Siidri tehnoloogia õppematerjal
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Eesti Maaülikool
Ida-Euroopas on siidritootmine tõusev trend, mida kinnitab ka Eesti siidritootmise tõus. Kuid
siine siidritootmine ja sellealane teadustöö on veel arengujärgus ning siidritootmisega seotud
eestikeelset kirjandust on vähe. Seetõttu sai koostatud bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiga: luua
üliõpilastele siidritehnoloogiat, ajalugu ja jaotust käsitlev teoreetiline õppematerjal. Mis annab
üldteadmised siidrist ja selle tootmisest. Tegu on kirjanduse analüüsiga, kus on kasutatud
erinevaid teemakohaseid teadusartikleid, ülevaateartikleid, raamatuid ja veebilehti.
Bakalaureusetöö on jagatud kaheks peamiseks osaks: esimene osa koosneb õppematerjalile
esitatud nõuete ja õppematerjal kujundamise peatükist ning teine osa on õppematerjal.
Õppematerjali loomisel lähtuti ADDIE (analyse, design, development, imlpementation,
evaluation) mudelist ning selle põhjal loodi eesmärk, mis annab toiduainete tehnoloogia
bakalaureuseõppe üliõpilastele teoreetilised üldteadmised siidri tootmise tehnoloogiast.
Õppematerjalis kirjutatakse kõigepealt ajaloost ning siidri jagunemisest piirkoniti ja tüüpide
poolest. Õppematerjali osa on jaotatud neljaks õppeosaks. Kus iga õppeosa lõpus on koostatud
küsimused õpiväljundite saavutamise kontrollimiseks. Õppe läbiviimiseks tuleb õppematerjal
viia Moodle keskkonda.
Cider production is a growing trend in Eastern Europe, which is also confirmed by the increase in cider production in Estonia. However, cider production and research in this field are still in the development stage, and there is little Estonian literature related to cider production. The bachelor's thesis is prepared with the goal of creating theoretical study material for students about cider technology, history, and distribution, which provides general knowledge about cider and its production. It is a literature analysis with relevant research articles, review articles, books, and websites. The bachelor's thesis consists of two main parts: the first part consists of study materials with a chapter on requirements and study material design, and the second part is study material. The study material was created based on the ADDIE (analyze, design, development, implementation, assessment) model, and based on this, it aims to provide undergraduate food technology students with general theoretical knowledge of cider production technology. In the study material, history is written, as well as its division by regions and types. The part of study material consists of four study parts, where at the end of each study part, there are questions to check the achievement of the learning outcomes. This study material needs to be added to Moodle.
Cider production is a growing trend in Eastern Europe, which is also confirmed by the increase in cider production in Estonia. However, cider production and research in this field are still in the development stage, and there is little Estonian literature related to cider production. The bachelor's thesis is prepared with the goal of creating theoretical study material for students about cider technology, history, and distribution, which provides general knowledge about cider and its production. It is a literature analysis with relevant research articles, review articles, books, and websites. The bachelor's thesis consists of two main parts: the first part consists of study materials with a chapter on requirements and study material design, and the second part is study material. The study material was created based on the ADDIE (analyze, design, development, implementation, assessment) model, and based on this, it aims to provide undergraduate food technology students with general theoretical knowledge of cider production technology. In the study material, history is written, as well as its division by regions and types. The part of study material consists of four study parts, where at the end of each study part, there are questions to check the achievement of the learning outcomes. This study material needs to be added to Moodle.
Toiduainete tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, õun, kääritamine, Euroopa, tanniinid, happesus