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Redutseerivate suhkrute sisaldus Eestis enimkasvatatud köögiviljades saagikoristusjärgselt ja pärast säilitamist

dc.contributor.authorJalakas, Sirje
dc.contributor.authorRoasto, Mati
dc.contributor.authorKaart, Tanel
dc.contributor.authorPraakle, Kristi
dc.contributor.authorMäesaar, Mihkel
dc.contributor.authorElias, Terje
dc.descriptionSaabunud / Received 21.02.2022 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 01.04.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 01.04.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Terje Elias; terje.elias@emu.eeest
dc.description.abstractThe study examined the content of reducing sugars in various varieties of potato, beetroot, turnip and pumpkin most commonly grown in Estonia. This study aimed to determine the varieties of vegetables with the lowest levels of reducing sugars after harvesting and after storage at two different temperatures (3 and 8 C). In the present study it was found that the potato variety with the lowest content of reducing sugars after harvesting and after six months of storage was potato variety 'Birgit' with 0.19 g 100 g–1after harvesting, 0.98 g 100 g–1 after storage at 3 C and 0.38 g 100 g–1 after storage at 8 C, respectively. All three varieties of the beetroot, after harvest, contained a similar amount of reducing sugars. After six months of storage, the lowest content of reducing sugars was determined for variety 'Boro' with 1.22 g 100 g–1 at 3 C and 0.96 g 100 g–1 at 8 C, respectively. The lowest average concentrations of reducing sugars from turnips were after harvest in the variety 'Kohalik sinine' with 3.38 g 100 g–1. Also after storage, the same variety had the lowest content of reducing sugars with 8.36 g 100 g–1 at 3 C and 3.76 g 100 g–1 at 8 C, respectively. From the pumpkin varieties, the lowest reducing sugars contents were determined for variety 'Gold Medal' with 2.64 g 100 g–1after harvesting, 2.40 g 100 g–1 after storage at 3 C and 1.90 g 100 g–1 after storage at 8 C. It can be concluded that all studied vegetables stored at 3 °C contained higher amounts of reducing sugars than those stored at 8 °C.eng
dc.description.abstractTäname laboratoorsete analüüside ning seonduvate andmete eest Veterinaar- ja Toidulaboratooriumi kolleege. Uurimustööd finantseeriti Maaeluministeeriumi rakendusuuringute projektist "Teatud köögiviljade sortide suhkrute sisalduse analüüsimine akrüülamiidi tekkimise potentsiaali hindamiseks nende töötlemisel" (T180164VLTR). Uurimistööd on finantseerinud Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG 1441, B220004VLVB).est
dc.description.sponsorshipTäname laboratoorsete analüüside ning seonduvate andmete eest Veterinaar- ja Toidulaboratooriumi kolleege. Uurimustööd finantseeriti Maaeluministeeriumi rakendusuuringute projektist "Teatud köögiviljade sortide suhkrute sisalduse analüüsimine akrüülamiidi tekkimise potentsiaali hindamiseks nende töötlemisel" (T180164VLTR). Uurimistööd on finantseerinud Eesti Teadusagentuur (PRG 1441, B220004VLVB).est
dc.identifier.publicationAgraarteadus : Journal of Agricultural Science, 2022, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 88-94est
dc.publisherEstonian Academic Agricultural Societyeng
dc.relationThis work was supported by the Estonian Research Council grant (PRG1441).eng
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)eng
dc.rights© 2022 Akadeemiline Põllumajanduse Selts. © 2022 Estonian Academic Agricultural Society.est
dc.rights.holderAuthors of accepted articles retain all rights to use, reuse, and distribute the published research as long as the author credits the original publication in this journal. The authors submitting to the journal are expected to follow the general ethical guidelines regarding plagiarism. If in doubt consult the ICMJ guidelines on overlapping publications. Once accepted the journal retain the right to print and distribute the manuscript submitted by the author.eng
dc.subjectreducing sugar contenteng
dc.titleRedutseerivate suhkrute sisaldus Eestis enimkasvatatud köögiviljades saagikoristusjärgselt ja pärast säilitamistest
dc.title.alternativeContent of reducing sugars in mostly grown vegetables in Estonia after harvesting and after storageeng


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