Kommunikatsiooni tõhususe hindamine üleeuroopalise harrastusteaduse projekti “Euroopa otsib nurmenukke” põhjal
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Gibson, Kristiina
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Eesti Maaülikool
Huvi harrastusteaduse vastu on viimastel aastakümnetel kasvanud. Kommunikatsioonil
on harrastusteaduse projektides oluline osa, kuid teaduskommunikatsioonis on täna
teadaolevaid kitsaskohti. Vabaühenduste kogemust harrastusteaduse algatuste
elluviimisel ja kommunikatsioonitegevustes pole autorile teadaolevalt palju uuritud.
Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on välja selgitada harrastusteaduse projekti “Euroopa
otsib nurmenukke” kommunikatsiooni tõhusust mõjutavad tegurid vabaühenduste
seisukohast ja anda soovitusi kommunikatsiooni paremaks korraldamiseks sarnastes
Töö eesmärgi saavutamiseks viidi läbi viis individuaalintervjuud harrastusteaduse
kampaanias kaaskorraldajatena osalenud vabaühenduste esindajatega Eestist, Lätist,
Ühendkuningriigist, Bulgaariast ja Põhja-Makedooniast. Saadud kvalitatiivseid andmeid
võrreldi Siverini magistritöö (2022) raames kogutud andmetega nurmenukukampaanias
osalenud teadusasutuste kaaskorraldajatelt. Euroopas 2021. ja 2022. aastal kogutud
vaatluste arvust, kvaliteedist ja asupaikadest tehti kokkuvõte riikide kaupa.
Töös leitu kinnitab harrastusteaduse korralduse erinevust Euroopa piires.
Ühendkuningriigi näitel on kampaanias rakendatud oskuslikku väljakujunenud
botaaniliste vaatluste huviga kogukonda ja laekunud tulemused on hea kvaliteediga. Idaja Kagu-Euroopas on kasutusel erinevad piirkonnast sõltuvad meetodid, millega püütakse
kaasata laiemat avalikkust. Teadlaste oskused ja kogemus jääb harrastusteaduse
kommunikatsiooni korraldamisel puudulikuks, mistõttu on soovituslik ühendada
projektide elluviimine vabaühendustega. Eestis tuleks sarnastes projektides keskenduda
sihtrühmade ja koostööpartnerite süsteemsemale valikule ning osalejatele projekti sõnumi
ja ülesande lihtsustamisele, kasvatades seeläbi projektide usaldusväärsust. Edasi saaks
uurida andmete kvaliteeti parandavaid meetmeid ja võimalusi erinevate projektide põhjal.
Interest in citizen science has grown in recent decades. Communication plays an important part in citizen science projects, but there are known bottlenecks in science communication today. There has been little research into the experience of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of citizen science initiatives and communication activities. Consequently, this bachelor's thesis aims to find out the factors affecting the effectiveness of communication in the citizen science project "Looking for Cowslips" specifically concerning non-governmental organizations to give recommendations for better organization of communication in similar projects. In order to achieve the research goal, individual interviews were conducted with representatives of five non-governmental organizations from Estonia, Latvia, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria and North Macedonia who participated as co-organizers of the citizen science campaign. The obtained qualitative data were compared with the data collected as part of Siverin's master's thesis (2022) from the co-organizers of the academic institutions that participated in the Cowslip campaign. The number, quality and locations of observations collected in Europe in 2021 and 2022 were summarized by country. The findings of this thesis confirm the difference in the organization of citizen science within Europe. In the UK example, the campaign has engaged a skilled, established community of botanical observational interest and the results received are of good quality. In Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, independent methods are used in different regions that try to involve the wider public sector. The skills and experience of academic researchers are lacking in the organization of citizen science communication, therefore it is recommended to collaborate with non-governmental organizations. In Estonia, the focus should be on a more systematic selection of target groups and cooperation partners and on simplifying the message and task of the project, thus increasing the reliability of the projects. Further, measures and opportunities to improve data quality could be explored in the form of various projects.
Interest in citizen science has grown in recent decades. Communication plays an important part in citizen science projects, but there are known bottlenecks in science communication today. There has been little research into the experience of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of citizen science initiatives and communication activities. Consequently, this bachelor's thesis aims to find out the factors affecting the effectiveness of communication in the citizen science project "Looking for Cowslips" specifically concerning non-governmental organizations to give recommendations for better organization of communication in similar projects. In order to achieve the research goal, individual interviews were conducted with representatives of five non-governmental organizations from Estonia, Latvia, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria and North Macedonia who participated as co-organizers of the citizen science campaign. The obtained qualitative data were compared with the data collected as part of Siverin's master's thesis (2022) from the co-organizers of the academic institutions that participated in the Cowslip campaign. The number, quality and locations of observations collected in Europe in 2021 and 2022 were summarized by country. The findings of this thesis confirm the difference in the organization of citizen science within Europe. In the UK example, the campaign has engaged a skilled, established community of botanical observational interest and the results received are of good quality. In Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, independent methods are used in different regions that try to involve the wider public sector. The skills and experience of academic researchers are lacking in the organization of citizen science communication, therefore it is recommended to collaborate with non-governmental organizations. In Estonia, the focus should be on a more systematic selection of target groups and cooperation partners and on simplifying the message and task of the project, thus increasing the reliability of the projects. Further, measures and opportunities to improve data quality could be explored in the form of various projects.
Keskkonnakaitse õppekaval
bakalaureusetööd, harrastusteadus, teaduskommunikatsioon, vabaühenduste roll harrastusteaduses