Ergonoomiline töökeskkond ettevõttes Rauduks
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Leeben, Jane
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1. Bakalaureusetöö uurimisobjektiks oli ettevõte Rauduks tootmistsehh. Uuriti ettevõte 15 töötajat koos nende tööruumide ja –kohtadega.
2. Bakalaureusetööks kasutati ankeetmeetodit, mõõtmis- ja andmetöötlusmeetodit ning riskianalüüsmeetodit.
3. Mõõtmismeetodiga uuriti ettevõtte valgustustihedust, õhutemperatuuri, õhu suhtelist niiskust, õhu liikumiskiirust ning mürataset. Mõõtmistulemustest selgus, et ettevõtte suurimaks probleemiks on õhutemperatuur. Teised mõõdetud parameetrid vastasid normidele.
4. Ankeetmeetodiga anti ülevaade töötajate hinnangust töökeskkonnale. Kõige rohkem tundsid töötajad muret müra, valgustus ja õhutemperatuur suhtes.
5. Töökeskkonna sisekliima arvväärtused vastasid optimaalsetele normidele, kuid peaaegu, et kõigis ruumides normist madalam oli õhutemperatuur.
6. Töökeskkonna õhutemperatuuris tõstmiseks oleks soovituslik kütta tootmishoonet järjepidevalt või hoida õhksoojuspumpasid optimaalsel temperatuuril, et ruumid ei jahtuks maha öösiti.
7. Riskianalüüsi meetod selgitas välja, et tootmishoones esinevad järgmised ohutegurid õhutemperatuur, õhuniiskus, õhu liikumiskiirus, valgustatus, müra, komistamis- ja kukkumisoht, äralöömisoht, tuleoht, elektrilöögioht, töötamine üksinda, töö monotoonsus, tööaeg, metallitolm, keevitus, sundasend, seened ja inimese endoparasiidid.
8. Töökeskkonna hetkeline seis on rahuldav, on asju mida saaks parendada. Kõige suuremat tähelepanu tuleks pöörata valgustusele ja õhutemperatuurile.
Ergonomics is the applied and basic research of biotechnical systems, which is used for planning work activities and also for renewing and developing them. The purpose of Ergonomics is to study and create ergonomical production and technology. The main research objects are physical and mental work activity, the employer has to provide a most suitable working enviroment as possible for each and every employee based on his needs and avoiding the congestion that may occur. The aim of the bachelor work is to improve the company’s Rauduks manufacturing plant environment, because ergonomical working conditions in company Rauduks haven`t been researched before. For diagnosing ergonomic working environment, the author used three research methods: questionnaire, measuring and data processing and risk analyze. Manufacturing plant personnel filled the questionnaire. For analyzing better working conditions the autor used data and risk analyze method. Measuring method was used in order to bring the results in line with the law and standards. Risk analysis has described the situation of work environment in company Rauduks, which based on the risk analysis and has been projected safe workplace for welder. Summary based on all used methods.
Ergonomics is the applied and basic research of biotechnical systems, which is used for planning work activities and also for renewing and developing them. The purpose of Ergonomics is to study and create ergonomical production and technology. The main research objects are physical and mental work activity, the employer has to provide a most suitable working enviroment as possible for each and every employee based on his needs and avoiding the congestion that may occur. The aim of the bachelor work is to improve the company’s Rauduks manufacturing plant environment, because ergonomical working conditions in company Rauduks haven`t been researched before. For diagnosing ergonomic working environment, the author used three research methods: questionnaire, measuring and data processing and risk analyze. Manufacturing plant personnel filled the questionnaire. For analyzing better working conditions the autor used data and risk analyze method. Measuring method was used in order to bring the results in line with the law and standards. Risk analysis has described the situation of work environment in company Rauduks, which based on the risk analysis and has been projected safe workplace for welder. Summary based on all used methods.