Päikesepaneelide ja akupankade integreerimine elurajoonide tippkoormuse kompenseerimiseks
Kättesaadav alates
Moroz, Alexander
Ajakirja pealkiri
Ajakirja ISSN
Köite pealkiri
Eesti Maaülikool
Elektritarbimine Euroopa Liidus, sealhulgas Eestis, kasvab, mis põhjustab probleeme elektrivõrgu ülekoormusega. Euroopa Liidus uuritakse aktiivselt mikrovõrkude kasutamist, kaasa arvatud mikrovõrkude rakendamine elektrivõrgu tippkoormuse kompenseerimiseks, kuid Eestis ei kasutata selleks otstarbeks sisuliselt mikrovõrke. Käesoleva uuringu eesmärk oli luua elurajooni elektrivõrgu mudel, milles kasutatakse päikesepaneele ja akupanku elektrivõrgu tippkoormuse kompenseerimiseks, ning selgitada välja, kas selline lahendus on majanduslikult ja tehniliselt efektiivne. Töö raames loodi reaalse elurajooni tarbimisandmete põhjal mikrovõrgu mudel, mille tippkoormus jaotusvõrgule oli 176 kW, mida vähendati 140 kW-ni, kasutades 110 kWh mahutavusega akupanku ja 185 kW nimivõimsusega päikesepaneelide parki. Selliste parameetritega mikrovõrk näitas mitte ainult tehnilist, vaid ka majanduslikku tõhusust. Arvutuste tulemuste kohaselt tasub see end võrreldes tavapärase jaotusvõrguga liitumisega ära 8,7 aastaga ja säästab 25-aastase projekti eluea jooksul 7,45% elamupiirkonna energiakuludest. Sellegipoolest vajab see teema edasist uurimist, eriti seoses mikrovõrgu elementide tõhusate juhtimismehhanismide arendamisega. Tulevikus võiks seda tööd arendada täiemahuliseks mikrovõrgu projektiks.
Electricity consumption in the European Union, including Estonia, is increasing, which causes problems with congestion in the power grid. In the EU, the use of microgrids is being actively investigated, including the use of microgrids to compensate for peak loads on the distribution grid, but in Estonia microgrids are not practically used for this purpose. The aim of this research was to create a model of a residential area grid model using solar panels and battery banks to compensate for peak loads in the distribution grid and to find out whether this solution is economically and technically efficient. As part of the work, a microgrid model with a peak load on the distribution network of 176 kW was created based on the consumption data of a real residential area, which was reduced to 140 kW by using battery banks with a capacity of 110 kWh and a park of solar panels with a nominal capacity of 185 kW. Microgrid with such parameters showed not only technical but also economic efficiency. According to the results of the calculations, it will payback compared to a typical connection to the distribution grid in 8.7 years and will save 7.45% of the residential area's energy costs over the 25-year life of the project. Nevertheless, the topic requires further research, especially in terms of developing effective control mechanisms for the microgrid elements. In the future, this work could be developed into a full-fledged microgrid project.
Electricity consumption in the European Union, including Estonia, is increasing, which causes problems with congestion in the power grid. In the EU, the use of microgrids is being actively investigated, including the use of microgrids to compensate for peak loads on the distribution grid, but in Estonia microgrids are not practically used for this purpose. The aim of this research was to create a model of a residential area grid model using solar panels and battery banks to compensate for peak loads in the distribution grid and to find out whether this solution is economically and technically efficient. As part of the work, a microgrid model with a peak load on the distribution network of 176 kW was created based on the consumption data of a real residential area, which was reduced to 140 kW by using battery banks with a capacity of 110 kWh and a park of solar panels with a nominal capacity of 185 kW. Microgrid with such parameters showed not only technical but also economic efficiency. According to the results of the calculations, it will payback compared to a typical connection to the distribution grid in 8.7 years and will save 7.45% of the residential area's energy costs over the 25-year life of the project. Nevertheless, the topic requires further research, especially in terms of developing effective control mechanisms for the microgrid elements. In the future, this work could be developed into a full-fledged microgrid project.
Tehnika ja tehnoloogia õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, mikrovõrk, taastuvenergia, võimsus, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), energiavarustus, alternatiivenergia