Ergonoomikalabori disain
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöö eesmärk oli luua kasutajate vajadusi arvestav ergonoomika laboratooriumi
disaini-lahendus, mis toetab ergonoomika kriteeriumidele vastavaid õppimis- ja
õpetamisvõimalusi. Meetod. Õpikeskkonna mõju hindamiseks õpilaste tervisele ja
töövõimele analüüsiti teaduskirjandust. Probleemide kaardistamiseks õpperuumis teostati
visuaaalsed vaatlused, viidi läbi intervjuu õppejõududega ja e-küsitlus tudengitele. Ruumi
kavandamisel rakendati protsessipõhist meetodit, mis lähtub Mutheri asendiplaani
kavandamise süsteemist. Tulemused. Õppejõudude hinnangul oli laboriruumi kasutamisel
olulisel kohal piisava ruumi olemasolu, töökorras tehnika, ergonoomiline mööbel ja
mugav mööblipaigutus ning mitmekülgsema õppemetoodika rakendamise võimalused (nt
simulatsioonimeetodite kasutamine). Üliõpilaste hinnangul oli kõige olulisemaks
ergonoomika laboratooriumi probleemiks ebaergonoomiline mööbel. Visuaalsed
vaatlused kinnitasid nimetatud probleemide olemasolu laboriruumis A219, mis kinnitas
õpperuumi ergonoomilisemaks disainimise vajadust. Kirjandusanalüüs õpikeskkonna
mõjust õpilaste tervisele ja töövõimele rõhutas, et füüsilisel keskkonnal on suur mõju
õpilaste vaimsele ja füüsilisele tervistele ning töösooritusele. Ruumiõhu kvaliteet aitab
ennetada terviseprobleeme. Nõuetekohane õpperuumi valgustus ennetab silmade
probleeme, tagab õpilaste tähelepanuvõime ja hea töösoorituse. Õige värvivalik
õpperuumis avaldab positiivset psühholoogilist mõju – vähendab stressitaset, ärevust,
suurendab keskendumisvõimet ja akadeemilist sooritust, samuti mõjutab positiivselt
õpilase hoiakuid, käitumist ja tunnetust. Tekstiilse helineelava sirmi lisamine tagab ruumi
optimaalse akustika ja suurendab individuaalset heaolutunnet. Ergonoomiline
laborimööbel võtab arvesse õppijate antropomeetrilisi erinevusi, loob mugavama
keskkonna ning aitab ennetada luu- ja lihaskonnavaevusi. Uuringu tulemuste põhjal loodi
ergonoomika laboratooriumi kaasaegne disainilahendus, koostati asendiplaanid, valiti
mugav ja ergonoomiline ruumi sisustus, koostati valgus- ja värvuslahendused ning 3D
mudelid. Arvestades paindliku õpperuumi ideed, kujundati õpperuumi aktiivala, kus on
võimalik laborimööblit ümber paigutada vastavalt tunni eripärale. Mitmekülgseks
õppetööks valiti ergonoomiline ja multifunktsionaalne õppemööbel. Traditsiooniline
tahvel ja diaprojektori projektsioon asendati interaktiivse tahvliga. Ruumi värvivalik
rahulikes ja harmoneerivates toonides tasakaalustati erksate sisustuselementidega,
toetamaks loovat ja positiivset õpikeskkonda. Uus laboridisain järgib ergonoomika
kriteeriumeid nagu mugavus, ohutus, tervislikkus ja tõhusus.
The aim of the master’s thesis was to create a user-friendly design for the ergonomics laboratory, which supports the ergonomic criteria of learning and teaching. Method: Scientific literature was analyzed to assess the impact of the learning environment on students' health and work ability. Problems in the study room were mapped using visual observations, interviews with lecturers and an e-survey for students. Room layout was designed using a process-based approach that is based on Muther's layout planning system. Results. According to the lecturers’ opinions, the availability of sufficient space, functional equipment, ergonomic furniture and comfortable furniture placement as well as the possibility to apply more diverse teaching methods (eg the use of simulation methods) were important factors in the use of the laboratory room. According to the students, the most important problem in the ergonomics laboratory was non-ergonomic furniture. Visual observations confirmed the existence of the above named problems in the study room, and the need to improve the room design. The literature review emphasized that physical environment has a major impact on students' mental and physical health and performance. Good indoor air quality helps prevent health problems. Proper lighting of the study room prevents eye problems, ensures students' attention and good work performance. Choosing the right color in the study room has a positive psychological effect - it reduces stress level and anxiety, increases concentration and academic performance of the students. It also has a positive effect on the student's attitudes, behavior and cognition. The addition of a textile sound-absorbing screen ensures optimal room acoustics and increases individual well-being. Ergonomic laboratory furniture takes into account the anthropometric differences of students, creates a more comfortable environment and helps prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Based on the results of the study, a modern design of the ergonomics laboratory was created – the layout plans, comfortable and ergonomic interior design, lighting and color solutions and 3D models were compiled. Following the idea of a flexible learning environment, an active area was designed, where it is possible to relocate the laboratory furniture according to the specifics of the lessons. Ergonomic and multifunctional lab furniture was chosen for versatile teaching. The traditional whiteboard and the projector were replaced by an interactive board. Calm and harmonious color tones were balanced with bright interior elements to support a creative and positive learning environment. The new design follows ergonomic criteria such as comfort, safety, health and effective academic performance.
The aim of the master’s thesis was to create a user-friendly design for the ergonomics laboratory, which supports the ergonomic criteria of learning and teaching. Method: Scientific literature was analyzed to assess the impact of the learning environment on students' health and work ability. Problems in the study room were mapped using visual observations, interviews with lecturers and an e-survey for students. Room layout was designed using a process-based approach that is based on Muther's layout planning system. Results. According to the lecturers’ opinions, the availability of sufficient space, functional equipment, ergonomic furniture and comfortable furniture placement as well as the possibility to apply more diverse teaching methods (eg the use of simulation methods) were important factors in the use of the laboratory room. According to the students, the most important problem in the ergonomics laboratory was non-ergonomic furniture. Visual observations confirmed the existence of the above named problems in the study room, and the need to improve the room design. The literature review emphasized that physical environment has a major impact on students' mental and physical health and performance. Good indoor air quality helps prevent health problems. Proper lighting of the study room prevents eye problems, ensures students' attention and good work performance. Choosing the right color in the study room has a positive psychological effect - it reduces stress level and anxiety, increases concentration and academic performance of the students. It also has a positive effect on the student's attitudes, behavior and cognition. The addition of a textile sound-absorbing screen ensures optimal room acoustics and increases individual well-being. Ergonomic laboratory furniture takes into account the anthropometric differences of students, creates a more comfortable environment and helps prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Based on the results of the study, a modern design of the ergonomics laboratory was created – the layout plans, comfortable and ergonomic interior design, lighting and color solutions and 3D models were compiled. Following the idea of a flexible learning environment, an active area was designed, where it is possible to relocate the laboratory furniture according to the specifics of the lessons. Ergonomic and multifunctional lab furniture was chosen for versatile teaching. The traditional whiteboard and the projector were replaced by an interactive board. Calm and harmonious color tones were balanced with bright interior elements to support a creative and positive learning environment. The new design follows ergonomic criteria such as comfort, safety, health and effective academic performance.
Ergonoomika õppekaval
magistritööd, õppekeskkond, ruumiplaneerimine, valgus- ja värvuslahendus, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), keskkonnateadvus, keskkonnasõbralikud tooted