Üleminek fossiilsetelt kütustelt puitkütustele - Elva linna keskküttevõrgu juhtumiuuring
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Antud bakalaureusetöös võeti eesmärgiks leida kaugküttevõrgus teostavate tööde mahtu,
tähtsust ning elanikkonnale avaldatava mõju kirjeldavad indikaatorid. Lisaks sellele
analüüsitakse energiatarbimise vähenemise efekti kaugküttevõrgus teostatud investeeringutele,
näitamaks süsteemi optimeerimise tähtsust asulates, kus kaugküttesoojuse
tarbijate lisandumine on ebatõenäoline. Selleks uuritakse väikelinna (Elva) näite põhjal
keskküttevõrgustikku, mille soojusenergiaga varustamine on fossiilsetelt kütustelt valdavas
osa üle viidud puiduenergeetikale.
Töö raames anti ülevaade kaugküttealastest regulatsioonides, määrustest ning suundumustest
nii Eestis kui Euroopa Liidus. Tuvastati andmete kogumise jaoks vajalikud algallikad ning
andmebaasid. Andmete põhjal leiti olukorra ning tulevikustsenaariumite analüüsiks vajalikud
arvutusvalemid ning –alused.
Kirjanduse analüüsi tulemustest selgus, et kaugküttevõrgu arengu planeerimisel peab lisaks
piirkonna hetkeolukorrale lähtuma paljudest regulatsioonidest ja määrustest, mis ei pruugi
otseselt seotud olla soojamajandusega. Seadused, määrused ning arengukavad, mis suunavad
inimesi energiasäästumeetmeid kasutusele võtma, mõjutavad nii kaugküttesoojuse tarbijat kui
Elva linn on üks väheseid omavalitsusi Eestis, kes on läbi ainuosaluse soojavõrku haldavas
aktsiaseltsis säilitanud kaugküttevõrgu omaniku rolli ning on tänu erinevatele
investeerimistegevustele suutnud lisaks katlamajadele ära renoveerida ka peaaegu kõik
kaugküttetrassid. Praegune olukord on võimalikuks saanud vaid läbi erinevate toetusmehhanismide
kasutamise, väljendudes asjaolus, et viimase kümnendi jooksul on
majandustegevuse käigus tehtud 2,26 miljoni euro suurusest koguinvesteeringust kaetud
omavahenditest vaid 1,3 miljonit eurot. Tulemusena on suudetud hoida kaugküttesoojuse
hinda tarbijale suhteliselt madalal, suurendades samal ajal teenuse kvaliteeti ning usaldusväärsust.
Elva linn saavutas renoveerimistega olukorra, kus tarbimise vähenemisel eeldatud
mahus jääb trassikadu 15% piiresse tootmismahust, mis on Konkurentsiameti hinnamudeli
järgi alates 2017. aastast maksimaalne lubatav trassikadu.
Tulevikustsenaariume luues ei ole võimalik hoiduda aastase energiavajaduse prognoosimisest.
Prognoose saab teostada köetava hoone sise- ja välistemperatuuride vahe ning
soojuskadude vahelist seost rakendades. Tarbimisandmeid töödeldes leitav küttekarakteristika
on üks sellise seose kirjeldaja, võimaldades lisaks olemasolevate tarbijate soojusenergia
vajaduse arvutamisele lisada kalkulatsioonidesse potentsiaalsete kaugküttevõrguga liitujate
tarbimismahud. Seeläbi on võimalik koostada vastava piirkonna jaoks vajaminevate
tootmisvõimsuste koormuskestvusgraafikud. Tulevikustsenaariumite lähteandmeid saab
leida, muutes kaugküttepiirkonna kui terviku tarbimis- ja tootmistegevustega seonduvaid
Töös analüüsiti nelja erinevat tulevikustsenaariumi, millest kolm sisaldasid koostootmisjaama
rajamist. Stsenaariumite keskmes oli vähenev soojusenergia tarbimismaht (28,4...29,6 %)
ning selle mõjud kaugküttevõrgus juba teostatud renoveerimistele ning uutele
investeerimisvõimalustele. Arvutustulemuste võrdlus näitab, et Elva linna kaugküttepiirkondi
on võimalik jätkusuutlikult ekspluateerida tavapärast äri- ja majandustegevust jätkates ka siis,
kui soojusenergia vajadus tänu hoonete energiatõhususe suurenemisele väheneb.
Koostootmisjaamade ehitamist ning kaugküttepiirkondade ühendamist piirab
alginvesteeringu mahukus ning suvise tarbimise puudumine.
Kõige teostatavamaks koostootmisjaama rajamise stsenaariumiks on IV stsenaarium, sest
selle jaoks vajalik algkapitali maht on vastavatest tulevikuperspektiividest madalaim. Antud
stsenaariumi puhul langeb toodangumaht 153632 MW·h-lt 10846 MW·h-ni samal ajal kui
elektrienergia tootmine väheneb baasaasta 2520 MW·h tasemelt 2025. aastaks 1795 MW·hni.
II ja III stsenaarium olid energia müügimahtude ning lisanduva hakkpuidu koguse
suhtarvu arvestades tulusamad, kuid antud stsenaariumite korral suurendab vajalikku
algkapitali soojatrasside ehitamise vajadus.
Tavapärase äri- ja majandustegevuse jätkumist soodustavad seni tehtud investeeringud,
madalad soojuskaod kaugküttetrassides, süsteemi paindlikkus energiatarbe vähenemise korral
ning tooraine hind. Vastavalt EL-i energeetikasuundumustele muutub koostootmisjaama
ehitamine nii energeetiliselt kui ka majanduslikult tasuvamaks ajaks, mil hetkel kasutusel
olevad katelseadmed täielikult amortiseeruvad.
Heat energy, its absence or overabundance, has always been an important topic in the Estonian energy situation. Since the price of fossil fuels is constantly rising, therefore raising the price of the energy they provide, energy efficiency and reasonable use of energy is increasingly becoming more popular. In a situation, where almost 60 % of the Estonian population uses district heating, a great attention must be put to the energy source used and the efficiency of the system. In the current thesis, the investments made into the district heating network of the town of Elva were analyzed in order to discover their effects to the consumers of heat energy. For that several national databases were used to find indicators for the influence and effectiveness of the results. Since European Union’s current policy requires member states to reduce the energy consumption of buildings while increasing energy efficiency of different appliances, devices and facilities, it is not reasonable to presume that the requirement of heat energy from district heating boiler plants will remain at the same level. In the light of the previous statement, four future scenarios were made for analyzing the long-term effects of energy efficiency measures in the fully renovated district heating network of Elva. In order to analyze the changes that might occur in the next years, load diagrams describing the calculated hourly consumption in the sections of the district heating network, were composed. The basis of the calculation was the measured consumption and production data of the network for the years 2008...2010. Heating characteristics were calculated based on the data. A 40 % reduction of heat energy requirement in housing sector and buildings owned by the public sector and a 10 % reduction in industry was assumed to have happened by the year 2025. The results of calculations showed that the losses in the distribution network that had dropped to 10,2 % after renovations will increase to 13,4 % after the assumed increase in energy efficiency. The possibilities of connecting the district heating networks of Elva, while constructing a combined heat and power plant were analyzed as well. Since economical calculations were not a part of this thesis, the results can be summarized as following: while co-producing electrical energy while heating households has its’ positive sides, there is an increasement of 10...20 % in woodchip consumption. Therefore, continuing „business as usual“ scenario is the most feasible. The most accomplishable scenario in terms of building a CHP plant was evaluated to be the scenario, in which the CHP would only be built to the Keskkatlamaja district heating network.
Heat energy, its absence or overabundance, has always been an important topic in the Estonian energy situation. Since the price of fossil fuels is constantly rising, therefore raising the price of the energy they provide, energy efficiency and reasonable use of energy is increasingly becoming more popular. In a situation, where almost 60 % of the Estonian population uses district heating, a great attention must be put to the energy source used and the efficiency of the system. In the current thesis, the investments made into the district heating network of the town of Elva were analyzed in order to discover their effects to the consumers of heat energy. For that several national databases were used to find indicators for the influence and effectiveness of the results. Since European Union’s current policy requires member states to reduce the energy consumption of buildings while increasing energy efficiency of different appliances, devices and facilities, it is not reasonable to presume that the requirement of heat energy from district heating boiler plants will remain at the same level. In the light of the previous statement, four future scenarios were made for analyzing the long-term effects of energy efficiency measures in the fully renovated district heating network of Elva. In order to analyze the changes that might occur in the next years, load diagrams describing the calculated hourly consumption in the sections of the district heating network, were composed. The basis of the calculation was the measured consumption and production data of the network for the years 2008...2010. Heating characteristics were calculated based on the data. A 40 % reduction of heat energy requirement in housing sector and buildings owned by the public sector and a 10 % reduction in industry was assumed to have happened by the year 2025. The results of calculations showed that the losses in the distribution network that had dropped to 10,2 % after renovations will increase to 13,4 % after the assumed increase in energy efficiency. The possibilities of connecting the district heating networks of Elva, while constructing a combined heat and power plant were analyzed as well. Since economical calculations were not a part of this thesis, the results can be summarized as following: while co-producing electrical energy while heating households has its’ positive sides, there is an increasement of 10...20 % in woodchip consumption. Therefore, continuing „business as usual“ scenario is the most feasible. The most accomplishable scenario in terms of building a CHP plant was evaluated to be the scenario, in which the CHP would only be built to the Keskkatlamaja district heating network.
keskküttevõrk, fossiilsed kütused, küttepuit, biokütused, bakalaureusetööd