Eesti RTK tugivõrkude areng
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Eesti Maaülikool
Käesolevas töös on vaadeldud uusi Eesti RTK tugivõrke. Uuritud on, mis võrgud on Eestis,
kuidas nad töötavad, mis seadmeid kasutavad. Samuti on kontrollitud nende täpsust
geodeetilistel II klassi punktidel. Eraldi on vadatatud Snip ja Ntrip Checker tarkvaraga,
mis satelliite on saadetud parandusvoogu erinevate RTK võrguteenuste pakkujate poolt.
Selgus, et kõikide tugivõrkude signaalides ei ole kõiki satelliite, mis muudab võimatuks
nende kasutamise ka mõõtja poolt. Erinevused on ka edastatud signaalides. Esimese osas
on toodud teoreetiline ülevaade GNSS signaalidest ja Eesti RTK tugivõrkudest, milleks on
VRSNow, Maa-amet, Hadent, Thek tehnika ja MyNet. Töö käigus selgus, et uutes
võrkudes nagu MyNet ja Thek tehnika, võib esineda ka juhuslikke mõõtmisvigu umbes 5
cm, mis võib olla põhjustatud ka sellest, et võrgud on veel seadistamise faasis. VRSNow
võrgus olulisi vigu ei leitud, Maa-ameti võrgus vaid ühel korral i-MAX meetodil, kui
tugijaam oli 30 km kaugusel. Selgus, et Thek tehnika ühendab kasutaja lähima
tugijaamaga, mis võib suurtel kaugustel tuua suuremaid vigu. Teised võrgud pakuvad
tänaseks kõik ka virtuaalse tugijaama loomist mõõtja lähedale. Olulisi vahesid on
tuvastatud ka tugijaamade kindlustamisel.
In this research, the new Estonian RTK support networks have been examined. It has been investigated what networks are in Estonia, how they work, what devices they use. Their accuracy has also been checked on geodetic II order points. The satellites sent to the correction stream by various RTK network service providers have been viewed separately with Snip and Ntrip Checker software. Tt turned out that not all satellites are present in all streams, which makes it impossible to use them even supported by RTK rover. There are also differences in the transmitted signals among providers. The first part provides a theoretical overview of GNSS signals and Estonian RTK networks, which are VRSNow, Maa-amet, Hadent, Thek tehnika and MyNet. During the work, it became clear that in new networks such as MyNet and Thek technology, there may also be random errors of about 5 cm, which may also be caused by the fact that the networks are still in the configuration phase. No significant errors were found in the VRSNow network, only once in the Land Board's network using the i-MAX method, when the base station was 30 km away. It turned out that Network RTK proovides by Thek Tehnika connects the user to the nearest base station. This may cause greater errors at large distances. Others networks today all offer the virtual base station principle this will be created near the rover. Significant differences have also been identified in the setting up principles of base stations.
In this research, the new Estonian RTK support networks have been examined. It has been investigated what networks are in Estonia, how they work, what devices they use. Their accuracy has also been checked on geodetic II order points. The satellites sent to the correction stream by various RTK network service providers have been viewed separately with Snip and Ntrip Checker software. Tt turned out that not all satellites are present in all streams, which makes it impossible to use them even supported by RTK rover. There are also differences in the transmitted signals among providers. The first part provides a theoretical overview of GNSS signals and Estonian RTK networks, which are VRSNow, Maa-amet, Hadent, Thek tehnika and MyNet. During the work, it became clear that in new networks such as MyNet and Thek technology, there may also be random errors of about 5 cm, which may also be caused by the fact that the networks are still in the configuration phase. No significant errors were found in the VRSNow network, only once in the Land Board's network using the i-MAX method, when the base station was 30 km away. It turned out that Network RTK proovides by Thek Tehnika connects the user to the nearest base station. This may cause greater errors at large distances. Others networks today all offer the virtual base station principle this will be created near the rover. Significant differences have also been identified in the setting up principles of base stations.
Geodeesia, kinnisvara- ja maakorralduse õppekaval
magistritööd, RTK, GNSS, sateliit süsteem, täpsus, tugijaam