Kompensatsiooni määramine sundvõõrandamisel üldistes huvides
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Eesti Maaülikool
Seoses tehnika arenguga ning rahvastiku suurenemisega on üldiste huvide
rahuldamiseks vaja luua ja laiendada infrastruktuuriobjekte ning muid ehitisi, et tagada
rahvastiku heaolu, ohutus ning majanduslik progress. Üldiste huvide rahuldamiseks on
riik praktikas sageli sunnitud rakendama sundvõõrandamist, mis eeldab õiglase ja
kohese kompensatsiooni maksmist. Inimesed ei ole aga piisavalt teadlikud
kompensatsiooni määramise alustest, enda õigustest ega võimalustest ning
sundvõõrandamise eest makstavat kompensatsiooni peetakse laiaulatusliku
omandiõiguse riive eest mitteõiglaseks hüvitiseks.
Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli välja selgitada hindajate – praktikute seisukohad ja hoiakud
hüvitusväärtuse kui õiglase kompensatsiooni määramisel sundvõõrandamisel avalikes
huvides. Eesmärgi täitmiseks kasutati kvalitatiivset uurimismeetodit ehk veebipõhist
küsitlust. Küsitlus saadeti 65-le kutselisele kinnisvara ja vara hindajale. Uuringus
osales 32% hindajatest.
Uurimusest selgus, et valdavalt ei pea hindajad Eestis hetkel kehtivat kompenseerimise
süsteemi õiglaseks ning enamike vastajate teadmiste ja kogemuste kohaselt päädib
hüvitusväärtuse leidmine hindamise praktikas üldjuhul turuväärtuse määramisega.
Praktikas ei käsitleta hindajate arvates sundvõõrandamise eesmärgil tellitud
eksperthinnangutes saamata jäävat tulu ja kaasnevaid kahjusid piisaval määral, kuna
puudub vajalik informatsioon mõju kohta vara turuväärtusele, lisaks puudub vajalik
hindamise metoodika jm. Seoses sundvõõrandamise eesmärgil tellitud hindamistega on
hindajad kogenud ka mitmeid probleeme ja takistusi nagu liiga lühike aeg töö
tegemiseks, mitmeti mõistetavana esitatud informatsioon tellimuslepingus, kerkib esile
hilisemaid arusaamatusi jm.
Uurimistöö tulemusi on tulevikus võimalik kasutada teiste uurimuste koostamisel.
Näiteks viies läbi küsitluse sundvõõrandamisega kokku puutunud maaomanike ja/või
KOV ametnike seas, uurimaks ka teiste osapoolte seisukohti ning arusaamu õiglasest
As the technology develops and population grows the need for fulfilling the public purposes enlarge. The siting of necessary facilities which provide the well-being, safety and economical progress needs a land. To fulfill the public purposes, the state needs a land and therefore must implement the expropriation, that assumes fair and immidiate compensation. But people are not aware of the basis of the assessment of compensation, not aware of their rights nor opportunities, so the compensation for expropriation is deemed to unfair. The aim of the present research was to clarify appraisers – practicians viewpoints and attitudes about determing a compensation as a fair payment in public purposes. Research was carried out with quantitative methods. The web-based questionnaire was formed and sent to 65 commercial real estate and property valuers. 32% of valuers participated in the questionnaire. Relying on the results of the research, most of the valuers do not think that the current compensation system is fair. Furthermore, according to the majority of respondents’ knowledge and experience the assessment of the compensation in general valuation practice culminates with finding a market value. In practice, expert opinions that are ordered in the purpose of the expropriation does not address the loss of revenue and the consequential losses sufficiently, because of the lack of information on the impact to the market value and because of the lack of necessary methodology for the assessment etc. As far as valuation reports that are ordered in the puropse of the expropriation are concerned, the valuers have experienced a number of problems and obstacles such as too short time for a work, ambivalent information in the contract, arises misunderstandings etc. The results of this thesis can be used for compiling more exhausive research. For example, conducting a survey among the landowners and/or local government’s who has been exposed to expropriation to examine the viewpoints of other parties.
As the technology develops and population grows the need for fulfilling the public purposes enlarge. The siting of necessary facilities which provide the well-being, safety and economical progress needs a land. To fulfill the public purposes, the state needs a land and therefore must implement the expropriation, that assumes fair and immidiate compensation. But people are not aware of the basis of the assessment of compensation, not aware of their rights nor opportunities, so the compensation for expropriation is deemed to unfair. The aim of the present research was to clarify appraisers – practicians viewpoints and attitudes about determing a compensation as a fair payment in public purposes. Research was carried out with quantitative methods. The web-based questionnaire was formed and sent to 65 commercial real estate and property valuers. 32% of valuers participated in the questionnaire. Relying on the results of the research, most of the valuers do not think that the current compensation system is fair. Furthermore, according to the majority of respondents’ knowledge and experience the assessment of the compensation in general valuation practice culminates with finding a market value. In practice, expert opinions that are ordered in the purpose of the expropriation does not address the loss of revenue and the consequential losses sufficiently, because of the lack of information on the impact to the market value and because of the lack of necessary methodology for the assessment etc. As far as valuation reports that are ordered in the puropse of the expropriation are concerned, the valuers have experienced a number of problems and obstacles such as too short time for a work, ambivalent information in the contract, arises misunderstandings etc. The results of this thesis can be used for compiling more exhausive research. For example, conducting a survey among the landowners and/or local government’s who has been exposed to expropriation to examine the viewpoints of other parties.
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, õiglased hüvitised, mõjutatud isikud, avalikud huvid