3D prinditud ABS-detailide atsetooniga järeltöötlemise mõju nende pinnaviimistlusele ja täpsusele
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Eesti Maaülikool
FFF-tehnoloogiaga 3D prinditud detailide pinnad on karedad, kuna neid luuakse kihtide
kaupa ja kihtide vahele jääb süvis. Erinevate järeltöötlusviisidega, millest üks on
atsetoonjäretöötlus, on võimalik nende pinnakvaliteeti parandada. Käesoleva lõputöö
eesmärk on uurida atsetoonjäreltöötluse mõju 3D prinditud ABS detailide kvaliteedile.
Kvaliteet tähendab antud lõputöö raames madalat pinnakaredust ja välismõõtmete
muutumatust. Uurimiseks 3D prinditi 15 katsekeha, millega tehti 3 korduskatset 5 erineva
järeltöötlusajaga: 5, 15, 30, 45 ja 60 minutit. Katsekehasid järeltöödeldi selleks eraldi
valmistatud järeltöötluskambris. Järeltöötluskambri ehitamist oli alustatud eelmisel aastal
Egert Pedassaare lõpputöö raames. Olemasolevale järeltöötluskambrile tehti parendusi.
Uuriti atsetoonjäreltöötluse mõju 3D prinditud ABS detailide välismõõtmetele,
pinnakaredusele ja detailisusele. Katsekehasid mõõdeti enne ja pärast järeltöötlust ja
Võrreldi tekitatud muutusi katsekehades. Lõputöö käigus selgus, et konkreetse
järeltöötluskambriga kasutatud sätetel oli mõistlikum järeltöötlusaeg 15 kuni 20 minutit.
15 minutiga oli pinnakareduse näitaja Ra muutunud keskmiselt 7,4 μm algselt mõõdetud
pinnakaredusest, mis jäi vahemikku 8,8-10,3 μm olenevalt katsekehast. Pärast 15 minutit
järeltöötlust oli katsekehad omandanud läikiva välimuse. Pikemaajalisel järeltöötlusel
paranes muutus Ra väärtus kuni 9 μm, saavutades minimaalse väärtus 0,75 μm. 15 ja enam
minutisel järeltöötlusel hakkasid katsekehad deformeeruma. Katsekeha teravad nurgad
muutusid ümarateks ja tekkisid kujuhälbed. Juba 5 minutiline järeltöötlus parandab ABS
detailide pinnakvaliteeti, seejuures jättes välismõõtmed muutumatuks.
Parts 3D printed with FFF technology have a rough surface. This is due to the FFF process which makes peaks for the layer lines and valleys between them. This can be mitigated with post-processing. One type of chemical post-processing is acetone vapor polishing. The goal of this thesis is to study the effects on acetone vapor polishing on 3D printed ABS part quality. Part quality is defined as lowered surface roughness and minimal changes in part dimensions. In this thesis, fifteen parts were post-processed with five different post-processing lengths: 5, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. The parts were vapor polished in a purpose-built post-processing chamber. The construction of the chamber was started last year by Egert Pedassaar as part of his thesis. Before post-processing the apparatus was improved. To assess the effects of the post-processing on part quality, the author looked at part dimensions, surface roughness and part detail. Measurements were taken before vapor polishing and after, and the result compared. It was found that for this apparatus and with the chosen settings, the ideal post processing time was 15-20 minutes. With fifteen minutes surface roughness Ra had changed on average by 7.4μm from its original value of 8,8-10,3μm and the parts had a glossy finish. After fifteen minutes of post processing, the change in Ra increased to 9μm to a minimal value of 0,75μm but the parts started rapidly deforming. Most of the deformations were at the edges, which became round. Even brief five-minute post-processing yielded a decrease in the surface roughness.
Parts 3D printed with FFF technology have a rough surface. This is due to the FFF process which makes peaks for the layer lines and valleys between them. This can be mitigated with post-processing. One type of chemical post-processing is acetone vapor polishing. The goal of this thesis is to study the effects on acetone vapor polishing on 3D printed ABS part quality. Part quality is defined as lowered surface roughness and minimal changes in part dimensions. In this thesis, fifteen parts were post-processed with five different post-processing lengths: 5, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. The parts were vapor polished in a purpose-built post-processing chamber. The construction of the chamber was started last year by Egert Pedassaar as part of his thesis. Before post-processing the apparatus was improved. To assess the effects of the post-processing on part quality, the author looked at part dimensions, surface roughness and part detail. Measurements were taken before vapor polishing and after, and the result compared. It was found that for this apparatus and with the chosen settings, the ideal post processing time was 15-20 minutes. With fifteen minutes surface roughness Ra had changed on average by 7.4μm from its original value of 8,8-10,3μm and the parts had a glossy finish. After fifteen minutes of post processing, the change in Ra increased to 9μm to a minimal value of 0,75μm but the parts started rapidly deforming. Most of the deformations were at the edges, which became round. Even brief five-minute post-processing yielded a decrease in the surface roughness.
Rakenduskõrgharidusõppe lõputöö
Tehnotroonika õppekaval
lõputööd, masinaehitus, deformatsioonid, pinnakvaliteet, pinnakaredus