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Solar and wind energy seasonal heat storage systems for residential buildings in Nordic climate

dc.contributor.advisorAnnuk, Andres
dc.contributor.advisorKokin, Eugen
dc.contributor.authorKalder, Janar
dc.contributor.otherGalinš, Ainars (opponent)
dc.descriptionA thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Sciences.eng
dc.description.abstractIn this doctoral thesis are handled possibilities, how to increase renewable energy on-site usage, which is produced from wind and sun. In the Nordic climate, the main share of energy consumption in buildings is the need for heating, being ~ 80% in Estonia. To increase the share of renewable energy for heating buildings, the energy storage systems are needed, because this renewable energy is fluctuating. The doctoral thesis is based on a four scientific publications, the first of which examines the behaviour of a system without storing devices, changing the ratio of wind and solar energy production, if the heat pump is used for heating. In this case, if ratio of wind and solar energy is 70% and 30%, the annual coverage of electricity supply can be up to 37.5%. The second publication presents the results of using the hot water boilers as energy storage in different wind conditions. In a good wind conditions, the share of renewable energy can be 68%. In the third and fourth publications, the results of using the vacuum insulated tank in the house heating system are presented. In this tank, the heat energy can be stored for a long time. Producing the heat energy with the solar collectors in summertime and storing it in the vacuum insulated tank, allows cover 41% of the heat energy demand from the renewable sources. Integrating the vacuum insulated tank in to the renewable energy system, where the electricity is produced from sun and wind, the annual share of renewable energy is 79%. In this case, the additional heating devices are not needed, because amount of the electricity from the grid is comparable small.eng
dc.description.abstractKäesolevas doktoritöös käsitletakse võimalusi, kuidas suurendada kohapeal tuulest ja päikesest toodetud taastuvenergia lokaalset kasutamist. Põhjamaises kliimas moodustab elamute koguenergiavajadusest kütteenergia, mis on Eestis ligikaudu 80%. Selleks, et suurendada tuulest ja päikesest toodetud taastuvenergia osakaalu üksikelamute kütteks, on vaja seda eelkõige salvestada, sest see energia ei ole saadaval pidevalt. Doktoritöö põhineb neljal teaduspublikatsioonil, millest esimeses käsitletakse salvestiteta süsteemis tuule- ja päikeseenergia toodangu suhte muutmise teel kohapealse tarbimise suurendamist, kui hoonet köetakse soojuspumbaga. Sellisel meetodil, kui tuule ja päikeseenergia suhe on vastavalt 70% ja 30%, on võimalik katta ära 37,5% hoone aastasest elektrienergiavajadusest. Teises publikatsioonis on esitatud tulemused tuule- ja päikeseenergia soojaveeboileritesse salvestamise kohta erinevates tuuletingimustes. Leiti, et heades tuuletingimustes on võimalik saavutada tarbeelektri kaetavuseks 68%. Kolmandas ja neljandas publikatsioonis on esitatud tulemused vaakumisoleeritud mahuti kasutamise kohta küttesüsteemis, milles soojusenergia madala soojuskao tõttu säilib pikaajaliselt. Tootes päikesekollektoritega soojusenergiat ja salvestades seda vaakumisoleeritud mahutisse, võimaldab kuni 41% hoone kütteenergiavajadusest katta otse päikeseenergiaga. Integreerides vaakumisoleeritud mahuti taastuvenergiasüsteemi, milles toodetakse elektrienergiat tuulest ja päikesest, on võimalik üksikelamu aastasest koguenergiavajadusest ära katta 79%. Sellisel juhul puudub vajadus lisakütteallikate järele, sest võrgust tarbitava energia kogus on võrdlemisi väike.est
dc.description.sponsorshipPublication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences; and the Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology III, (Estonian University of Life Sciences ASTRA project „Value-chain based bio-economy“); and the Estonian Centre of Excellence in Zero Energy and Resource Efficient Smart Buildings and Disstricts, ZEBE, grant 2014-2020.4.01.15-0016 funded by the European Regional Development Fund.eng
dc.publisherEesti Maaülikoolest
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEesti Maaülikooli doktoritöödest
dc.rights© Janar Kalder, 2020
dc.subjecttaastuvad energiaallikadest
dc.subjectrenewable energy sourceseng
dc.subjectsolar heatingeng
dc.subjectwind energyeng
dc.subjectenergy storageeng
dc.subjectheating systemseng
dc.titleSolar and wind energy seasonal heat storage systems for residential buildings in Nordic climateeng
dc.title.alternativePäikese- ja tuuleenergia sesoonne soojussalvestus elamute kütteks põhjamaises kliimasest
dc.typeDoctoral Thesiseng


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