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Evaluation of the combining ability of CMS lines in crosses with samples of grain sorghum and Sudan grass




Kättesaadav alates

Ajakirja pealkiri

Ajakirja ISSN

Köite pealkiri



The versatility of use, species diversity, and high drought resistance have ensured the demand for sorghum among agricultural crops in the world. Currently, the most promising direction of breeding is the creation of F1 sorghum hybrids, which is based on the identification and selection of parental forms with high combining ability. In this paper, the combining ability analysis crosses of two hybridization schemes: grain×grain sorghum and grain sorghum×Sudan grass was carried out using topcross method. Gene action governing inheritance of a particular trait can be measured in terms of general and specific combining ability estimates, where general combining ability effects are mostly indicative of additive gene action (ms (GCA)/ms (SCA)>1)and specific combining ability effects - non-additive (ms (GCA)/ms (SCA)<1). Genes with an additive effect participate in the genetic control of breeding-valuable traits, which is proven byms(GCA)/ms (SCA) ratios changing within1.10-28.01 range. It is advisable to involve CMS-lines A3 Feterita 14, A2 KVV 114 and A2 O-1237 to create high-yielding hybrids of grain sorghum; highly productive sorghum-sudangrasshybridss - lines L-106, L-143 and Anastasiya, Kinelskaya 100, Elegiya variety samples; with a high share of grain in the total biomass – Allegoriya, Krasnodarskaya 75 and Zonalskaya 6 variety samples. CMS lines are distinguished by high and average CA values both in crosses with samples of grain sorghum and Sudan grass: by weight of 1,000 grains - A2 O-1237; by seed yield and weight of 1,000 grains - A2 KVV 114.


Received: April 2nd, 2021 ; Accepted: July 28th, 2021 ; Published: August 3rd, 2021 ; Correspondence:


sorghum, Sudan grass, CMS lines, CMS types, F1 hybrids, GCA effects, SCA dispersion, agronomic traits, articles

