Maakasutuse muutused looduslikest aladest tehisaladeks Viljandi linna lähiümbruses võrreldes aastaid 2011 ja 2023
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Muts, Elisabeth
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Eesti Maaülikool
Euroopas ja kogu maailmas on kliimamuutused ja keskkonnaseisundi halvenemine suureks
ohuks eksistentsile. Euroopas vastu võetud rohelise kokkuleppe eesmärgiks on liikuda samm
lähemale kliimaneutraalsusele. Euroopa Liidus peab kliimaseaduse järgi 2030. aastaks
kasvuhoonegaaside netoheide vähenema vähemalt 55% võrreldes 1990. aasta tasemega.
Selleks, et järgida rohelist kokkulepet, peab maad kasutama tõhusamalt. Selleks, et näha, kas
maa on tõhusalt kasutatud, tuleb uurida maakasutust ja selle muutuseid. Käesoleva
bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on kirjeldada Eesti topograafia andmekogu (ETAK) alusel
maakasutuse muutuseid looduslikest aladest tehislikeks aladeks Viljandi linna lähiümbruses,
aastate 2011 ja 2023 võrdluses. Eesmärgi lahendamiseks avatakse mitme aspekti tausta: mis
on ja mis põhjustavad maakasutuse muutuseid; millised on maakasutuse muutuste mõjud;
millised on olnud maakasutuse muutused Eestis 1990. aastast.
Bakalaureusetöö teostamiseks kasutati puhvertsoone. Selleks moodustati kümme ühe
kilomeetrist puhvertsooni Viljandi linna ümber. Puhvertsoonide kaupa arvutati välja 12. aasta
jooksul toimunud looduslike alade muutused tehislikeks aladeks. Töös selgus, et
äärelinnastumise protsess on käimas Viljandi linnale lähemal. Selle aja jooksul on muutunud
343 hektarit looduslikke alasid tehisaladeks. Enim muutusid looduslikud alad õuealadeks
moodustades 85% kogu muutunud aladest.
In Europe and around the world, climate change and environmental degradation are a major threat to existence. The Green Deal adopted in Europe aims to move a step closer to climate neutrality. In the European Union, by 2030, net greenhouse gas emissions must fall by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels. In order to comply with the Green Deal, land must be used more effectively. In order to see whether the land has been used effectively, the use of land and its changes must be examined. The purpose of this Bachelor's thesis is to describe, on the basis of the Estonian Topography Database (ETAK), changes in land use from natural areas to artificial areas in the vicinity of the city of Viljandi, in comparison between 2011 and 2023. To solve the goal, several aspects of the background are opened: what is and what causes land use changes; what are the effects of land use changes; what have been the changes in land use in Estonia since 1990. Buffer zones were used to carry out the bachelor's thesis. For this purpose, ten buffer zones of one kilometre were formed around the city of Viljandi. The transformation of natural areas into artificial areas during year 12 was calculated by buffer zones. The work revealed that the process of suburbanisation is underway closer to the city of Viljandi. During this time, 343 hectares of natural areas have become artificial areas. The most natural areas turned into outdoor areas, accounting for 85% of the total area changed.
In Europe and around the world, climate change and environmental degradation are a major threat to existence. The Green Deal adopted in Europe aims to move a step closer to climate neutrality. In the European Union, by 2030, net greenhouse gas emissions must fall by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels. In order to comply with the Green Deal, land must be used more effectively. In order to see whether the land has been used effectively, the use of land and its changes must be examined. The purpose of this Bachelor's thesis is to describe, on the basis of the Estonian Topography Database (ETAK), changes in land use from natural areas to artificial areas in the vicinity of the city of Viljandi, in comparison between 2011 and 2023. To solve the goal, several aspects of the background are opened: what is and what causes land use changes; what are the effects of land use changes; what have been the changes in land use in Estonia since 1990. Buffer zones were used to carry out the bachelor's thesis. For this purpose, ten buffer zones of one kilometre were formed around the city of Viljandi. The transformation of natural areas into artificial areas during year 12 was calculated by buffer zones. The work revealed that the process of suburbanisation is underway closer to the city of Viljandi. During this time, 343 hectares of natural areas have become artificial areas. The most natural areas turned into outdoor areas, accounting for 85% of the total area changed.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, maakasutuse muutused, maahõive, äärelinnastumine, keskkond, jätkusuutlikkus, säästev areng, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid)