Bioloogiliste ja keemiliste preparaatide efektiivsus traatusside tõrjel kartuli näitel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Naksurlase vastne traatuss on maailmas laialdaselt esinev põllukahjur. Suure traatussi
populatsiooni korral võib saagi kahjustuse ulatus küündida 60%-ni. Tulenevalt naksurlase ja
tema vastse traatussi eluviisist on tema tõrjumine keeruline ja spetsiifline protsess. Seetõttu pole
siiani välja töötatud efektiivset taimekaitsevahendit traatussi tõrjeks. Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö
eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada erinevate bioloogiliste ja keemiliste preparaatide efektiivsus
traatussi tõrjel. Antud töö viidi läbi kartuli põldkatsena. Põldkatse jaoks loodi 28m2 lapid kahes
korduses, kus iga lappi töödeldi erineva preparaadina. Bioloogiliste preparaatidena kasutati
mullanematoodi Larvanem ja entomopatogeenne seenpreparaat Attracap. Keemiliste
preparaatidena kasutati insektitsiide Columbo, SoilGuard ja Force Evo. Katse tulemusi
vaadeldes täheldati mõnevõrra vähenenud vigastuste ulatust ja arvu insektitsiidi Force Evo
puhul, aga vahe kontrollvariandiga ei olnud statistiliselt oluline. Teiste preparaatide puhul ei
täheldatud muutust võrreldes kontrollvariandiga. Preparaatide madalat efektiivsust traatussi
tõrjel on võimalik seostada ebasobivate keskkonnatingimustega. 2022. aasta maikuus, kui
toimus katse rajamine oli põuane ning soe periood. Bioloogilised preparaadid vajavad
toimimiseks optimaalset mullaniiskust ning mõõdukat temperatuuri, mida antud perioodil ei
esinenud. Keemiliste insektitsiidide madal efektiivsus võis tuleneda traatussi eluviisist. Traatuss
kaevab ennast madala mullaniiskuse korral sügavamatesse mullakihtidesse, selle tõttu ei saanud
insektitsiid mõjule ning kui traatuss uuesti pinnale naases võis prepraaadi efektiivsus olla
langenud. Töö alguses püstitatud hüpoteesid ei leidnud kinnitust.
The wireworm, the larva of the click beetle, is a common crop pest worldwide. When wireworm populations are high, crop damage can reach up to 60%. Due to the wireworm and its larvae's lifestyle, controlling them is a complex and specific process. Therefore, an effective pesticide for wireworm control has not yet been developed. The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to determine the effectiveness of various biological and chemical preparations in controlling wireworms. The field experiment was carried out on a potato field. For the field experiment, two sets of 28m2 plots were created, each treated with a different preparation. Biological preparations used were Larvanem and Attracap, while chemical preparations used were Columbo, SoilGuard, and Force Evo. When analyzing the results of the experiment, a somewhat reduced extent and number of injuries were observed for the Force Evo insecticide, but the difference from the control group was not statistically significant. No change was observed for other preparations compared to the control group. The low effectiveness of preparations in controlling wireworms can be attributed to unsuitable environmental conditions. In May 2022, when the experiment was conducted, it was dry and warm. Biological preparations require optimal soil moisture and moderate temperatures to function, which were not present during this period. The low effectiveness of chemical insecticides may have resulted from the wireworm's lifestyle. Wireworms burrow themselves into deeper soil layers under low soil moisture, making it difficult for the insecticide to take effect, and when the wireworm resurfaces, the effectiveness of the preparation may have decreased. The hypotheses set at the beginning of the study were not confirmed.
The wireworm, the larva of the click beetle, is a common crop pest worldwide. When wireworm populations are high, crop damage can reach up to 60%. Due to the wireworm and its larvae's lifestyle, controlling them is a complex and specific process. Therefore, an effective pesticide for wireworm control has not yet been developed. The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to determine the effectiveness of various biological and chemical preparations in controlling wireworms. The field experiment was carried out on a potato field. For the field experiment, two sets of 28m2 plots were created, each treated with a different preparation. Biological preparations used were Larvanem and Attracap, while chemical preparations used were Columbo, SoilGuard, and Force Evo. When analyzing the results of the experiment, a somewhat reduced extent and number of injuries were observed for the Force Evo insecticide, but the difference from the control group was not statistically significant. No change was observed for other preparations compared to the control group. The low effectiveness of preparations in controlling wireworms can be attributed to unsuitable environmental conditions. In May 2022, when the experiment was conducted, it was dry and warm. Biological preparations require optimal soil moisture and moderate temperatures to function, which were not present during this period. The low effectiveness of chemical insecticides may have resulted from the wireworm's lifestyle. Wireworms burrow themselves into deeper soil layers under low soil moisture, making it difficult for the insecticide to take effect, and when the wireworm resurfaces, the effectiveness of the preparation may have decreased. The hypotheses set at the beginning of the study were not confirmed.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, naksurlane, taimekaitsevahendid, insektitsiid, Agriotes obscurus, Agriotes lineatus