Tellis- ja suurplokk korterelamute korterite renoveerimisjärgne sisekliima
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Lints, Sander
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Eesti Maaülikool
Vanade nõukogude-aegsete kortermajade renoveerimine on Eestis üha aktuaalsem teema,
kuna nende hoonete eluiga hakkab saavutama kriitilist piiri. Suurem osa hoonetes, mida uuriti,
oli kasutatud renoveerimisel SmartEnCity ja SA KredExi toetusmeetmeid. Sellest tulenevalt
tuli renoveerimisel rakendada ka toetuse andjate seatuid nõudeid hoonete. Varasemad
uuringud näitavad, et renoveerimisel keskendutakse rohkem välispiirete soojuspidavuse
tõstmisele, kui hea sisekliima tagamisele. Antud lõputöö eesmärk on teada saada, milline on
korterelamute sisekliima pärast renoveerimist. Selleks mõõdeti Tartu kesklinnas asuvate
tellis- ja suurplokk kortermajade renoveerimisjärgset sisekliimat. Töös kasutati Tartu Ülikooli
füüsika instituudi ilmajaama andmeid. Kahekümne kolmes korteris kaheksast majast tehti
sisekliima, piirete õhupidavuse ja ventilatsiooni õhuvoolu mõõtmisi. Leiti, et renoveeritud
korterites jääb keskmine õhutemperatuur talvel 21 kuni 25 °C vahele. Suhteline õhuniiskus
oli korterites keskmiselt 37,5%. Seega oli niiskuslisa väga madal ehk 90% kriitilisuse tasemel
oli kõikide korterite keskmine niiskuslisa 3,27 g/m3
. Süsihappegaasi sisaldus oli keskmiselt
693 ppm-i. Termografeerimisel suuri soojuslekkeid ei tuvastatud ja hallituse ning
kondenseerumise ohtu ei täheldatud. Sissepuhke õhuvoolu kiirus oli keskmiselt 0,30 l/(s ·
). Üldiselt olid elanikud renoveeritud kortermajas rahul stabiilse ja mugava siseõhu
temperatuuriga talvel. Siiski tundsid elanikud siseõhu kuivust. Edasi tuleks uurida, kuidas on
renoveerimine mõjutanud kortermajade korterite sisekliimat. Selleks tuleks tulemusi võrrelda
enne renoveerimist Eesti Maaülikoolis tehtud uurimusega.
Renovation of Soviet-era apartment buildings is an increasing topical issue in Estonia, as these buildings lifespan is beginning to reach a critical limit. Most of the buildings examined had been used for renovation with the support measures of SmartEnCity and SA KredEx, and consequently the requirements set by the supporters for the renovation of the buildings had to be applied. Previous studies show that renovation focuses more on improving the thermal insulation of external walls than on ensuring a good indoor climate. The aim of this thesis is to learn about the indoor climate of the renovated apartment buildings. For this purpose, the indoor climate of renovated brick and block apartment buildings in the center of Tartu was measured. The weather station data of the Institute of Physics of the University of Tartu have been used in the work. Twenty-three apartments in eight houses have been measured for indoor climate, airtightness, and ventilation air flow. It has been found that the average air temperature during winter in renovated apartments is between 21 and 25 °C. The relative humidity in the apartments was on average 37.5%. Thus, the moisture excess was also very low. At the 90% criticality level, the average moisture excess of all apartments was 3.27 g/m3. The average carbon dioxide amount was 693 ppm. No large heat leaks were detected during thermography and no risk of mold or condensation was observed. The average intake air flow rate was 0.30 l/(s · m2). Overall residents were satisfied with the stable and comfortable indoor temperature during winter in the renovated apartment building. However, the indoor air was claimed to be dry. It should be further investigated how the renovation has affected the indoor climate of apartment buildings. For this, the results should be compared with a study conducted before renovation at the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Renovation of Soviet-era apartment buildings is an increasing topical issue in Estonia, as these buildings lifespan is beginning to reach a critical limit. Most of the buildings examined had been used for renovation with the support measures of SmartEnCity and SA KredEx, and consequently the requirements set by the supporters for the renovation of the buildings had to be applied. Previous studies show that renovation focuses more on improving the thermal insulation of external walls than on ensuring a good indoor climate. The aim of this thesis is to learn about the indoor climate of the renovated apartment buildings. For this purpose, the indoor climate of renovated brick and block apartment buildings in the center of Tartu was measured. The weather station data of the Institute of Physics of the University of Tartu have been used in the work. Twenty-three apartments in eight houses have been measured for indoor climate, airtightness, and ventilation air flow. It has been found that the average air temperature during winter in renovated apartments is between 21 and 25 °C. The relative humidity in the apartments was on average 37.5%. Thus, the moisture excess was also very low. At the 90% criticality level, the average moisture excess of all apartments was 3.27 g/m3. The average carbon dioxide amount was 693 ppm. No large heat leaks were detected during thermography and no risk of mold or condensation was observed. The average intake air flow rate was 0.30 l/(s · m2). Overall residents were satisfied with the stable and comfortable indoor temperature during winter in the renovated apartment building. However, the indoor air was claimed to be dry. It should be further investigated how the renovation has affected the indoor climate of apartment buildings. For this, the results should be compared with a study conducted before renovation at the Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Maaehituse õppekaval
magistritööd, korterelamu, sisekliima, renoveerimine, küsitlus, õhutihedus