Viljelusviisi mõju mükotoksiinide sisaldusele kaeras
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Eesti Maaülikool
Kaera populaarsus kasvab tänu selle tervislikkusele, aga samas on leitud, et kaeras
leidub kõige rohkem mükotoksiin deoksünivalenooli (DON). Selle mükotoksiini kahjulikkus
inimeste ja loomade tervisele on kaasa toonud vastavalt tarbimiseesmärkidele piirmäärad.
Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada Fusarium seente esinemine
ning mükotoksiini DON sisaldus tava – ja maheviljeluslikult kasvatatud kaera saagis, ning
töötada välja protokoll seentega nakatumise molekulaarseks määramiseks polümeraasi
ahelreaktsiooni meetodiga.
Koristusaja hilinedes tavaviljeluses kasvas Fusarium seentega nakatanud terade
protsent, kuid maheviljeluses toimus nakatumise langus. Kuid keskmiste tulemuste
võrdlemisel ei mõjutanud viljelusviis uuritud kaera teradel Fusarium seente esinemist.
Mükotoksiini DON sisaldus kõigis kaeraproovides oli madalam toidukaera
piirmäärast (1750 µg/kg), ning DON–i sisaldust mõjutas koristusaeg. Teisel koristusel,
6.augustil 2018, oli mükotoksiini DON sisaldus kõige suurem, nii tava – kui maheviljeluses.
Väljatöötatud ja testitud sai toksiliste seente molekulaarse määramise esialgne
protokoll. Molekulaarne määramine universaalsete seente praimerite abil näitas, et valitud
kaeraproovides oli toimunud DNA nakatumine seenega.
The popularity of oats is increasing due to its healthiness, but at the same time there have been studies indicating the highest incidence of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) in oats. The harmfulness of DON to humans and animals health has led to limits for consumption at the EU level. The aim of the Bachelor’s Thesis was to identify and measure the presence of Fusarium fungi and mycotoxin deoxynivalenol levels in conventional and organically grown oat, and to develop a protocol for molecular detection of fungal infection by the polymerase chain reaction method. Harvest time impacted the the percentage of grains infected with Fusarium fungi: the percentage increased in conventional crops, and decreased in organic crops. The farming system did not affect the presence of Fusarium fungi in oat samples when comparing the average results. Presence of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol was lower in all oat samples compared to the limit of oat for human consumption (1750 µg/kg), and the content of DON was influenced by the harvesting time. Mycotoxin DON content was the highest in both farming system at the second harvest, on August 6, 2018. The protocol for the molecular identification of toxic fungi was optimized and tested. Molecular identification with universal fungal primers detected fungal DNA in all selected oat samples.
The popularity of oats is increasing due to its healthiness, but at the same time there have been studies indicating the highest incidence of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) in oats. The harmfulness of DON to humans and animals health has led to limits for consumption at the EU level. The aim of the Bachelor’s Thesis was to identify and measure the presence of Fusarium fungi and mycotoxin deoxynivalenol levels in conventional and organically grown oat, and to develop a protocol for molecular detection of fungal infection by the polymerase chain reaction method. Harvest time impacted the the percentage of grains infected with Fusarium fungi: the percentage increased in conventional crops, and decreased in organic crops. The farming system did not affect the presence of Fusarium fungi in oat samples when comparing the average results. Presence of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol was lower in all oat samples compared to the limit of oat for human consumption (1750 µg/kg), and the content of DON was influenced by the harvesting time. Mycotoxin DON content was the highest in both farming system at the second harvest, on August 6, 2018. The protocol for the molecular identification of toxic fungi was optimized and tested. Molecular identification with universal fungal primers detected fungal DNA in all selected oat samples.
Põllumajandussaaduste tootmise ja turustamise õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, tavaviljelus, maheviljelus, kaer, deoksünivalenool