Musta leedri (Sambucus niga L.) kasvatamine ja viljade kvaliteet põhjamaade tingimustes
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Lulla, Mariliis
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Eesti Maaülikool
Musta leedrit (Sambucus nigra L.) on aastaid laialdaselt kasutatud meditsiinilistel eesmärkidel
ning toiduainetööstuses, ent teadlikkus selle taime headest omadustest on jäänud vajaka. Musta
leedri viljad sisaldavad mitmeid inimese tervisele vajalikke aineid ja ühendeid, näiteks erinevaid
fütokemikaale, polüfenoolseid ühendeid ning mikro- ja makroelemente. Musta leedri
kasvatamine ei ole Eestis küll kuigi levinud ent on populaarsust kogumas ning erinevad
puukoolid müüvad päris palju erinevaid sorte. Musta leedri puhul on tegemist väga mürgise
taimega ning kasutamiseks sobivad vaid täielikult küpsed viljad.
Töö eesmärk oli teaduskirjanduse põhjal välja selgitada musta leedri kasvatamise ja kasutamise
võimalused ning viljade kvaliteediomadused Põhjamaade tingimustes.
Töös püstitatud hüpotees leidis osaliselt kinnitust. Tänu sordiaretusele saab olenevalt asukoha
eripäradest valida sobivaima sordi, kuid must leeder sobib Põhjamaade tingimustes kasvama
pigem ranniku lähedusse, sest sisemaa karmid talved on talle liiast. Eelistab ta siiski pehmemat
Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) is widely used for medicinal purposes and in the food industry, but conscious of the good properties of this plant is lacking. Black elderberry fruits contain necessary substances and compounds for human health such as polyphenolic compounds, various types of phytochemicals and micro- and macroelements. Cultivation of black elder is not very common in Estonia, but it is gaining popularity and different nurseries sell quite a lot of different varieties. Black elderberry is a very poisonous plant and only fully ripe fruit is suitable for use. The aim of the Bachelor's thesis was to find out the possibilities of growing and using black elderberry and the quality characteristics of fruits in the Nordic conditions. The hypothesis made in the thesis was partially confirmed. Thanks to cultivar breeding it is possible to select the most suitable one, depending on the specifics of the location, but black elderberry is more suitable for growing in the coastal areas, because harsh inland winters are too much for it. Black elder prefers milder climate.
Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) is widely used for medicinal purposes and in the food industry, but conscious of the good properties of this plant is lacking. Black elderberry fruits contain necessary substances and compounds for human health such as polyphenolic compounds, various types of phytochemicals and micro- and macroelements. Cultivation of black elder is not very common in Estonia, but it is gaining popularity and different nurseries sell quite a lot of different varieties. Black elderberry is a very poisonous plant and only fully ripe fruit is suitable for use. The aim of the Bachelor's thesis was to find out the possibilities of growing and using black elderberry and the quality characteristics of fruits in the Nordic conditions. The hypothesis made in the thesis was partially confirmed. Thanks to cultivar breeding it is possible to select the most suitable one, depending on the specifics of the location, but black elderberry is more suitable for growing in the coastal areas, because harsh inland winters are too much for it. Black elder prefers milder climate.
Aianduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, Sambucus nigra L., must leeder, füüsikalised parameetrid, tsüanogeensed ühendid