Welfare of livestock sheep transport in hot and cold climates
dc.contributor.advisor | Arney, David | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Aland, Andres | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Napolitano, Fabio | |
dc.contributor.author | Carnovale, Francesca | |
dc.contributor.department | Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences | eng |
dc.contributor.other | Dwyer, Cathy (opponent) | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2022-09-06T07:56:06Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-09-06T07:56:06Z | |
dc.date.defensed | 2022-10-03 | |
dc.date.issued | 2022 | |
dc.description | A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Science. | eng |
dc.description | Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks loomaarstiteaduse erialal. | est |
dc.description.abstract | Animal transportation, which is increasing due to higher demand for meat and the centralisation of slaughterhouses, and climate changes are challenging for the animal husbandry sector and can have negative effects on animal health and welfare. The present thesis is the summary of research work carried out in Australia and Inner Mongolia (China), focusing mainly on the transport of sheep in different conditions and climates, and on public opinions on animal welfare. The importance of animals´ welfare during their transport is a critical problem that, if addressed, may reduce mortality and injury during transport and avoid economic losses. Climate change, which affects the animals´ environment, may lead to a higher risk of stress and mortality rates during animal transport. It is fundamental to determine if the current minimum standards for livestock transportation are still adequate. One of the world’s longest sea transport routes of live sheep for slaughter is from Australia to the Middle East. As shown in the results, heat stress is a major cause of mortality in shipments of sheep, particularly in sheep leaving Australia in the Southern Hemisphere winter to arrive in the Middle Eastern summer, and from this work it is suggested that shipments offloading at multiple ports should not offload at the hottest port, Doha, first. Following this work, the Australian Government changed its regulations regarding the transport of animals by sea. Cold stress can also have an impact on sheep wellbeing, thus it is important to establish if alternative truck designs and different transport methods can affect and improve sheep welfare during their transportation in cold temperatures. The sheep most at risk of the adverse effects of cold temperatures were found to be those that were transported in open vehicles, those transported for a longer time, and those that were not fed before transport. Understanding and public opinion have always helped to improve regulations and laws in general. In China, few studies have been carried out on public opinion on animal welfare. This study can improve the concept of animal welfare in China and help establish laws and guidelines on animal welfare during transport. It is concluded that animal welfare is of importance to the Chinese consumer, in particular because of its connection to food quality. | eng |
dc.description.abstract | Suurenev nõudlus liha järele, tapamajade tsentralisatsiooni tõttu kasvav loomavedu ning kliimamuutused on loomakasvatussektori väljakutsed, mis võivad avaldada negatiivset mõju loomade tervisele ja heaolule. Käesolev väitekiri on kokkuvõte Austraalias ja Hiina Sise-Mongoolias korraldatud uurimistööst, mis keskendus peamiselt lammaste transpordile erinevates veo- ja kliimatingimustes ning avalikkuse arusaamadele loomade heaolust. Loomade veoaegne heaolu on kriitilise tähtsusega probleem, mille lahendamine võib vähendada suremust ja vigastusi vedude ajal ning vältida majanduslikku kahju. Keskkonda mõjutavad kliimamuutused võivad suurendada stressi ja suremuse riski loomade transpordil. Oluline on kindlaks teha, kas kehtivad elusloomade veo miinimumstandardid on piisavad. Üks maailma pikimaid eluslammaste mereveoteid kulgeb Austraaliast Lähis-Itta. Uurimistöö tulemustest selgus, et kuumastress on lammaste veol suremuse peamine põhjus, eriti kui pealelaadimine toimub Austraalias lõunapoolkera talvel ning mahalaadimine suvises Lähis-Idas, millest tulenevalt anti soovitus, et kui teekonnal toimub lammaste mahalaadimine mitmes sadamas, ei tohiks esimene mahalaadimine toimuda kõige kuumemas Doha sadamas. Käesoleva töö tulemuste põhjal muutis Austraalia valitsus oma loomade meretranspordi alaseid eeskirju. Ka külmastress võib avaldada mõju lammaste heaolule, mistõttu on oluline välja selgitada, kas veoki konstruktsiooni ja veoruumis valitsevate tingimuste muutmine võivad mõjutada ja parendada lammaste heaolu nende transportimisel külmades oludes. Leiti, et kõige enam ohustasid ja kahjustasid külmakraadid lambaid, keda veeti lahtistes sõidukites, kelle teekonnad olid pikemad ning keda enne transporti ei söödetud. | est |
dc.description.sponsorship | Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences. | eng |
dc.identifier.isbn | 978-9916-669-59-4 | |
dc.identifier.issn | 2382-7076 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/10492/7762 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://doi.org/10.15159/emu.103 | |
dc.publisher | Estonian University of Life Sciences | eng |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Doctoral Theses of the Estonian University of Life Sciences | eng |
dc.relation.ispartofseries | Eesti Maaülikooli doktoritööd | est |
dc.rights | © Francesca Carnovale, 2022 | |
dc.rights.uri | https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/ee/Riigikogu/act/519062017005/consolide | |
dc.subject | dissertatsioonid | est |
dc.subject | dissertations | eng |
dc.subject | Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid) | est |
dc.subject | Green University (thesis is related to EMÜ Green University iniciative’s aims) | eng |
dc.subject | lammas | est |
dc.subject | loomade vedu | est |
dc.subject | loomade heaolu | est |
dc.subject | stressorid | est |
dc.subject | temperatuur | est |
dc.subject | Austraalia | est |
dc.subject | Hiina | est |
dc.subject | sheep | eng |
dc.subject | animal transport | eng |
dc.subject | animal welfare | eng |
dc.subject | stressors | eng |
dc.subject | temperature | eng |
dc.subject | Australia | eng |
dc.subject | China | eng |
dc.title | Welfare of livestock sheep transport in hot and cold climates | eng |
dc.title.alternative | Lammaste heaolu nende transpordil kuumas ja külmas kliimas | est |
dc.type | Doctoral Thesis | eng |
dc.type.qualificationname | PhD |
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