Erinevate algtihedusega arukase katsekultuuri esmane inventeerimine Järvselja Õppe- ja Katsemetskonnas
Kättesaadav alates
Kokk, Andre
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Bakalaureusetöö sisaldab ülevaadet arukasest, tema kultiveerimisest endistele
põllumaadele ja põlevkivikarjääridesse ning Järvselja Õppe- ja Katsemetskonda
rajatud erineva algtihedusega arukase katsekultuuri esmasest inventeerimisest ja
selle tulemustest. Lõputöö eesmärgiks on võrrelda erinevate algtihedusega
proovitükkidelt saadud tulemusi.
2013. aasta kevadel rajati katsealale 15 proovitükki, kuhu istutati 5000 üheaastast
arukase seemikut. Sama aasta sügisel markeeriti 4310 puud. 1993 kasel paigaldati
hiirekaitsetorbikud ning mõõdeti kõrgused. Katsealal keskmine arukase kõrgus oli
70,9 sentimeetrit. 86,2 % istutatud puudest leiti sügisel üles, ülejäänud 13,8%
puudest olid hukkunud. Kõige suurem keskmine kõrgus oli proovitükil, kuhu
istutati algtihedusega 500 tk/ha, keskmiseks kõrguseks oli 75,7 sentimeetrit
Katsealal mõõdetud kõrgusi võrreldi teiste sarnaste katsealade tulemustega ning
leiti, et kõrgused ei erinenud oluliselt. Tulemuste põhjal võib öelda, et arukaskede
algtihedus ei mõjuta esimesel aastal kõrguskasvu.
This Bachelor's thesis focuses on Betula pendula and its spread and growth in the abandoned farming areas and territories that were once used as open mines or quarries. A parallel for it is drawn by analyzing and discussing the results of a primary field test that was performed at the Forestry Experimental and Training Station in Järvselja. In spring 2013, 15 sampling plots were allocated in an experimental field, for 5 000 one-year-old Betula pendula seedlings to be planted on. In the fall of the same year, 4310 seedlings were earmarked. Heights of 1 993 seedlings were measured and a protective cone was, subsequently, placed around each. The median height of the seedlings was 70.9 centimeters. By the fall of the same year, 86.2 percent of the seedlings had survived and could be recovered, whereas the remaining 13.8 percent had become extinct. The tallest median height, 75.7 centimeters, was measured on the testing patch where the planting density was 500 seedlings per one hectare. The data about the heights received were compared with data from other similar testing fields and found to be quite similar. Based on the research results, the author has concluded that the (initial) planting density does not affect the height growth or retention of Betula pendula during the first year of growing.
This Bachelor's thesis focuses on Betula pendula and its spread and growth in the abandoned farming areas and territories that were once used as open mines or quarries. A parallel for it is drawn by analyzing and discussing the results of a primary field test that was performed at the Forestry Experimental and Training Station in Järvselja. In spring 2013, 15 sampling plots were allocated in an experimental field, for 5 000 one-year-old Betula pendula seedlings to be planted on. In the fall of the same year, 4310 seedlings were earmarked. Heights of 1 993 seedlings were measured and a protective cone was, subsequently, placed around each. The median height of the seedlings was 70.9 centimeters. By the fall of the same year, 86.2 percent of the seedlings had survived and could be recovered, whereas the remaining 13.8 percent had become extinct. The tallest median height, 75.7 centimeters, was measured on the testing patch where the planting density was 500 seedlings per one hectare. The data about the heights received were compared with data from other similar testing fields and found to be quite similar. Based on the research results, the author has concluded that the (initial) planting density does not affect the height growth or retention of Betula pendula during the first year of growing.