Ülevaade reformimata maast Tartu maakonna valdades
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Eesti Maaülikool
Maareform on 2017. aastaks Eestis kestnud juba üle 26 aasta. Selle aja vältel on Eestis
katastrisse kantud 98,3% maad. Mõned maakonnad on sealjuures tulnud maa registrisse
kandmisega toime paremini kui mõni teised. 2017. a. andmetest lähtuvalt on kõige väiksem
maareformi protsent Tartu maakonnas, kus on katastrisse kantud 96,4% maakonna
Magistritöö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada, millised karakteristikud iseloomustavad
reformimata maaüksuseid Tartu maakonna valdades. Eesmärgi saavutamiseks on
analüüsitud Tartu maakonna valdades asuvaid reformimata maaüksusi. Analüüsitud on
näiteks reformimata maade kõlvikulist koosseisu, suurust, kaugusi riigimaanteedest ja
asulates. Töö koostamisel on kasutatud andmeid erinevatest allikatest. Magistritöö
teoreetilise osa koostamisel kasutati publikatsioone, ajalehe artikleid, maareformialaseid
raamatuid ning varasemaid uurimustöid. Töö empiirilise osa koostamise aluseks oli Maaameti
poolt Geomaatika osakonnale väljastatud katastriüksuste kiht seisuga 31.12.2016.
Käesoleva töös kasutati Geomaatika osakonna poolt töödeldud Tartumaa reformimata
maade kaardikihti seisuga 31.12.2016. Lisaks on kasutatud maakatastri maareformi
statistikat ja ETAK-i kõlvikute kaardikihi andmeid. Magistritöö empiirilises osas on
uuritud kokku 2997 Tartumaa reformimata maatükki.
Analüüsi tulemusena selgus, et enamik maaüksuseid on eraldi tükina erastamiseks liiga
väikesed; paljud maatükid paiknevad otse riigimaanteede ääres; uuritud maatükid
koosnevad tavaliselt mitmest kõlvikust; üheks võimaluseks selliseid maatükke reformida
on juurdeerastamine. Võib väita, et maareformi seis Tartumaal ei parane enne, kui ei
tegeleta reformimata maade karakteristikutest tulenevate probleemidega. Igal maatükil on
omad probleemid, mõni võib olla liiga väike, et seda eraldi maaüksusena erastada, teine
võib olla lihtsalt selline maatükk, mille osas huvi puudub. Probleemide lahendamiseks
peab riik tõsiselt pingutama, sest iga maatüki reformimisel tuleb tegeleda erinevate
inimeste ning ettevõtetega.
Käesolev magistritöö on oluline, sest sellega saadi uusi teadmisi Tartu maakonnas
asuvatest reformimata maadest. Maakonna tasandil ei ole autori andmetel sellist
uurimustööd varem tehtud, tehtud on uurimustöö valla tasemel. Selle magistritöö
tulemustest võiksid kõige enam kasu saada maareformiga tegelevad ametnikud Maaametis,
Tartumaa omavalitsuste maakorraldajad ning tulevased lõputööde kirjutajad.
By 2017, land reform has been taken place for 26 years. During this time period, 98,3% of the land has been registered in the cadastre. Some counties have registered more land than others. As of 2017 the worst percentage of cadastral land is registered in Tartu County. The aim of this paper is to find out what characteristics characterize unreformed lands in Tartu County parishes. To achieve this goal, unreformed lands were analyzed in every Tartu County parish. This paper analyzes unreformed land by land type, size, the distance from the state road and settlements. Data from various sources was used. Theoretical data was gathered from publications, books related to land reform, newspaper articles and earlier research papers. Empirical data (as of 31/12/2016) about unreformed lands in Tartu County was gathered from Estonian Land Board and prepared by the Estonian University of Life Sciences Geomatics department. Annual summaries of land reform and ETAK land type map layer data was also used. Master thesis empirical part examined a total of 2997 unreformed lands. The results of the analysis showed that most of the plots are too small for separate privatization; many land units are located directly along the national highway; studied plots had many land types; one option to reform such land is near privatization. It can be argued that the state of land reform in Tartu County will not prove until problems, that arise from the characteristics of unreformed lands, are addressed. Every plot has its problems, some are too small to privatize, some plots don’t interest anyone. To solve the problems, the state has to make serious efforts, because with each plot, comes new people and businesses to deal with. This thesis is important, because it creates new knowledge about unreformed lands in Tartu County parishes. This sort of research hasn’t been done on the county-level, earlier research has been done based on municipality data. The results of this thesis could be most beneficial to Estonian Land Board workers, Tartu County municipality surveyors and future thesis writers
By 2017, land reform has been taken place for 26 years. During this time period, 98,3% of the land has been registered in the cadastre. Some counties have registered more land than others. As of 2017 the worst percentage of cadastral land is registered in Tartu County. The aim of this paper is to find out what characteristics characterize unreformed lands in Tartu County parishes. To achieve this goal, unreformed lands were analyzed in every Tartu County parish. This paper analyzes unreformed land by land type, size, the distance from the state road and settlements. Data from various sources was used. Theoretical data was gathered from publications, books related to land reform, newspaper articles and earlier research papers. Empirical data (as of 31/12/2016) about unreformed lands in Tartu County was gathered from Estonian Land Board and prepared by the Estonian University of Life Sciences Geomatics department. Annual summaries of land reform and ETAK land type map layer data was also used. Master thesis empirical part examined a total of 2997 unreformed lands. The results of the analysis showed that most of the plots are too small for separate privatization; many land units are located directly along the national highway; studied plots had many land types; one option to reform such land is near privatization. It can be argued that the state of land reform in Tartu County will not prove until problems, that arise from the characteristics of unreformed lands, are addressed. Every plot has its problems, some are too small to privatize, some plots don’t interest anyone. To solve the problems, the state has to make serious efforts, because with each plot, comes new people and businesses to deal with. This thesis is important, because it creates new knowledge about unreformed lands in Tartu County parishes. This sort of research hasn’t been done on the county-level, earlier research has been done based on municipality data. The results of this thesis could be most beneficial to Estonian Land Board workers, Tartu County municipality surveyors and future thesis writers
Maakorralduse ja kinnisvara planeerimise õppekaval
magistritööd, maareformid, Tartu maakond, riigimaad, reformimata maad