Õhkvahega telliskiviseinte soojus- ja niiskuslevi uurimine pillirooplaatidega seestpoolt soojustamisel
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Eesti Maaülikool
Kliimamuutuste teema on järjest aktuaalsemaks muutumas ning seeläbi suureneb vajadus
hoonete soojustamiseks. Muinsuskaitse aluste hoonetel on ainukeseks variandiks sisemine
soojusisolatsioonisüsteem. Valesti seestpoolt soojustades võib kahjustada nii piirdetarindit
kui ka hoones elavate inimeste tervist.
Magistritöö esimeseks eesmärgiks oli uurida ehitusmaterjalide kokkusobivust erinevate
soojustuskihi tüüpide korral. Teiseks eesmärgiks oli küttekaabli mõju hindamine seina
niiskusrežiimile. Kolmandaks oli simuleerida piirde käitumist erinevaid programme
kasutades, et leida toimiv lahendus ning võrrelda tegelikke ja modelleerides saadud
Arvutustes ja simulatsioonides kasutati soojusmaterjalina kahes kihis 50 mm paksuseid
pillirooplaate, aurutõkkemembraani Isover Vario KM Duplex UV, küttekaablit DEVIflex
10T ning savikrohvi. Õhkvahega telliskivisein, kus katse läbi viidi, asub Tartus Kuperjanovi
tänaval. Katseseina sisse paigaldati olemasoleva seina ja seestpoolt lisatud
soojustusisolatsioonisüsteemi vahele temperatuuri ja suhtelist õhuniiskust mõõtvad
andurid. Käsitsi arvutades, kasutades kastepunkti meetodit, ning
simulatsiooniprogrammides Therm ja Delphin tehti arvutusi vastavalt Eestis kehtivatele
standarditele, normidele ning hallituse testaasta kliimale.
Antud töös selgus, et ainult pillirooga soojustatud seina hallitusindeks ületas kolm korda
projekteerimiseks lubatud normi. Samuti oli antud seinatüübil oht külmakahjustusteks.
Ülejäänud kolm seinatüüpi, kus pillirooplaadid olid koos kas küttekaabli,
aurutõkkemembraani või mõlemaga, ei osutunud simulatsioonis problemaatiliseks. Kõige
mõistlikumaks lahenduseks valiti antud töö raames pillirooplaatidest ja
aurutõkkemembraanist koosnev sisemine soojusisolatsioonisüsteem. Antud seinatüübiga
parendati välispiirde soojapidavust 4,6 korda.
Pillirooplaatidest ja aurutõkkemembraanist koosnev süsteem on ka pikaajaliselt
simulatsioonis töötav lahendus ning lähiaastatel katseseinast kogutud suurem andmete hulk
võimaldab seda väidet tulevastes töödes kas kinnitada või ümber lükata.
The issue of climate change is becoming increasingly important, and with it the need to insulate buildings. For buildings under heritage conservation the interior insulation system is the only way to improve thermal conductivity. Improper interior insulation design can damage both the structure of the building and the health of the people living there. The first goal of the master's thesis was to study the compatibility of building materials for different types of insulation systems. The second objective was to evaluate the effect of the heating cable on the humidity regime of the wall. The third was to simulate the behaviour of the exterior wall using different programs to find a workable solution and to compare actual and modelling data. Double layer of 50 mm thick reed panels, Isover Vario KM Duplex UV vapor barrier membrane, DEVIflex 10T heating cable and clay plaster were used in the calculations and simulations. The brick wall with an air gap where the test was performed is located on Kuperjanov Street in Tartu. Sensors were installed in the test wall between the existing wall and the added insulation, which measured the temperature and relative humidity. Calculations were performed manually using the dew point method and simulations were done using programs Therm and Delphin according to the standards, norms and test climate mould year in Estonia. It became clear in this paper that the mold index of the wall insulated only with reeds exceeded the design norm three times. There was also a risk of frost damage to this type of wall. The other three wall types, where the reed panels were used in conjunction with either a heating cable, a vapor barrier membrane or both, did not prove to be problematic in the simulation. The most sensible solution in this study was an internal thermal insulation system consisting of reed panels and a vapor barrier membrane. With this type of wall, the thermal transmittance of the external wall partition was improved 4.6 times. The interior insulation system consisting of reed panels and a vapor barrier membrane is a simulation solution and the larger amount of data collected from the test wall in the coming years will allow this statement to be confirmed or refuted in future works.
The issue of climate change is becoming increasingly important, and with it the need to insulate buildings. For buildings under heritage conservation the interior insulation system is the only way to improve thermal conductivity. Improper interior insulation design can damage both the structure of the building and the health of the people living there. The first goal of the master's thesis was to study the compatibility of building materials for different types of insulation systems. The second objective was to evaluate the effect of the heating cable on the humidity regime of the wall. The third was to simulate the behaviour of the exterior wall using different programs to find a workable solution and to compare actual and modelling data. Double layer of 50 mm thick reed panels, Isover Vario KM Duplex UV vapor barrier membrane, DEVIflex 10T heating cable and clay plaster were used in the calculations and simulations. The brick wall with an air gap where the test was performed is located on Kuperjanov Street in Tartu. Sensors were installed in the test wall between the existing wall and the added insulation, which measured the temperature and relative humidity. Calculations were performed manually using the dew point method and simulations were done using programs Therm and Delphin according to the standards, norms and test climate mould year in Estonia. It became clear in this paper that the mold index of the wall insulated only with reeds exceeded the design norm three times. There was also a risk of frost damage to this type of wall. The other three wall types, where the reed panels were used in conjunction with either a heating cable, a vapor barrier membrane or both, did not prove to be problematic in the simulation. The most sensible solution in this study was an internal thermal insulation system consisting of reed panels and a vapor barrier membrane. With this type of wall, the thermal transmittance of the external wall partition was improved 4.6 times. The interior insulation system consisting of reed panels and a vapor barrier membrane is a simulation solution and the larger amount of data collected from the test wall in the coming years will allow this statement to be confirmed or refuted in future works.
Ehitusinseneriõppe lõputöö
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, Roheline Ülikool (töö toetab EMÜ Rohelise Ülikooli põhimõtteid), ehitusmaterjalid, looduslikud materjalid, ökomajad, säästev tehnoloogia, õhkvahed, telliskivi, pillirooplaadid, soojustamine, aurutõkkemembraan, küttekaabel