Piimaveistega tegelevate loomakasvatajate ja loomaarstide suhtumine mikroobide resistentsusesse ja antibiootikumide kasutamisse
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Eesti Maaülikool
Mikroobide resistentsuse probleem on pikema aja jooksul arenenud protsess, mille
tagajärjega me puutume kokku praegu ja ka tulevikus. Resistentsuse vähendamiseks
tuleb vähendada antibiootikumide kasutamist. Selleks viiakse läbi mitmesuguseid
kampaaniad, mis on suunatud teadlikkuse suurendamisele resistentsuse kohta. Et
kampaaniatest oleks kasu, peab välja selgitama, millest lähtudes inimesed
antibiootikume kasutavad, kuidas antibiootikumi valitakse ning kuidas nad suhtuvad
resistentsusega seotud probleemisse.
Käesoleva uuringu eesmärk oli välja selgitada Eesti piimakarjadega tegelevate
farmiomanike ja loomaarstide antibiootikumide kasutamise harjumused, arvamused
seoses resistentsusega ning haigusi ennetavate meetmete rakendamisega. Eestis ei ole
varem neid küsimusi uuritud. Informatsiooni kogumiseks koostati loomaarstidele ja
loomaomanikele küsimustikud, mis oli saadetud e-posti teel. Kõik statistilised analüüsid
teostati ja joonised konstrueeriti tarkvaraga Google Sheets ja statistikaprogrammiga R
3.5.3 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).
Antibiootikumide kasutamisel ja toimeaine valimisel juhinduvad loomaarstid oma
kogemusest, koolitustelt saadud informatsioonist ning ravimi infolehest. Kuigi mõlemad
küsitletud rühmad peavad resistentsust oluliseks probleemiks, ei rakendata sageli
resistentsuse arengu peatamiseks vajalikke meetmeid. Sageli manustatakse
antibiootikume profülaktiliselt. Loomaarstid on enamjaolt teadlikud antibiootikumide
mõistliku kasutamise juhendite olemasolust, kuid paljudel juhtudel ei rakenda neid
soovitusi. Antibiootikumide kasutamist on viimastel ajal vähendanud nii loomaarstid kui
ka loomaomanikud. Loomaomanikud vähendasid antibiootikumide kasutamist tänu
headele loomakasvatustavadele, mitte mikroobide resistentsuse arengu peatamise
eesmärgil. Mõlemad küsitletud rühmad hindavad kõrgelt haiguste ennetusmeetmete
olulisust. Enamik farmereid rakendab oma farmides haigusi ennetavaid meetmeid nagu
söötmis-ja pidamistingimuste parandamine.
Käesoleva töö tulemusi saab arvesse võtta antibiootikumide kasutamise juhendite ja
strateegiate väljatöötamisel, töö annab põhjaliku ülevaate antibiootikumide kasutamisest
ning sellega seotud probleemidest piimakarjakasvatuses.
The problem of antimicrobial resistance is a process that has evolved over a long period of time, which we confront now and will be confronting in the future. To reduce resistance, the use of antibiotics must be limited. For this purpose, various campaigns are underway to raise awareness of resistance. In order to benefit from the campaigns, it is necessary to find how people are using antibiotics, how they are making drug choices and their attitudes toward resistance associated problems. The aim of this study was to identify the farmers and veterinarians dealing with Estonian dairy herds antibiotic usage habits, opinions on resistance and preventive measures implementation. In Estonia these issues have not been studied before. Two different questionnaires were composed and sent to veterinarians and animal owners by email. All statistical analyses were performed and the drawings constructed using the software Google Sheets and the statistical program R 3.5.3 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). When using antibiotics and selecting the active ingredient, the veterinarians are guided by their experience, information obtained from workshops, and the drug information leaflet. Although both groups surveyed consider resistance to be a major problem, the measures needed to stop the development of resistance are often not implemented. Antibiotics are often administered prophylactically. Most of the veterinarians are aware of the existence of guidelines for the prudent use of antibiotics, but in many cases they do not implement these recommendations. The use of antibiotics has recently been reduced by both veterinarians and animal owners. Animal owners reduce the use of antibiotics through good animal husbandry practices, but not for the sake of antimicrobial resistance reduction. Both interviewed groups highly value the disease prevention measures. Most farmers apply disease prevention measures on their farms, mostly associated with improvement of feeding and husbandry. The results of this work can be taken into account in the guidelines and strategies for the use of antibiotics development. The work also provides an in-depth overview of the use of antibiotics and related problems in dairy farming.
The problem of antimicrobial resistance is a process that has evolved over a long period of time, which we confront now and will be confronting in the future. To reduce resistance, the use of antibiotics must be limited. For this purpose, various campaigns are underway to raise awareness of resistance. In order to benefit from the campaigns, it is necessary to find how people are using antibiotics, how they are making drug choices and their attitudes toward resistance associated problems. The aim of this study was to identify the farmers and veterinarians dealing with Estonian dairy herds antibiotic usage habits, opinions on resistance and preventive measures implementation. In Estonia these issues have not been studied before. Two different questionnaires were composed and sent to veterinarians and animal owners by email. All statistical analyses were performed and the drawings constructed using the software Google Sheets and the statistical program R 3.5.3 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). When using antibiotics and selecting the active ingredient, the veterinarians are guided by their experience, information obtained from workshops, and the drug information leaflet. Although both groups surveyed consider resistance to be a major problem, the measures needed to stop the development of resistance are often not implemented. Antibiotics are often administered prophylactically. Most of the veterinarians are aware of the existence of guidelines for the prudent use of antibiotics, but in many cases they do not implement these recommendations. The use of antibiotics has recently been reduced by both veterinarians and animal owners. Animal owners reduce the use of antibiotics through good animal husbandry practices, but not for the sake of antimicrobial resistance reduction. Both interviewed groups highly value the disease prevention measures. Most farmers apply disease prevention measures on their farms, mostly associated with improvement of feeding and husbandry. The results of this work can be taken into account in the guidelines and strategies for the use of antibiotics development. The work also provides an in-depth overview of the use of antibiotics and related problems in dairy farming.
Loomaarstiõppe lõputöö
Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekaval
magistritööd, resistentsus, piimakari, loomakasvatus, antibiootikumid