Evaluation of reed biomass use for manufacturing products, taking into account environmental protection requirements
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In many countries reed is considered as invasive or unnecessary plant, because it is
spreading rapidly, causing decrease in biodiversity and creating unacceptable living conditio
for many bird species in their natural habitats. Due to environmental considerations it is necessary
to cut reed, to decrease their over exceeding growth. Reed burning or leaving for decomposition
on fields, that has been practiced until now, creates ad
ditional carbon dioxide air pollution.
Therefore, the question on what to do with cut reed has become vital from environmental
protection perspective. In addition, this question applies to
bioeconomy principles in compliance
with their use in national econ
omy, which makes it clear, that solutions for the use of reed biomass
for production have to be found. But any production process can leave a negative effect on
surrounding environment. Further to product production, economic motivation, possible market
d availability of resources are primarily essential to see whether it is worth to produce the
product at all. Therefore, reed biomass use possibilities in production have to be analysed as a
complex question, taking into account environmental and climate,
economic and technological
aspects. In this study, solutions to perspective reed biomass use are evaluated, considering
environmental protection requirements. For this task, multi
criteria analysis method TOPSIS is
used, which includes 11 environmental and
climate, economic and technological
Evaluation includes both
already existing and new products that are divided in 3 sectors: power
industry, construction and other products. Results of the research clearly state, which of reed
biomass made pr
oducts are perspective, taking into account not only traditional economic and
technological aspects, but also envi
ronmental and climate aspects.
reed, multi-criteria analysis, TOPSIS, bioeconomy, articles