Kaitstud glükoosi mõju piimalehmade energiabilansile ja ainevahetusele üleminekuperioodil
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Eesti Maaülikool
Magistritöös kasutatud materjal koguti projekti „ Uudse, tervist toetava täiendsööda välja töötamine uuslüpsiperioodiks maksimaalselt ära kasutades lehmade aretusega saavutatud toodangu võimekust.” raames. Töö eesmärgiks oli uurida kaitstud glükoosi lisasöötmise mõju piimalehmade söömusele, piimatoodangule, ainevahetusele ja energiabilansile üleminekuperioodil. Selleks moodustati juhusliku valiku alusel korduvpoeginud eesti holsteini tõugu lehmadest kaks rühma: kontroll (n=10) ja katserühm (n=10). Katserühmale söödeti lisaks 200g kaitstud glükoosi päevas. Lehmad toodi katselauta nädal enne ja viidi tagasi kolm nädalat pärast poegimist. Kinnisperioodil koguti kindlaks määratud proovipäevadel sööda- ja vereproovid, laktatsiooniperioodil lisandusid piimaproovid (alates 4. laktatsioonipäevast). Katseloomade söödad analüüsiti ja nende söömus registreeriti igapäevaselt. Piimaproovidest määrati valgu, rasva ja laktoosi sisaldus, vereproovidest esterdumata rasvhapete, β-hüdroksübutüraadi ja glükoosi kontsentratsioon. Tulemused näitasid, et kaitstud glükoosi täiendav söötmine suurendas katseperioodil lehmade piimatoodangut. Kuigi katserühma loomade kehavarude kasutamine oli intensiivsem (energiabilanss negatiivsem ja esterdumata rasvahapete kontsentratsioon veres suurem), siis ei toonud see kaasa suuremat ketoosi haigestumise ohtu.
The materials used in the Master’s thesis were collected in the framework of the project “Development of a novel and health-enhancing complementary feed that improves the production of transit dairy cows”. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of supplementary feeding of protected glucose on the feed intake, milk production, metabolism and energy balance of transition dairy cows. For this purpose, two groups were randomly formed of multiparous Estonian Holstein cows: control group (n=10) and test group (n=10). The test group was fed an additional 200 g of protected glucose per day. Cows were brought to the cowshed used for the testing one week before and returned three weeks after calving. During the dry period, feed and blood samples were collected on the pre-determined sampling days, while milk samples were additionally collected during the lactation period (from day 4 of lactation). Feeds for the animals in the study were analysed and the cows’ feed intake was recorded daily. Milk samples were analysed for protein, fat and lactose contents; blood samples were analysed for concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and glucose. The results showed that feeding supplementary protected glucose to cows increased milk production during the test period. Although the animals in the test group used their body reserves more intensively (they had a more negative energy balance and a higher concentration of NEFA in the blood), this did not lead to a higher risk of ketosis.
The materials used in the Master’s thesis were collected in the framework of the project “Development of a novel and health-enhancing complementary feed that improves the production of transit dairy cows”. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of supplementary feeding of protected glucose on the feed intake, milk production, metabolism and energy balance of transition dairy cows. For this purpose, two groups were randomly formed of multiparous Estonian Holstein cows: control group (n=10) and test group (n=10). The test group was fed an additional 200 g of protected glucose per day. Cows were brought to the cowshed used for the testing one week before and returned three weeks after calving. During the dry period, feed and blood samples were collected on the pre-determined sampling days, while milk samples were additionally collected during the lactation period (from day 4 of lactation). Feeds for the animals in the study were analysed and the cows’ feed intake was recorded daily. Milk samples were analysed for protein, fat and lactose contents; blood samples were analysed for concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and glucose. The results showed that feeding supplementary protected glucose to cows increased milk production during the test period. Although the animals in the test group used their body reserves more intensively (they had a more negative energy balance and a higher concentration of NEFA in the blood), this did not lead to a higher risk of ketosis.
Loomakasvatuse õppekaval
magistritööd, söömus, toodang, vere metaboliidid, eesti holstein