Väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa määramise metoodikate võrdlus Mäksa valla näitel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa määramine on olnud Eestis aktuaalne teema alates 2014.
aastast. Peamised väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa kadumise põhjused on valglinnastumine,
infrastruktuuri areng ja kaasnevalt ehitusdegratsioon. Uurimistöö eesmärk on võrrelda
Eesti Maaülikooli geomaatika osakonnas välja töötatud väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa
määramise metoodikat, mis baseerub maakasutuse tingimuste komplekssel hindamisel
ning Põllumajandusministeeriumi (praegu Maaeluministeeriumi) pakutavat metoodikat,
mis baseerub ainult mullastiku tingimuste arvestamisel.
Eesti Maaülikooli geomaatika osakonnas on 2014. aastal välja antud kaks uurimistööd
väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa määramise kohta. Geomaatika osakonnas välja töötatud
metoodika alusel tuleks väärtusliku põllumajandusmaad määrata kaheksa parameetri
alusel. Põllumajandusuuringute keskuse (Põllumajandusministeeriumi tellitud) pakutud
metoodika alusel on väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa määramine boniteedi alusel.
Uurimistöö käigus määrati väärtuslik põllumajandusmaa Mäksa vallas. Kahe väärtusliku
põllumajandusmaa määramise metoodika kohta on koostatud teemakaardid Mäksa valla
Võrreldes kaht metoodikat sarnanes põllumajandusuuringute keskuse metoodika
väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa kriteeriumiga (boniteet ≥41) geomaatika osakonna
väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa määramise metoodikast kõige rohkem kriteerium 50%
haritavast maast on väärtuslik. Selle kaks kriteeriumi sarnanesid just haritava maa pindala
poolest, kuid väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa ühisosa oli kõige väiksem – 45%. Kõige
suurem väärtusliku põllumajandusmaa ühisosa (57%) põllumajandusuuringute keskuse
metoodika kriteeriumiga oli geomaatika osakonna metoodika kriteeriumil tervikhinne üle
0,4. Uurimistöös on koostatud teemakaardid iga kriteeriumi kohta, et tulemusi võrrelda.
The determination of valuable agricultural land in Estonia has been an important issue from 2014 and onwards. The main reasons for the loss of valuable agricultural land are urban sprawl, constructions of building and the development of infrastructure. The main purpose of this bachelor´s thesis was to compair two different methods for the valuable agricultural land determination and create thematic maps of the valuable agricultural land in Mäksa municipality example. The department of Geomatic in Estonian University of Life Sciences has issued two researches on valuable agricultural land. According to the Geomatics department valuable land determination method, valuable agricultural land should be determined by eight factors – soil fertility, area of plot, shape of parcels, accessibility conditions, nearness of other plots, distance from bigger centres, amelioration and landscape. Second method was constructed in the Agricultural Research centre and according to this method valuable agricultural land should only be determined by soil fertility. Comparing two different methods, the most similar criterion with the Agricultural Research centre method (soil fertility≥41) is 50% of the whole agricultural land is valuable. These two criteria are similar in the area of valuable land and at the percentage of valuable land from the whole agricultural land area. But these two criteria’s differ a lot in the amount of parcels. On the other hand, these two criteria have the lowest intersection of all comparisons (45%). The biggest intersection (57%) was between criteria soil fertility ≥41 and complex index value over 0,4. But this was due to the fact that the second criterion covered 94% of the whole agricultural land. In the research there are thematic maps about every criterion for visual comparison.
The determination of valuable agricultural land in Estonia has been an important issue from 2014 and onwards. The main reasons for the loss of valuable agricultural land are urban sprawl, constructions of building and the development of infrastructure. The main purpose of this bachelor´s thesis was to compair two different methods for the valuable agricultural land determination and create thematic maps of the valuable agricultural land in Mäksa municipality example. The department of Geomatic in Estonian University of Life Sciences has issued two researches on valuable agricultural land. According to the Geomatics department valuable land determination method, valuable agricultural land should be determined by eight factors – soil fertility, area of plot, shape of parcels, accessibility conditions, nearness of other plots, distance from bigger centres, amelioration and landscape. Second method was constructed in the Agricultural Research centre and according to this method valuable agricultural land should only be determined by soil fertility. Comparing two different methods, the most similar criterion with the Agricultural Research centre method (soil fertility≥41) is 50% of the whole agricultural land is valuable. These two criteria are similar in the area of valuable land and at the percentage of valuable land from the whole agricultural land area. But these two criteria’s differ a lot in the amount of parcels. On the other hand, these two criteria have the lowest intersection of all comparisons (45%). The biggest intersection (57%) was between criteria soil fertility ≥41 and complex index value over 0,4. But this was due to the fact that the second criterion covered 94% of the whole agricultural land. In the research there are thematic maps about every criterion for visual comparison.
Geodeesia, maakorraldus ja kinnisvara planeerimise erialal
bakalaureusetööd, mullaviljakus, komplekshinded, eksperthinnangud