Ülevaade: Biokirme kui oluline tegur piima ja piimatoodete saastes termotolerantsete bakteritega
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Estonian Academic Agricultural Society
The primary source of thermoduric bacteria for contamination
of milk and dairy products is raw milk. Contamination sources of
raw milk are the surface of udder, milking-, cooling- and storage equipments.
Inadequate cleaning and storage of milking equipment may cause
formation of biofilm on the surfaces which are in contact with milk.
Thermoduric bacteria are divided on the basis of their physiological
characteristics from thermophilic, mesophilic and psychrophilic bacteria.
Thermoduric bacteria in biofilm have favourable conditions for
reproduction. Bacteria in biofilm are much more resistant to temperatures
and chemicals used on cleaning of equipment.
Characteristics of bacteria cells, the cell-surface properties and the
properties of fluid suspending bacteria influenced binding of bacteria in
biofilm formed on the surface of the equipment.
Outgrowth of thermoduric bacteria and contamination of processed milk
take place from biofilm formed on the surfaces of regeneration and cooling
sections of pasteurizes and from biofilms formed on the surfaces of
separators and buffer tanks, which were in contact with milk.
Thermoduric bacteria in raw milk undergo the necessary heat treatment
and after it, reproducing in biofilms which formed on the surfaces of
equipment, they can turn now to the product. Thermoduric bacteria have
often negative impact quality of dairy products.
Saabunud / Received 01.06.17 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 20.06.17 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 20.06.17 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Priit Elias ; priit.elias@tptak.ee
biofilm, thermoduric bacteria, milk and dairy products, articles