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The influence of agroecological and agrotechnological factors on the generative development of oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus var. oleifera Metzg.)




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Estonian University of Life Sciences


During the eight-year research period, we determined the peculiarities and regularities of morphological (length and diameter) and anatomical (stem thickness) features of oilseed radish pods considering their location within the generative part of plants for different types of spatial structure of the inflorescence generated in agrocenosises of different densities. We carried out the analysis and statistical grouping of morphological features of oil radish pod in the full range of possible technological options of pre-sowing construction of its agrocenosises, as well as within the selected three zones (tiers) of inflorescence by the nature of variation and variability of morphoparameters pod, namely, lower, middle and upper. We described in detail the stages of pod formation (microstages ВВСН 69-87) considering features of its linear and radial growth, peculiarities of formation of general internal anatomical structure with analysis of mathematical and statistical regularities of changes in these parameters in accordance as per order of its placement within an inflorescence (separately main axis and system of lateral branches). We determined the optimum technological intervals for the construction of oilseed radish agrocenosises, which ensure the combination of appropriate levels of morphometry formation of its fruit elements with the predicted level of reproductive effort and seed productivity. We made a general assessment of the peculiarities of formation of pod technological effectiveness in terms of ease of threshing and possible losses of seeds depending on the complex of factors under study.


Received: April 1st, 2022 ; Accepted: May 28th, 2022 ; Published: June 22nd, 2022 ; Correspondence:;


inflorescence, layering, morphological characteristics, Raphanus sativus var. oleifera Metzg., pod, variability, variation, articles

