Maakasutuse muutused Tartu inna ümbruses Haaslava, Tähtvere ja Ülenurme valla näitel, võrreldes aastaid 2005 ja 2016
Kättesaadav alates
Ritsoson, Oliver
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Eesti Maaülikool
Maakasutuse muutumine linnaäärsetel aladel on päevakohane teema maailmas, Euroopas
ja ka Eesti suuremate linnade lähialadel. Linnapiiri nihkumine, linlike tunnuste
ülekandumine varasematesse põllumajanduslikesse piirkondadesse, maaressurssi
ebaefektiivne kasutamine ja inimeste elama asumine linna lähialadele on teemad, millega
kaasnevad probleemid ja millega tuleb seetõttu tegeleda.
Magistritöö eesmärk on kirjeldada Eesti topograafia andmekogu andmete alusel
maakasutuse muutuseid Tartu linna ümbruses Haaslava, Tähtvere ja Ülenurme valla näitel
võrreldes aastaid 2005 ja 2016. Käesolevas magistritöös on uuritud Haaslava, Tähtvere ja
Ülenurme valdade maakasutust nende endistes, haldusreformile eelnenud piirides.
Magistritöös kasutatud andmed pärinevad Eesti topograafia andmekogust ning
Statistikaameti kodulehelt. Tabelid ja graafikud koostati MSO arvutusprogrammiga
Excel, Asukohakaardid loodi programmiga ArcGIS.
Magistritöös selgitati välja Haaslava, Tähtvere ja Ülenurme valdade kõlvikuline
jagunemine Eesti topograafia andmebaasi andmete alusel aastatel 2005 ja 2016. Lisaks on
uuritud, kas Tartu linna lähedus on avaldanud mõju maakasutuse muutustele ja kas teede
lähedus on avaldanud mõju maakasutuse muutumisel kõlvikuks õu. Selgus, et suur osa
maakasutuse muudatusi on toimunud Tartu linna läheduses ning muudatuste arv vähenes
linnapiirist kaugemal. Kõlvikuga õu tehti muudatusi enim teest kuni 100 meetri kaugusel.
Käesolevast magistritööst saab teavet endiste Haaslava, Tähtvere ja Ülenurme valla
maakasutuse ja selle muutuste kohta. See infot on vajalik maakasutuse planeerimisel ja
üldplaneeringu koostamisel. Töö tulemusi saab kasutada ka järgnevates maakasutust
käsitlevates uurimustes. Näiteks on võimalik käesolevaid andmeid võrrelda sama
territooriumi järgmiste perioodide andmetega või siis viia läbi sarnane uuring teistes
piirkondades ja võrrelda teiste piirkondade tulemusi käesoleva töö tulemustega.
Land use change in urban areas is a topical issue in the world, in Europe and in the proximity areas of the larger cities of Estonia as well. The displacement of the city border, the transfer of trace elements to former agricultural areas, the inefficient use of land resources, and the human settlement near in the city are issues that are subject to problems and therefore need to be dealt with. The purpose of the master thesis is to describe the changes in land use in the vicinity of Tartu, in the example of Haaslava, Tähtvere and Ülenurme municipalities in comparison with years 2005 and 2016. This master's thesis studies the land use of Haaslava, Tähtvere and Ülenurme rural municipalities in their former administrative borders before reform. The data used in the master's thesis comes from the Estonian topography database and the website of Statistics Estonia. Tables and charts were created, MSO compiled Excel, location maps were created with ArcGIS. The master thesis explains the land use of the Haaslava, Tähtvere and Ülenurme municipalities according to the data of the Estonian topography database in 2005 and 2016. It has also been investigated whether the proximity of Tartu has influenced land use change and whether the proximity of roads has had an impact on the development of land use into a suitable yard. It turned out that much of the land use change has taken place in the vicinity of Tartu, and the number of changes has fallen far beyond the city limits. The changes with "yard" were mostly made up to 100 meters from the road. This master thesis provides information on land use and changes in the former Haaslava, Tähtvere and Ülenurme municipalities This information is necessary for land use planning and preparation of the comprehensive plan. The results of the work can also be used in subsequent land use surveys. For example, it is possible to compare these data with data from subsequent periods in the same territory or to conduct a similar study in other regions and compare the results of other regions with the results of this work.
Land use change in urban areas is a topical issue in the world, in Europe and in the proximity areas of the larger cities of Estonia as well. The displacement of the city border, the transfer of trace elements to former agricultural areas, the inefficient use of land resources, and the human settlement near in the city are issues that are subject to problems and therefore need to be dealt with. The purpose of the master thesis is to describe the changes in land use in the vicinity of Tartu, in the example of Haaslava, Tähtvere and Ülenurme municipalities in comparison with years 2005 and 2016. This master's thesis studies the land use of Haaslava, Tähtvere and Ülenurme rural municipalities in their former administrative borders before reform. The data used in the master's thesis comes from the Estonian topography database and the website of Statistics Estonia. Tables and charts were created, MSO compiled Excel, location maps were created with ArcGIS. The master thesis explains the land use of the Haaslava, Tähtvere and Ülenurme municipalities according to the data of the Estonian topography database in 2005 and 2016. It has also been investigated whether the proximity of Tartu has influenced land use change and whether the proximity of roads has had an impact on the development of land use into a suitable yard. It turned out that much of the land use change has taken place in the vicinity of Tartu, and the number of changes has fallen far beyond the city limits. The changes with "yard" were mostly made up to 100 meters from the road. This master thesis provides information on land use and changes in the former Haaslava, Tähtvere and Ülenurme municipalities This information is necessary for land use planning and preparation of the comprehensive plan. The results of the work can also be used in subsequent land use surveys. For example, it is possible to compare these data with data from subsequent periods in the same territory or to conduct a similar study in other regions and compare the results of other regions with the results of this work.
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, valglinnastumine, maakasutus