Bakalaureusetöö
teoreetilises osas keskenduti dokumentidele, mis reguleerivad ja mõjutavad hoonete
energiatõhusamaks muutmise protsessi. Hoonefondi ülevaade on esitatud kohaliku
omavalitsuse hoonete, korterelamute ja üksikelamute kohta.
Töö tulemustest saab järeldada, et 2050. aastaks püstitatud eesmärk luua väga energiatõhus
hoonefond on võimalik saavutada ainult Euroopa Liidu põhiselt, hiljem iga liikmesriigi
tasandil. Hoonete rekonstrueerimise maht aastas peab olema 3 protsenti. Riigipõhiselt on
oluline jätkata hoonete pikaajalise rekonstrueerimise strateegias sätestatud meetmeid.
Hoonefondi ülevaates selgus, et Eesti hoonefondi ehitusaeg on olnud valdavalt enne 2000.
aastat, mistõttu ilmnevad hoonetel puudused, mis mõjutavad energiatõhusust. Töö autor
soovitab järgmistes lõputöödes uurida Rohetiigri ja energiatõhususe seost.
In 2018, the EU Energy Efficiency Directive set a target for a highly energy-efficient building stock by 2050. Estonia's building stock is ageing and accounts for nearly fifty per cent of the energy used in Estonia, which is why the potential for reducing energy consumption in buildings is seen as high. The aim of the thesis is to investigate which documents regulate the energy performance of buildings and to analyse the energy performance of the existing building stock. Data from the Building Register, Statistics Estonia and the Ministry of Finance have been used. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the documents that regulate and influence the process of making buildings more energy efficient. An overview of the building Fund is provided for municipal buildings, apartment buildings and single-family houses. The results of the research that the 2050 target of a highly energy-efficient building stock can only be achieved at EU level, and later at the level of each member state. The annual rate of building renovation should be 3 per cent. At national level, it is important to continue the measures set out in the long-term strategy for the renovation of buildings. The review of the building stock revealed that the Estonian building stock was predominantly built before 2000, which means that the buildings have deficiencies that affect energy efficiency. The author recommends that the relation between the Green Tiger and energy efficiency should be explored in future theses.
In 2018, the EU Energy Efficiency Directive set a target for a highly energy-efficient building stock by 2050. Estonia's building stock is ageing and accounts for nearly fifty per cent of the energy used in Estonia, which is why the potential for reducing energy consumption in buildings is seen as high. The aim of the thesis is to investigate which documents regulate the energy performance of buildings and to analyse the energy performance of the existing building stock. Data from the Building Register, Statistics Estonia and the Ministry of Finance have been used. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on the documents that regulate and influence the process of making buildings more energy efficient. An overview of the building Fund is provided for municipal buildings, apartment buildings and single-family houses. The results of the research that the 2050 target of a highly energy-efficient building stock can only be achieved at EU level, and later at the level of each member state. The annual rate of building renovation should be 3 per cent. At national level, it is important to continue the measures set out in the long-term strategy for the renovation of buildings. The review of the building stock revealed that the Estonian building stock was predominantly built before 2000, which means that the buildings have deficiencies that affect energy efficiency. The author recommends that the relation between the Green Tiger and energy efficiency should be explored in future theses.
Geodeesia-, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, hoonete energiatõhusus, Euroopa Liit, rekonstrueerimise mõju, hoonefond