Rohevõrgustiku mõju kinnisvara väärtusele Tallinna näitel
Kättesaadav alates
Tuovinen, Laura Elina
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Eesti Maaülikool
Linnastumine ja kvaliteetne linnakeskkond on seotud rohevõrgustiku erinevate funktsioonidega. Magistritöös koostati ülevaade varasematest uuringutest, mis käsitlevad rohevõrgustiku mõju kinnisvara hinnale ning uuringutest, mida on Tallinna kinnisvara hinna kohta
varasemalt uuritud.
Statistiline analüüs rohevõrgustiku mõjust korterite hindadele tehti Tallinna näitel. Uurimistöö eesmärk oli selgitada, kas rohevõrgustik mõjutab kinnisvara väärtust ehk hinda.
Töös vaadeldi Tallinna linnas korteriomanditega 2013 ̶2023 aastal tehtud tehinguid
(kokku 92 389) ning loodi illustratiivseid jooniseid geograafilise infosüsteemi (GIS) tarkvara abil. Töös kasutati avalikult kättesaadavaid andmeid. Töö kasutati Maa-ameti geoportaali kaudu kättesaadavaid Eesti topograafia andmekogu (ETAK) andmeid ja Tallinna
linnalt saadud shp-formaadis olevaid administratiivseid piire. Lisaks kasutati töös Tallinna
Keskkonna- ja kommunaalametilt kättesaadavaid kaardikihte Tallinna haljas- ja rohealadest. Andmeid analüüsiti programmidega ArcGIS Pro ja MS Excel.
Varasemate uuringute analüüsile tuginedes saab järeldada, et rohevõrgustikul on positiivne mõju kinnisvara väärtusele. Tallinnas kõige kõrgema keskmise ruutmeetrihinnaga
korterid asuvad enamasti kesklinna linnaosas aga varieeruvust on palju ka teiste linnaosade ja asumite vahel. Lisaks mere äärsed alad omavad kõrgemaa ruutmeetrihinna.
Tallinna linnaosade pindalad ning linnaosade rohealade osakaal üldisest pindalast on väga
erinevad. Tulemustele tuginedes on näha, et rohealade osatähtsus on asumite vahel ebaühtlaselt jaotunud.
Nii korrelatsioon- kui ka regressioonanalüüsi tulemusena leiti, et mingi korrelatsioon on
olemas korterite keskmise ruutmeetrihinna ja rohealade vahel, aga avalikult kättesaadavate andmete põhjalt seda ei ole võimalik välja tuua.
Urbanization and high-quality urban environment are related to many functions of the green network. Master’s thesis contains an overview of previous studies dealing with the impact of the green network and how it affects price level of real estate in Tallinn. A statistical analysis of the impact of the green network on apartment prices was made using the example of Tallinn. The purpose of the research was to find out does the green network affects the value of real estate. The study was focused on apartment transactions in the city of Tallinn from the year 2013 to 2023 (a total sales of 92 389). Illustrative drawings were made with geographic information system (GIS) software. The work was rendered with publicly available data. Data from digital boundaries of Geoportal of the Estonian Land Board Acency and the map layers shp-formats from the city of Tallinn were used as source to build the analysis. Data were analyzed with ArcGIS Pro and MS Excel. Based on previous studies, the green network has a positive effect on the property value. Apartments with the high average price per square meter in Tallinn are usually located in the city center, but there is a lot of variation between other city districts and settlements. Areas by the sea also have a higher price per square meter. The size and green shares of the Tallinn's districts varies. Based on the results, it can be seen that the importance of green areas is unevenly distributed between settlements. As a result of the correlation and regression analysis, there is some correlation between the apartment average price per square meter and the green areas, but it’s not possible to point it out based on publicly available data.
Urbanization and high-quality urban environment are related to many functions of the green network. Master’s thesis contains an overview of previous studies dealing with the impact of the green network and how it affects price level of real estate in Tallinn. A statistical analysis of the impact of the green network on apartment prices was made using the example of Tallinn. The purpose of the research was to find out does the green network affects the value of real estate. The study was focused on apartment transactions in the city of Tallinn from the year 2013 to 2023 (a total sales of 92 389). Illustrative drawings were made with geographic information system (GIS) software. The work was rendered with publicly available data. Data from digital boundaries of Geoportal of the Estonian Land Board Acency and the map layers shp-formats from the city of Tallinn were used as source to build the analysis. Data were analyzed with ArcGIS Pro and MS Excel. Based on previous studies, the green network has a positive effect on the property value. Apartments with the high average price per square meter in Tallinn are usually located in the city center, but there is a lot of variation between other city districts and settlements. Areas by the sea also have a higher price per square meter. The size and green shares of the Tallinn's districts varies. Based on the results, it can be seen that the importance of green areas is unevenly distributed between settlements. As a result of the correlation and regression analysis, there is some correlation between the apartment average price per square meter and the green areas, but it’s not possible to point it out based on publicly available data.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, korteri hind, haljas- ja rohealad, korrelatsioonianalüüs, regressioonanalüüs