Measurements of wireless detectors used to monitor animal movements in livestock farms
Kättesaadav alates
Hart, J.
Hartová, V.
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
At present, there is a great interest in monitoring and automating farm animals and
livestock farming. There are many systems and methods to check the movement of animals in
certain areas. One option is to use motion detectors. However, some installations are so specific
that they require the use of wireless motion detectors. They not only have to fulfill their functional
part but also have a sufficiently strong signal that should not interfere outside the defined ISM
bands. Due to the frequent deployment of different types of these detectors, research has been
carried out to monitor shortcomings in frequently used types of wireless detectors. This research
defines which tested detectors are fully usable according to the standards and which need to be
modified by the manufacturer. Also, based on measurements, the basic risks and
recommendations for the use of individual types of tested detectors are defined.
livestock, measurement, wireless, ISM band, detector, articles