Korterelamu kompleksse renoveerimise mõju kinnisvara väärtusele Tartu Annelinna näitel
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Simson, Sandra
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Eesti Maaülikool
Euroopa energiatõhususe direktiivi kohaselt peavad alates 2021. aastast kõik uued
ehitatavad hooned olema „liginullenergia“ hooned. Eesti eluasemefond liigub selles
suunas, kuid kuna suur osa elanikest elab just korterelamutes, mis on ehitatud Nõukogude
ajal, siis täna panustab riik ka olemasolevate hoonete renoveerimisele.
Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli uurida kuidas mõjutab korterelamu kompleksne
renoveerimine korteriomandite väärtust, lisaks välja selgitada, millised tegurid omavad
komplekssel renoveerimisel olulist rolli. Uurimistöö piirkonnaks valiti Tartu Annelinn,
kus tehakse suurem osa korterite ostu-müügitehinguid. Kompleksse renoveerimise mõju
mõistmiseks viidi läbi küsitlus Tartu kinnisvaraturu spetsialistide hindajate ja maaklerite
seas. Bakalaureusetöö teoreetilises osas keskenduti tehtud teadustöödele, artiklitele ja
statistikale ning tehti tulemustest kokkuvõtlik ülevaade.
Töö tulemustest võib järeldada, et korteriomandi väärtus renoveeritud korterelamus võib
erineda renoveerimata korterelamu korteriomandist 6-10% ulatuses. Renoveerimist
takistavad tegurid on peamiselt korteriomanikud ise, kellel puudub konkreetne
informatsioon kompleksse renoveerimise käigust ja selle taotlemise võimalustest.
Euroopa Liidu energiatõhususe direktiiv suunab liikmesriike olukorra parandamiseks
tegema vajalikku teavitustööd avaliku- ja erasektori vahel.
Due to the European energy efficiency directive all new buildings starting from 2021 must be nearly zero-energy efficiency buildings. Estonian housing fund is also moving in that direction, because most of the citizens today are living in dwellings built during the Soviet times. Today Estonia is investing in the renovation of the existing buildings. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explore how the complex renovation of apartment houses affects the value of the building, and also to see which factors have big impact on the complex renovation. The research area was chosen to be Annelinn due to the biggest number of the purchase and sales transactions in Tartu. To understand the impact of the complex renovation, a questionnaire was carried out among specialists of real estate assessors and brokers in Tartu. In the theoretical part, the work is concentrating on the science-works, articles and statistics and also a concise summary was made of the results. The results can conclude that the value of renovated dwelling’ apartments can differ 6- 10% from unrenovated. The biggest factor preventing the renovation is usually the owner itself, because of the lack of specific information about the complex renovation process and its application possibilities. European Energy Efficiency Directive aims the member countries to improve the situation by informing public and private sectors.
Due to the European energy efficiency directive all new buildings starting from 2021 must be nearly zero-energy efficiency buildings. Estonian housing fund is also moving in that direction, because most of the citizens today are living in dwellings built during the Soviet times. Today Estonia is investing in the renovation of the existing buildings. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explore how the complex renovation of apartment houses affects the value of the building, and also to see which factors have big impact on the complex renovation. The research area was chosen to be Annelinn due to the biggest number of the purchase and sales transactions in Tartu. To understand the impact of the complex renovation, a questionnaire was carried out among specialists of real estate assessors and brokers in Tartu. In the theoretical part, the work is concentrating on the science-works, articles and statistics and also a concise summary was made of the results. The results can conclude that the value of renovated dwelling’ apartments can differ 6- 10% from unrenovated. The biggest factor preventing the renovation is usually the owner itself, because of the lack of specific information about the complex renovation process and its application possibilities. European Energy Efficiency Directive aims the member countries to improve the situation by informing public and private sectors.
Bakalaureusetöö Geodeesia, maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, kompleksne renoveerimine, Euroopa Liit, korterelamud, turuväärtus, mõjutegurid