Jahitrofeede andmebaasi kasutamine ulukiseires punahirve (Cervus elaphus) näitel Saaremaal
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Ärmus, Andrea
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Eesti Maaülikool
Jahitrofeed on ühed olulisemad näitajad hirve tervisliku seisundi kohta ja seetõttu on
trofeed muutumas asendamatuks osaks ulukiseire aruannete koostamisel. Antud
bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on teada saada, milliseid jahitrofeede hindamise käigus
kogutud näitajaid saaks kasutada ulukiseires ja kas, sarvekännise järgi on võimalik
määrata hirvepullide vanust. Töös on kasutatud Saarte Jahimeeste Seltsi poolt kogutud
andmeid 2016-2021 aastatel. Kuna hirvesarvedel hinnatakse seitset olulist näitajat, valiti
töö jaoks välja kõige olulisemad näitajad: sarve pikkus, sarve kaal, pooleteistaastaste
sarvede harude arv, loomade vanus ja sarvekännise läbimõõt. Sarvekännise järgi
hirvepulli vanuse määramisel toetuti sakslaste H.H. Hattemer ja H. Drechsler uuringule.
Töö tulemustest selgus, et 2021. aastal olid hirvepullide sarved kaalult raskemad kui
võrrelda eelneva 5 aastaga. Sellest saame järeldada, et jahimehed on isendeid küttides
õigesti toimetanud. Medalivääriliste jahitrofeede osakaal Saaremaal on 85% võrreldes
ülejäänud Eestiga ning see annab kinnitust sellele, et asurkonnas on levinud head
geneetilised omadused ja jahimeeste teadlikkus valikküttimise osas tõusnud. Sarvekännise
tulemustest selgus, et isendi vanust, lisaks lõualuule, on võimalik määrata sarvekännise
läbimõõdu järgi. Kindlasti vajab antud töö veel edasisi uuringuid, sest nagu antud tööst
siiski selgub, on jahitrofeede andmebaas meie isendite hindamisel äärmiselt oluline.
Antud töö oleks hea alusmaterjal Keskkonnaagentuurile, et täiustada ulukiseire aruandeid
just punahirve seisukohalt.
Hunting trophies are one of the most important indicators of red deer health and therefore have becoming an indispensable part of wildlife monitoring reports. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to find out which indicators collected during the evaluation of hunting trophies could be used in game monitoring and is it possible to determine the age of deer bulls by the pedicle. The data in this work have been collected by Saarte Hunters Association in 2016-2021. The seven most important indicators evaluated on red deer antlers are: the length of the horn, the weight of the horn, the number of branched horns on a half a year old animal, the age of an animal and the diameter of the pedicle. Studies done by the Germans H.H. Hattemer and H. Drechsler were used to determine the red bull age by a pedicle. The results of the work revealed that in 2021, the horns of deer bulls were heavier in weight than in the previous 5 years. From this we can conclude that the hunters have been hunting the specimens correctly. The share of medal-worthy hunting trophies in Saaremaa is 85% compared to the rest of Estonia, this confirms that the population has good genetic traits and the hunters' awareness of selective hunting has increased. The results of the pedicle revealed that the age of the specimen, in addition to the jawbone, can be determined by the diameter of the pedicle. Certainly, this work needs further research, because as it turns out, the database of hunting trophies is extremely important in the evaluation of our specimens. This work would be a good starting point for the Environment Agency in Estonia to improve it’s wildlife monitoring reports, especially regarding data for red deer.
Hunting trophies are one of the most important indicators of red deer health and therefore have becoming an indispensable part of wildlife monitoring reports. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to find out which indicators collected during the evaluation of hunting trophies could be used in game monitoring and is it possible to determine the age of deer bulls by the pedicle. The data in this work have been collected by Saarte Hunters Association in 2016-2021. The seven most important indicators evaluated on red deer antlers are: the length of the horn, the weight of the horn, the number of branched horns on a half a year old animal, the age of an animal and the diameter of the pedicle. Studies done by the Germans H.H. Hattemer and H. Drechsler were used to determine the red bull age by a pedicle. The results of the work revealed that in 2021, the horns of deer bulls were heavier in weight than in the previous 5 years. From this we can conclude that the hunters have been hunting the specimens correctly. The share of medal-worthy hunting trophies in Saaremaa is 85% compared to the rest of Estonia, this confirms that the population has good genetic traits and the hunters' awareness of selective hunting has increased. The results of the pedicle revealed that the age of the specimen, in addition to the jawbone, can be determined by the diameter of the pedicle. Certainly, this work needs further research, because as it turns out, the database of hunting trophies is extremely important in the evaluation of our specimens. This work would be a good starting point for the Environment Agency in Estonia to improve it’s wildlife monitoring reports, especially regarding data for red deer.
Keskkonnakaitse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, jahitrofeed, ulukiseire, punahirv