3D-prinditud polümeersõrestikuga betoonsilluste uurimine
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Eesti Maaülikool
Plastikute osakaal meie ühiskonnas on märkimisväärne, kuid osakaal ehituses kasutatavate materjalidena vaid marginaalne. Enamike plastikute kasutamisel on probleemiks nende
vähene taaskasutamine, tugevusomadused ning looduse reostamine.
Püüdmaks leida loodussõbralikumat asendust ehitussektoris kasutatavatele armeerimismaterjalidele koostati magistritöö eesmärgiga uurida PLA materjali kasutamist silluses.
Uurimisülesanneteks oli 3D-polümeersõrestiku kujundamine, printimine ja võrdluskatsete
sooritamine prinditud katsekehade ning betoonsillustega. Töö teostamiseks valmistati 3Dprinditud sõrestikud, vastavalt 50 ja 100% varda printimistäituvusega, milleks kasutati
3D-printerit Ultimaker 3. Lisaks uuriti 3D-prinditud PLA tõmbetugevust, 3D-sõrestiku
paindetugevust ning jootebetooni survetugevust. Katsekehad valmistati Eesti Maaülikooli
laborites, kokku oli katsekehi 31, millest 18 olid painde-, 10 tõmbe- ja 3 survekatsekehad.
Tulenevalt sõrestike kujust kasutati katsekehade valmistamisel Weber JB 600/3 jootebetooni.
Katsete tulemusi analüüsiti vastavate graafikute võrdluse teel. Saadud katsetulemustest
saab järeldada, et PLA sõrestiku ja jootebetooni omavahel sidumine ei anna eeliseid
traditsiooniliste armeerimislahenduste ees. Leiti, et antud kuju ja tihedusega 3D-prinditud
PLA sõrestiku lisamine katsekehasse vähendas selle tugevusomadusi võrreldes ainult
jootebetoonist katsekehaga.
The share of plastics in our society is considerable but the share in construction is only slight. The main issue that prevents using the majority of plastics is their lack of recycling capabilities, properties of strength, and pollution of nature. In an attempt of finding a more nature-friendly replacement for many reinforcing materials in the construction sector, a master’s thesis was made with the goal to study PLA usage in the lintel. The goal was to design a 3D polymer lattice, 3D print, and perform comparison tests with and without concrete lintels. 3D printed specimens with a print capacity of 50 and 100% were made using an Ultimaker 3D printer. Also, PLA tensile strength, 3D lattice bending, and non-shrink grout pressure topics were studied. Specimens were made in Estonian University of Life Sciences laboratory construction materials. In total there were 31 specimens, of which 18 were bending, 10 tensile, and 3 pressure specimens. Due to the shape of lattices Weber JB 600/3 non-shrink grout was used. Test results were analyzed by graphs and comparison. It can be concluded that using PLA lattice and Weber JB 600/3 non-shrink grout together does not give any advantages over traditional materjals. It was found that adding 3D printed polymer lattice in this specific shape to concrete reduced it’s strength properties compared to the full concrete specimen.
The share of plastics in our society is considerable but the share in construction is only slight. The main issue that prevents using the majority of plastics is their lack of recycling capabilities, properties of strength, and pollution of nature. In an attempt of finding a more nature-friendly replacement for many reinforcing materials in the construction sector, a master’s thesis was made with the goal to study PLA usage in the lintel. The goal was to design a 3D polymer lattice, 3D print, and perform comparison tests with and without concrete lintels. 3D printed specimens with a print capacity of 50 and 100% were made using an Ultimaker 3D printer. Also, PLA tensile strength, 3D lattice bending, and non-shrink grout pressure topics were studied. Specimens were made in Estonian University of Life Sciences laboratory construction materials. In total there were 31 specimens, of which 18 were bending, 10 tensile, and 3 pressure specimens. Due to the shape of lattices Weber JB 600/3 non-shrink grout was used. Test results were analyzed by graphs and comparison. It can be concluded that using PLA lattice and Weber JB 600/3 non-shrink grout together does not give any advantages over traditional materjals. It was found that adding 3D printed polymer lattice in this specific shape to concrete reduced it’s strength properties compared to the full concrete specimen.
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, PLA, 3D-sõrestik, jootebetoon, paindetugevus, armeering, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), keskkond, jätkusuutlikkus, säästev areng