Hein hobuste söödana
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Bakalaureusetöös antakse kirjanduse põhjal ülevaade enamkasutatavatest hobuste söötadest, sh
põhisöödana kasutatava heina organoleptilis-laboratoorsest kvaliteedist ja hobuste seedesüsteemist.
Heina kvaliteedi uuring viidi läbi neljas ratsatalus, kust võeti keskmised heinaproovid, kokku kümnest
heinapartiist. Organoleptiliselt hinnati heina värvi, lõhna, niiskusesisaldust ja tolmamist. Laboratoorselt
määrati heina kuivaine, zearalenooni ja deoksünivalenooli sisaldus. Katseandmed töödeldi
variatsioonstatistiliselt programmiga MS Excel 2016.
Uuringu põhjal leiti, et hinnatud kümne heinapartii keskmine organoleptiline hinne oli hea kuni rahuldav,
keskmiselt 4,7±0,46 palli. Talus B üks heinapartii natuke tolmas ja talus C üks heinapartii tolmas
keskmiselt ja selles esines hallitanud tükke. Statistiliselt usutav erinevus ostu ja talus koha peal
valmistatud heinal organoleptiliste näitajate vahel puudus. Laboratoorselt määratud
heinaproovide keskmine kuivainesisaldus oli 90,3±1,77%, mistõttu kõik uuritud heinapartiid
olid liialt kuivad (kuivainesisaldus 87-92%). Uuritud heinaproovide zearalenooni ja
deoksünivalenooli sisaldust võib keskmiselt lugeda madalaks. Samas kaks heinapartiid
sisaldasid zearalenooni keskmisel ohtlikul tasemel (100-250 ppb) ja üks heinapartii sisaldas
deoksünivalenooli keskmisel ohtlikul tasemel (500-2000 ppb), vastavalt 691 ppb. Mükotoksiine
leiti talude A, B ja C heinast, talu D heinast mükotoksiine ei tuvastatud. Taludesse sisse ostetud
hein oli 2,4 protsendiühikut kuivem kui taludes kohapeal valmistatud hein (P<0,05). Taludesse
sisse ostetud heinapartiides oli zearalenooni sisaldus oluliselt (P<0,05) suurem kui taludes
kohapeal valmistatud heinapartiides (103 ppb vs. 37 ppb). Deoksünivalenooli sisaldus taludesse
sisse ostetud ja taludes kohapeal valmistatud heinapartiides ei erinenud.
The Bachelor’s thesis provides an overview of the most commonly used horse feeds based on the literary, including the organoleptic-laboratory quality of hay used as a main feed and the digestive system of horses. The hay quality research was carried out in four horse farms, from which average hay samples were taken, from a total of ten hay batches. Hay colour, odour, moisture content and dust were assessed organoleptically. The dry matter content of hay, zearalenone and deoxynivalenol were determined in the laboratory. The experimental data was processed by variation statistics with MS Excel 2016. Based on the study, the average organoleptic grade of the ten hay lots evaluated was found to be good to satisfactory, averaging 4,7±0,46 points. On farm B, one batch of hay was slightly dusty and on farm C, one batch of hay was on average dusty and had moldy lumps. There was no statistically difference between the organoleptic characteristics of purchased hay and farm produced hay. The average dry matter content of the laboratory hay samples was 90,3±1,77%, which made all batches of hay tested too dry (dry matter content 87-92%). The levels of zearalenone and deoxynivalenol in the hay samples tested can be considered low on average. However, two batches of hay contained zearalenone at a medium hazard level (100-250 ppb) and one batch of hay contained deoxynivalenol at a medium hazard level (500-2000 ppb), 691 ppb, respectively. Mycotoxins were found in the hay of farms A, B and C, no mycotoxins were detected in the hay of farm D. Hay purchased on farms was 2,4 percentage points drier than hay produced on farms (P<0,05). The content of zearalenone in hay lots which was purchased on farms was significantly (P<0,05) higher than in hay lots produces on farms (103 vs. 37 ppb). The content of deoxynivalenol in the batches of hay purchased on farms and produced on farms did not differ.
The Bachelor’s thesis provides an overview of the most commonly used horse feeds based on the literary, including the organoleptic-laboratory quality of hay used as a main feed and the digestive system of horses. The hay quality research was carried out in four horse farms, from which average hay samples were taken, from a total of ten hay batches. Hay colour, odour, moisture content and dust were assessed organoleptically. The dry matter content of hay, zearalenone and deoxynivalenol were determined in the laboratory. The experimental data was processed by variation statistics with MS Excel 2016. Based on the study, the average organoleptic grade of the ten hay lots evaluated was found to be good to satisfactory, averaging 4,7±0,46 points. On farm B, one batch of hay was slightly dusty and on farm C, one batch of hay was on average dusty and had moldy lumps. There was no statistically difference between the organoleptic characteristics of purchased hay and farm produced hay. The average dry matter content of the laboratory hay samples was 90,3±1,77%, which made all batches of hay tested too dry (dry matter content 87-92%). The levels of zearalenone and deoxynivalenol in the hay samples tested can be considered low on average. However, two batches of hay contained zearalenone at a medium hazard level (100-250 ppb) and one batch of hay contained deoxynivalenol at a medium hazard level (500-2000 ppb), 691 ppb, respectively. Mycotoxins were found in the hay of farms A, B and C, no mycotoxins were detected in the hay of farm D. Hay purchased on farms was 2,4 percentage points drier than hay produced on farms (P<0,05). The content of zearalenone in hay lots which was purchased on farms was significantly (P<0,05) higher than in hay lots produces on farms (103 vs. 37 ppb). The content of deoxynivalenol in the batches of hay purchased on farms and produced on farms did not differ.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, hobuste söödad, hein, heina kvaliteet, mükotoksiinid, kuivainesisaldus