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Soil bulk density and phytosanitary conditions at potato field




Kättesaadav alates


Tartlan, Luule
Nugis, Edvin

Ajakirja pealkiri

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Köite pealkiri


Estonian Academic Agricultural Society


The aim of this paper is to present the microorganisms and their activities and soil bulk density. It is a fact that both have a great impact on soil fertility and its health status. Among the microorganisms in soil, the bacteria and fungi are the most important ones for potato cultivation; the bacteria living on the plant roots serve to uphold the nutrient intake of plants. Our previous research has shown that Paenibacillus Polymyxa Rizobacter fostered a better uptake of phosphorus and reduced drought stress. The potato experiments were conducted in a pH range of 5.4 to 5.9, so it was environmentally favourable for the development of soil fungi. It is well known that moulds have a welldeveloped filiform and a high spore production. We have found that if the genus Alternaria, Helminthosporium, Fusarium, etc., has been left on the surface of the skin of potatoes then it will affect the disease. In 2010, the mould count remained within the range from 0.83·105 to 2.25·105. Also according to our assessments, an economic loss related to unfavourable soil bulk density for potato will occur if it is more than 1.25 ±0.07 Mg m-3. At the same time, it should be noted that for the Estonian soil conditions, the accepted limit of penetration resistance is 1.0 MPa.


Saabunud / Received 12.03.18 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 18.05.18 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 24.05.18 Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Edvin Nugis e-mail:


potato growing, soil bulk density, penetration resistance, soil water content, moulds, bacteria, fusarium, phytosanitary conditions, articles

