Aedmaasika kasvatustehnoloogilised võtted
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Hrenova, Kätlin
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Töö eesmärk on selgitada välja agrotehnilised võtted, mis lisaks saagikuse suurendamisele on ka keskkonnasäästlikud ja mõjutavad positiivselt maasika saagi biokeemilist koostist. Töös on välja toodud 2010. aasta maasika soovitussortimendis olevate sortide katsete tulemused ning multšimise, väetamise ja taimekaitse mõjud maasikale. Kirjanduse põhjal jõuti järeldusele, et keskkonnasäästlikuks kasvatamiseks on sobivaim sort 'Induka', mis omas parimaid sordiomadusi (talvekindlus, vastupidavus haigustele ning saagikus). Erinevatest katsetest selgus, et kilemultši kasutamisel vähendab umbrohtumus ning paraneb mulla niiskusrežiimi. Saak valmib varem, on kvaliteetsem, viljades on suurem C-vitamiini ja antotsüaanide sisaldus ning kile pärsib maasika-hahkhallituse levikut. Keskkonnasäästlises võtetes kasutatakse väetisi, mis on peamiselt taimse või loomse päritoluga ning väetisi, mis lagunevad mullas aeglaselt ja ei leostu välja. Katsed on näidanud, et võrreldes mineraalväetistega suurendavad orgaanilised väetised viljade kuivaine ja mahla kuivaine sisaldust. Viljad on magusamad, kuna mahla kuivaine ja orgaaniliste hapete suhtarv on maheviljeluses kõrgem. Lisaks sellele on viljad tervislikumad, sest C-vitamiini, antotsüaanide ning antioksüdantide sisaldus on orgaaniliste väetiste kasutamisel suurem. Taimekaitse võtetest alustatakse asukoha valikuga ja viljavaheldusega. Oluline on ka haigustele vastupidavate sortide ning terve taimmaterjali kasutamine. Multšimine vähendab umbrohtumust ja maasika-hahkhallituse levikut, defoliatsioon lehtede niitmise teel tõrjub erinevaid haigusi ja kahjureid ning noorendab taime.
Uuringutest selgus, et maasikaga tehakse maailmas palju erinevaid katseid ning keskkonnasäästlik kasvatus on muutunud üha populaarsemaks. Samuti selgus, et kuigi soovitussortimenti uuendatakse umbes iga kolme aasta tagant, tuleks seda uuendada isegi tihedamini, sest osad soovitatud sordid on siiski meie kliimas talveõrnad ja haigustele vastuvõtlikud ning tulevikus tuleks soovitatud sortide sobivust meie kliimasse rohkem uurida.
The aim of my work was to find out agronomic techniques, which besides increasing the yield, are also sustainable and have an positive effect to biochemical ingredients. In current research are shown results of experiments with strawberry recommendable varieties from 2010. year and influences of mulching, fertilizing and plant-protection to strawberry. According to the literature the best cultivar for sustainable production is 'Induka', which has good winter resitance and is tolerant to disease and it has good yield. Based on various experiments a plastic multch reduces weeds and improves soil moisture regime. In springtime under the plastic the soil warms up faster and harvest is ready sooner, the fruit contain more vitamin C and anthocyanins and inhibits spreading the strawberry grey mold. Fertilisers are used in sustainable production, which are mainly plant or animal origin. Also a fertilisers, which decompose in soil slowly and do not leach out. Experiments have shown that compared to mineral fertilisers, organic fertilisers increasing fruit soluble solids content. The fruit are sweeter because of the soluble solids and organic acid index is higher in ecoagriculture. Also the fruit are healthier because of the content of vitamin C, anthocyanins, and antioxidants are higher after using organic fertilisers. The techniques of plant protection begin with choosing location and crop rortation plan. What is also imporant is using disease resistant sort and the use of healthy plant. Multching has given good results of controlling weeds and reducing the spread of strawberry grey mold, defoliation also rejuvenates plant and predisposes bigger berries. The researches have shown that there are lot of different experiments with strawberries in the world and sustainable cultivation is more and more popular. Also appeared that even recommendable plant varieties are renewed approximately after every three years, it is better to do it even sooner because some recommendable varieties are in our climate more sensitive to cold and more receptive to diseases. In the future is necessary to study more recommendable plant varieties to our climate.
The aim of my work was to find out agronomic techniques, which besides increasing the yield, are also sustainable and have an positive effect to biochemical ingredients. In current research are shown results of experiments with strawberry recommendable varieties from 2010. year and influences of mulching, fertilizing and plant-protection to strawberry. According to the literature the best cultivar for sustainable production is 'Induka', which has good winter resitance and is tolerant to disease and it has good yield. Based on various experiments a plastic multch reduces weeds and improves soil moisture regime. In springtime under the plastic the soil warms up faster and harvest is ready sooner, the fruit contain more vitamin C and anthocyanins and inhibits spreading the strawberry grey mold. Fertilisers are used in sustainable production, which are mainly plant or animal origin. Also a fertilisers, which decompose in soil slowly and do not leach out. Experiments have shown that compared to mineral fertilisers, organic fertilisers increasing fruit soluble solids content. The fruit are sweeter because of the soluble solids and organic acid index is higher in ecoagriculture. Also the fruit are healthier because of the content of vitamin C, anthocyanins, and antioxidants are higher after using organic fertilisers. The techniques of plant protection begin with choosing location and crop rortation plan. What is also imporant is using disease resistant sort and the use of healthy plant. Multching has given good results of controlling weeds and reducing the spread of strawberry grey mold, defoliation also rejuvenates plant and predisposes bigger berries. The researches have shown that there are lot of different experiments with strawberries in the world and sustainable cultivation is more and more popular. Also appeared that even recommendable plant varieties are renewed approximately after every three years, it is better to do it even sooner because some recommendable varieties are in our climate more sensitive to cold and more receptive to diseases. In the future is necessary to study more recommendable plant varieties to our climate.
maasikas, sordid, saagikus, säästev tehnoloogia, maasikakasvatus, multšid, väetamine, väetised, taimekaitse, bakalaureusetööd